ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
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Thrall is the worst thing to happen to WoW.
He is the most Mary Sue type character I've ever seen and his dialogue is the cringiest shit ever.
Did someone say "did nothing wrong"?
Came here to say Garrosh did nothing wrong.
Posting this early.
This is what was abandoned because Metzen couldn't come up with an actual villain for MoP.
Cataclysm? Absolutely, he was probably the best Warchief managing to conquer a good chunk of Kalimdor and bring unity to the Horde as strong as the 1st/2nd war era days.
MoP? His character went out the window especially during SOO.
At least in Legion they correctly called out that Thrall cheated during the duel.
I'll still never understand why lore why the Horde is cool with having a 1. Undead and 2. Elf rule them.
A lot of people rag on Metzen but it turns out he wasn't really involved with WoW for quite a while. Problem with WoW that is still active is that all the old guard of the series left/retired leaving no consistent leadership. Recall end WoD where one dev stated there was more content post HFC but the week after stating that WoD was over. Look at the dev leaders in Legion and watch people drop like flies. Mark Kern mentioned a while back how bad of a burnout rate WoW has.
One of my favorite scenes in WoW. Another good one was the final quest in E. Plaguelands finding Tiron's son.
it would've been ridiculously easy, put garrosh in place of nazgrim who nobody wanted to fight anyway, redeem le corruption at the end of the fight, change the final boss to the sha of passive aggression or some other old god shit
>muh waifu
>muh revenge for the warchief
The Horde is a meme faction at this point, Garrosh was doing great until MoP came
If Garrosh hadn't been killed, we wouldn't be able to redeem grandpa Gul'dan when we go to Argus and find that was just demon enough to survive Illidan's dickery
>slaps you
Alliance leadership used to also be a joke. I'm really liking the Anduin/Genn dynamic right now.
As for Horde, I think a blue mentioned lorewise the only racial leader cool with Sylvanas as leader is Lor'Themar. I'm expecting her to die this expansion and have Bane rule.
I recall originally from one of the WoW books that Saurfang the Younger was the original intended replacement as Horde but y'know Wrathgate...
I'm genuinely butthurt that they turned Illidan from a anti-hero to an outright dindu where even the Naaru chide you for killing him. People W3 era loved him because he was VERY flawed. Now they made him literally with no flaws and the book noted he'll be the leader of the Army of Light.
>Sylvanas dies
>Shit who's gonna replace her
>Just make Bolvar horde lol
>the only racial leader cool with Sylvanas as leader is Lor'Themar.
What? He's the one who loathes her most in lore since she's constantly making threads about withdrawing forsaken support in areas like the ghostlands if he stops being her bitch.
He should have the MOST beef with Sylvanas, not the least.
is this the Sup Forums version?
I remember Deus from Asura's Wrath being on it
he lost to guts in their second duel
He raped Casca instead of Guts.
He was trying to demonstrate to Guts how he wanted him to fuck his tight boipucci but he never got the message
>YFW we'll get good ol'Casca back this year
Not a chance.
Guts deserves a fucking break but we both know that's probably not gonna happen
In all honesty, it'd be perhaps the biggest Chekov's gun waste if it doesn't happen. And if it does happen, Guts would officially no longer have a reason to live.