Why is Mipha so perfect?
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>muh goldfish died
>not dying your zora armor crimson
>not wearing the zora armor at hudson's wedding
I thought she was going to be the best waifu before release but when you play, you learn about how fucking undeveloped her, and the rest of the champions, are. She is nothing more than the stereotypical coy healer and thats all they wrote for her. Even Zelda had more development that her.
She was a huge disappointment to say the least.
I kept it blue because it was the color she made it in. Link with the Zora leggings plus the Gerudo Voe top and the Gerudo female headpiece makes for great sexy Link
did you not explore and talk to anybody or what
I will now list all of the best things about Mipha.
1. She's dead.
>Dying the armor and ruining her hard work
one more word and I'm dying it yellow
Reminder that Miphafags are literally dolphin fuckers
>people only like her because of the romantic scene
>lonely Sup Forumsirgins self inserted themselves as Link.
>Its like Mipha was talking to me all along.
WTF I love Mipha now
Maybe Kassfags aren't so bad after all
I have spoken to every NPC there is to talk to in Zora's Domain, read all the Zora history, and done all the sidequests there. I didn't say they had nothing there to develop her, but that they hardly gave her enough development. Outside what I said and the cutscenes, thats all there is. BOTW's story in general is lacking but then again, I prefer gameplay over story anyday.
>I didn't say blah blah blah
that's exactly what you did, dumbass
>Mipha actually thought she could get alone time with Link
Not much on the brains, those Zora
>known you since childhood
>handmade her engagement ring- er, armor for you
>continues to heal and protect you even in death
>her brother and dad both like you, would totally have been cool with you joining the family
>killed by Ganon
>spent 100 years trapped in Van Ruta
>can't be with the man she loves
>can't see her brother and dad again
Hylia can't keep getting away with this!
>believing everything you read on the internet
>with literally 0 proof or evidence to back his story up
>on Sup Forums of all places
You're only embarrassing yourself desu.
All these Zeldafags and Miphafags but where's the love for best girl?
At least you lot have better taste than the Purah shitters. Not just worst girl in this game but worst character in the series desu.
good grief...
DLC will fix this. At the end of the game, Zelda tells Link that Vah Ruta is fucked up and they need to look at it. They also talk about talking to King Dorephan. Mipha also wants to see her family again and spend time with Link. Mipha's Grace brings back dead people.
It's all but confirmed we're going to see Mipha-centric DLC given her history with Link. I mean Mipha and Link are heavily implied to have been a couple up to the point where she died
Miphafags, everyone. Not sure why I expected to have a discussion in a waifu thread. Here's a smug anime girl, have a good day.
Mipha may have had some depth if she did realize Zelda loved Link, but that's only barely implied by the cutscenes.
Urbosa is pretty great. to be sure
>zora armor is the equivalent of an engagement ring
>she was probably going to propose to him right after the CG fight
Do you think that Link would have said yes?
I clicked on this thread since I wanted to talk about the game. You thinking I'm some kind of waifu fucknut is so hilariously off
I don't think Link would have said anything.
Wishful thinking, if there's any DLC related to Mipha it's just going to have her say goodbye to the King
>Whoops, Urbosa, Mipha, and every other girl in Hyrule is dead. Guess you'll have to impregnate me, Link.
Can't complain
He might has said hai ya, but most likely have said ooof
What's wrong with dolphins?
Riju and the other Gerudo women are still alive, and clearly want Link's dick.
There's also the Sheikah women, if you're into lolibaba or permanent spaghetti.
bet you also voted Trump
>let's investigate the situaAYYYtion
this is the moment the royal bloodline ended
>i was in that thread
i was more surprised that he didnt get his dick ripped off than anything
fuck no
Link can't say no to this face, silly voice or not.
I would fuck Mipha.
I would fuck Kass.
I would fuck Zelda.
I would fuck Urbosa
I would fuck Paya
I would fuck Revali/Teba/Saki
Am I the only one who's not picky here?
>I would fuck Revali/Teba/Saki
shit taste desu
I would fuck the entire hip window bird village.
Because she's dead. Stupid smelly tuna fish.
Fictional dolphin fucking copypasta or no, Dolphins are extremely intelligent and are known to have sex for fun. And to have sex with humans. Sometimes without human consent.
>Dolphin rape caves
>mfw another fucking Zora thinks she can thwart the Goddess
When will they learn?
>Dolphin rape
I've read about this. They actually seriously injure people because their dicks are so big.
tuna smells NICE and is TASTY...!
