One day

One day.

thanks doc

I too want Yooka-Laylee on Switch.

Just use some paint or nail polish you retarded comsumerist. You really need to wait for nintendo to make a thanks doc edition so you have an excuse to waste more moneys?

Just what I needed doc

>encouraging people to steal from Nintendo

Thanks doc. Different from the normal dose but I'll take it.

wow such a quality post
i bet you're laughing in you're dark room while eating funyuns right? fat fuck
go fuck yourself


Danke Herr Doktor

nice evangelion reference xD

I just want to take this time to say that if you don't like fun onions then you need to kys

Also thanks doc

Oh great, Just what we need, Some Gamergator themed switch....

Go back to 8 chan with the rest of the pedophiles and woman bashers.

Grazzie, doctore

b-but funyuns are gross af user
stop being a baka



2/10. Lots of room for improvement.

Gracias, doctor JAJAJAJA XDDDD

Thanks doc

I honestly want that scheme for this reason. Anyone who keeps thinking "thanks doc" needs to realize that not everything in the world is a god damned meme.

I'd like a light gray Joycon with purple buttons so it looks like a Super Nintendo controller. I'd also settle for multicolored buttons so it's a Super Famicom.

oh i get it, because luigi and waluigi.

so it's like the players are archnemisis' and are battleing it out to see who's victorious

>vegetta is top
inverse the colors

I used to just like daily dose threads, now i love them because for some reason it's been triggering newfags more than ever.

Not bright enough

Thanks doc

thanks doc

but his two primary colors appear to be green and black?????