When will speedrunning be a recognized esport?
When will speedrunning be a recognized esport?
Other urls found in this thread:
hopefully never
is cosmo turning into a Hollow Undead?
Got a link to when that happened op
when will he fucking stop this childish behavior and grow up
didnt this faggot post pics of his asshole and shit
post it fgt
let's see how many posts we can go before the cuckold mods delete the thread
First live Twitch suicide soon?
Speedrunning is the most degenerate act that man has ever come up with
Im just hoping the suicide statistics about gender dysphoric faggots are true.
If you don't mind me asking what's your sex drive like.
WTF pls help this man
S I X T Y | T H R E E
I have not been on V in a while, is it really that bad?
>recognized esport
the last time i checked up on one of these it was just 30 minutes of him talking to people in the chat or about himself with the game idling
>tfw your life is shit
>at least you're not cosmo wright
feels pretty fucking nice I gotta say
its funny how every guy since 2009 all of a sudden wants to be a girl, like was something put in the water during the 90's?
What's "V"?
esports is a mockery of real sports
Its worse.
Sup Forums is basically "neogaf - the imageboard" now.
The board we're all on, as one people
>The board we're on
But that's Sup Forums. What's "V"?
anyone that watches speedrunning should be gassed without trial
maybe it'd be different if literally everyone that does it and everyone that's interested in it wasn't autistic as hell but that's a far cry
>tfw xenoestrogens and estrogen supplements turned Cosmo into a useless monstrosity
real sports are a mockery of warfare
Its just the new excuse for being retarded and unable to admit it, "oh man, im a useless piece of garbage and im going to die alone, there is something wrong with me! i know! im a woman trapped in a men body! surely if i look like a ugly bitch that will fix all my problems"
Dudes realized girls have it piss easy as streamers.
Now they all want to be girls so they can just get paid to play video games all day because they're not interesting enough as guys.
too bad people like real girls and not fucking trannys
But this is Sup Forums.
Where's his chin
that thing makes me so sad
I want the old Cosmo back
Not really. There are no rules in warfare
Basically. People try to look everywhere for excuses as to why they're not successful. Then they cut off their dicks and play pretend. When that doesn't work they blow their brains out
Are you autistic?
I know you understand what it meant.
Sup Forums has many names, many symbols to recognize its importance, but the symbol is just that, a name. The true meaning of this board is us. We have all come here to find ourselves in the form of a common people with a common goal. Thus, V is not a board, it is ourselves.
Gassing all autists would be better, starting with you.
You wanna go. I will shoulder throw you across the room
its related to depression being on the rise and people looking for answers
people see other people coming out and being happy and they place the desire within themselves and then chase it and hope it'll make them happy
and when it doesnt then they gotta face that theyre just fucked up mentally and they also have a barely functioning body now
and in cosmos case probably some kind of bone degenerative disease
Which is why it's a mockery of it.
that's exactly the point
Can someone give me the rundown about something happened recently and Cosmo was smoking weed on stream and crying
Did anyone save a video
Before the new Zelda came out he was always talking about how it would be his future and such. I remember him having solid views at the start but now it's like 100 max.
This. Someone posted it last year.
Someone post butthole pics.
>Are you autistic
No? I just want to know what this "V" thing is. It's not this board because this board is called Sup Forums.
I never thought of this, holy shit
>10 years
Name one youtuber/streamer/ANYONE stay relevant on the internet for that long
(Hard mode: No Chris-chan)
no you're still allowed to pretty openly shitpost without consequence
>you aren't Cosmo
>you aren't Chris-chan
>you aren't Anthony Burch
Read this
what the fuck is your goal because i gaurantee you its not mine
Women have far more "privilege" than any other demographic. It's basically easy street.
Red Letter Media
I thought this was a thread about an unhappy girl with very poor genes.
But that's a dude? Holy fuck I feel 10x worse.
No, it doesn't.
>> - where we are at now.
>> - 404 error. Fucking nothing there.
Try it yourself. You are literally wrong - Sup Forums is Sup Forums.
>So unoriginal that he has to use the same bait every time
>Hurrrr, what if I made a le epic thread where the image is the actual topic instead of the text.
Sad. Wish shitposters would put more effort into their garbage instead of trying to fit in.
>Sometimes you wonder if life has meaning
>Sometimes you are jealous of the better who have it better than you
>Then you go do the work or on the internet and see someone wrecked enough to be glad for the little things you have like not being him
I have it good even when mathemathically it doesn't look good.
Why do you want to see an autistic chinless tranies asshole?
I find it hilarious that Cosmo got shamed so badly in the Nintendo world tournament he cut off his dick
>Cosmo was smoking weed on stream and crying
So.... every stream?
Just watch how this thread doesn't go beyond 100 posts without getting deleted.
Fuck, thoughtless link fail. Just try entering Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums.
So you are autistic. Thanks for letting everyone know. The difference between V and Sup Forums is irrelevant, in the context of the sentence its clear what the dude is saying.
Yahtzee is technically not a youtuber but he's the only vidya sweary person (CUNT HAHA IM BRITISH) thats been going for 10 years.
No, Sup Forums has two names: Sup Forums and its full title Sup Forums - Videogames. I don't know what "V" is but it certainly isn't this board.
Not sure if you're trolling or genuinely retarded, but war and sports are two different things. One is a game with rules to abide by that is watched or played for entertainment. The other is isn't governed by rules and is life or death.
Why does twitch let him stay then
the face is busted but you KNOW the boipucci is Prime
AVGN is literally the only one I can think of
When you say Sup Forums in your head do you actually say "slash v slash"?
Time to check if the mods are on while also checking this 5.
Doesn't everyone?
because this is definitely vidya
fuck off
>guy's life hard
>saw too much transexual porn
>oh i know ! I'll just tone settings down like my favorite porn stars.
>change gender for easy life and free victim card
>turns into suicidal mutant needing hormones all his life
Advent of internet to normies did this, before your parents would just tell you to fuck off with retarded ideas and because there wasn't entire
internet of retards to support your bad decision you grew out of it.
>ctrl + F "chin chan"
>0 results
You are ALL underage
stop posting
man that jaw is just unfortunate in every way
Where'd his chin go? She was a bit too old to lose it from mouth breathing.
Who's that?
And why 63 is emphasized? Is it small or big for him(her?)?
Lol, just lol.
He's not as relevant as he was before but he still certainly has some popularity
He needs a lot more than a chin to be attractive. A nose that doesn't double as an airstrip first of all.
>people on Sup Forums constantly talk about how they want to be the little girl
>endlessly shittalk the only ones who have the balls to go through with it