Bring back the three goddesses. Hylia sucks.
Usually it's more the whole "humans can't fucking breathe underwater" that causes injuries.
I just want to fuck Midna, everyone else can fuck off.
I will forever hate Skyward Sword for shitting up the series even more with muh reincarnation. I can tolerate destiny somewhat but reincarnation is always shit.
Demise himself is shithouse but I sort of like the whole perpetual reincarnation trap. I just hope there's some sort of eventual conclusion.
Demise was alright; I just wish the evil counterpart to Hylia had a more difficult boss fight.
She's a fucking imp.
What's your point?
At least Miphafags have better taste than the same fucking bland ass Zelda shit we get
She's not. She clips through her own body.
My biggest issue with Demise is that he neuters Ganon's agency. OoT was the big origin story for him but then SS takes it way back and says "nah".
Is 'master sword beam up' any good?
I'm debating whether or not I want to farm dragons for the next few hours.
>Is 'master sword beam up' any good?
Doesn't change a thing. I'm honestly waiting til this open-source save editor I fuck around with to be worked on to the point that you can swap piece/set bonuses on armors.
It's a novelty. Do you want *slightly* more beam damage or pants?
3D Zelda's will never have a difficult final boss.
I think Majora is a decent challenge... as long as you don't use Fierce Deity.
>Wanting pants
Spot the queer.
That's too bad. Guess I'll stick with my ancient set then since it's already upgraded.
It does 15 damage instead of 10 (don't know about the powered up numbers though)
I tend to opt for the beam upgrade but okay friend
Love the way the ancient armor looks. Makes Link look like an automaton made in the image of the hero. Fighting Calamity Ganon with the full set on completely changes the aesthetic.
Really was a missed opportunity to not give the Wild and amiibo sets some fun bonuses. Like give the Wind Waker set a glider enhancement or something, but no they're all stuck with the shitty beam up.
I'm getting a little tired of seeing all these great girls but NOOO, Zelda is the princess of destiny. The probability of Link hooking up with Zelda is about as likely as an XCOM alien critting you in the face with a 30% to hit. Give me another Link says fuck that noise. Or hell, even break the cycle SS Zelda started. Sure, save Hyrule and sometimes bear the Triforce of Courage, but don't almost always shack up with Zelda.
>I tend to opt for the beam upgrade
That's what I thought.
Link never got with OoT Zelda
yeah keep your fish
Sav’orq my dude
how I see it after demise is that at first it's all demise seducing everyone with power (vaati) and then comes ganondorf and the fucker takes the power, takes control over demis, absorbs whatever the fuck he was using to take over by using the triforce of power and just takes the destiny demise forged for himself into his own hands.
that explains basically why demise doesn't appear again and it's always ganon/ganondorf. because ganon was too much for demise.
>goron guy gets to see his kid
>nobody else does
nintendo pls
Haven't gotten to Hyrule Castle yet. Is it a worthy final dungeon?
Link rarely shacks up with Zelda. I don't know who started this meme but I can give you a laundry list of Links that didn't end up with Zelda. Hint: it's most Links int he series.
b-but my fanart
mipha is ugly
her body is ugly
TP Zelda barely even knows about Link.
If you haven't been there yet you'll probably at least like it.
Avoid climbing and waterfalls if you can.
Even though the Zora kind of hated Link, the king and prince made it seem like you were family. I feel like if I was Link, I'd be more at home in the Zora Domain, marrying into that family.
Yeah I intend to just go straight through the front door. No climbing or sneaking around once I get to that place.
well he's the only one that has a kid
>sidon: brother
>riju: don't think urbosa was royalty?
>revali: just some asshole
ravioli doesn't deserve to watch his family even if he had one.
I'd say there was a fair chance.
After all, we have that dialogue from the other female Zora saying that Link once chose Mipha over her.
Mipha a shit. There, I said it
Revali and all the Rito were so underdeveloped.
You hear so much about the other champions, but Revali just got some wood plank named after him and nobody in town seems to talk about him at all.
Well EXCUUUUSE me, Princess
revali a shit
this part made me cry ;-;
Haven't played the game but I can confirm that Mipha a best.
I was upset at first, but it was hard to be that mad when Revali's ability and bow are so good and that Hebra was so well-designed. Place just deserved some actual music.
She's inferior to Ruto in every single way
She is ugly and you have bad taste.
Ruto has a freaky head and Link obviously does not like her