Have you ever bought something because it was advertised in a game you liked?

Have you ever bought something because it was advertised in a game you liked?

I likw Nissin more than ffxv 2 bee hornet

Aggressive market placement makes me less likely to buy any given product.

But it's not like corporations will ever stop listening to the absolute fuckwads that run their marketing depts.


Calorie Mate

yep. and subtle "oh you only see it for just a split second we're trying to subversively get you to buy our product" nonsense (see: ghost in the shell) makes me even less likely to buy your shit


Cup noodle gives my the runs. My body wants it out of me asap. I tried it because it was in the game. worse 32 cents ever spent

>having real world companies is advertisement
I don't get this. You want the GTA style parodies or all new made-up corps and co.s just to flesh out the game world that's based on our actual earth? Not unless it's funny, imo.

That's why I eat cup noodles.
IBS is hell, and I can't shit without a laxative of some sort.

I bought a Marlin 1895 since I fucking loved the brush gun in New Vegas. Don't regret it at all.

no, but i know it exists now

i'd say most of the made up hologram style ads in the movie were made up; the ones I recognised stood out because those "ads" should only be there to serve a visual (hey look we're in the future) purpose

I was playing pikmin 2 years ago when I found a container of Skippys peanut butter in game. I was just blown away as I remembered seeing It at the grocery stores.

Went to Walmart the following day with my mom and tossed a jar of it in the cart. Stuff was good on toast.

So remind me when they lingered on an ad placement with no actors in frame or made the logo take up 1/4 of the screen because I'm not remembering a single instance where it seemed out of place.

I bought a can of sardines the day after I platinumed Disgaea 4.

fuck off doggo

I went to big bang burger after playing persona 5.

When I was in Junior High, I had a pair of these babies.
I remember eating shit during P.E. trying to impress my friends.

>Product placement has a higher fidelity than main characters.

Wew lad.

dude subway though

Not going to lie I didn't notice one real life brand in that movie, it was still shit tho

What was that really infamous coca cola one where they didn't bother to look what the actual movie was and the director intentionally put the scene of the characters drinking coca cola after something really fucked up like a really brutal murder scene? I want more product placement like that.

nissin noodles were always good. Maruchan became instant shit after I tasted nissin