Is this place legit Sup Forums?

Is this place legit Sup Forums?

It's a marketplace, think of it like craigslist. Some sellers are legit, some aren't.

pick reputable sellers and you'll be fine.

Is it true that some sellers, use stolen cards or is that a myth?

>buy a steam game
>seller still has key
>uses key to claim ownership of your account
I mean, the chances are still pretty low but I've heard of this happening to others.

I'm not entirely sure, but it may be

I guess theres always the risk that the keys could be cancelled if the owner of the stolen credit card does a charge-back, but I haven't had that happen with any of the keys I've bought off of G2A

Does Valve do anything to your account if they card holder did a charge back.

I don't know

Even devs says that pirating games is a better option than buying on G2A.

Probably removes game. Might restrict you if it's a continuous problem. G2a sellers typically sell keys tho, and those don't come from valve. So game disappearing is the worst outcome.

Bought ESO from them for some reason a while ago

Everything went aight

Ok this is fucked
I have bought a shitload off g2a
What the hell
And this never came to my mind

Never had problem with about 20 games and some dlcs, pay a buck or two for their shield service if you're paranoid.

I bought a key once and half a year later it got deactivated by the devs and removed from my library.

It's true a lot of the games are bought with stole cards. That's why they have the sheild protection

>developer opinions

If I want to get a game on the cheap, that's my prerogative.

Developers aren't my friends, and they aren't the ones who have to manage my finances.

It's safe as can be and single handedly killed my interest in Steam sales. I buy all my keys without the shield and haven't had a problem. Stop listening to the gaming """""journalists""""" and e-celeb cancer. Considering most sellers on there are reputable and have thousands of good reviews, odds of getting scammed are less than 1%.

if the steam key came from somewhere else, they'll just remove the key.

If the game was from steam and purchased by you, your account will get locked and banned. Valve do not continue doing business with anyone who does a charge-back.

they got such a bad rep because of retards using their credit cards and actually signing up for shield
then a few devs cried when people used stolen credit cards and chargeback, they had to null the keys
guess what a null key seller gets a pretty bad rep on that site, you buy from them you deserve it

Cdkey sites are a natual reaction to Valve hopping into bed with publishers and developers and allowing them to keep digital prices high even during "sales"

Valve thinks they're big enough that they don't need to have competetive pricing, and publishers want to move users to consoles and to their own digital store fronts

PS4 and Xbone AAA games drop down to like 30$ after 6 months, but they will remain 60$ on steam for years now.

G2A is safe guys trust me i'm not a shill at all.

having options is good for the customer, yet morons like will still complain despite his own image showing that the overwhelming majority were satisfied.

It fucks some dev up so more reason for you to use it.

Why not just pirate the fucking game, then? This is paying someone else to pirate, which is profoundly fucking stupid.

Just pick the seller with a fucking gazillion sales and you'll have absolutely nothing to do with that you fucking retard.

It probably is, but the guy with 500,000 keys sold isn't going to be one of them.