Persona 5 thread

>favorite character
>favorite boss fight
>favorite dungeon

Other urls found in this thread:

>Makoto or Yusuke
> Akechi or Futaba's

>Japanese Senator Armstrong

who /riversinthedesert/ here

>favorite character
Yusuke or Futaba, tough choice there.
>favorite boss fight
Akechi maybe Shido if things play out the way I think they will.
>favorite dungeon
Either the Casino(that music is delicious) or Futaba's

>Shadow Sae
>Futaba Pyramid

Public prosecutor

>Makoto or Yusuke
>Sae or Akechi
>Casino or Kamoshida


>Probably Madarame's, his was still early enough in the game that there weren't any new gimmicks that were only introduced for the sake of making the dungeon take longer


Final boss

Probably the bank

Now I'm on NG+ and wondering whether to romance Tae or Ohya.


>Space Station

>Shido or Yaldabaoth for some reason
>Last part of mementos

what's with Ryuji's stance

what do you mean? he has sexy ankles, that's all that matters

One of his legs is fucked and he's taking pressure off of it, remember?

>Yusuke takes you for a boat ride known for couples
>has you keep the boat steady while he draws a nearby pair
>starts going on about how beautiful love is before yelling at them to stay still
>they're brother and sister
>they think you and Yusuke are gay
I wish I had a friend as adventurously autistic as Yusuke.


am i correct in assuming that there's a massive timeskip later in the school year like persona 4?


Pyramid's boss

Yeah, December 24th is the last day, then it skips to the end.

Easily best Dungeon theme

Futaba's comes in as a close second though.

Nah you're okay, they force you to wait until the end of the time limit once or twice but you never skip ahead for doing something early.

>that feel when I didn't get my capture card until the meme cutoff date that Atlus specified to not go past

at least I've gotten a lot of use out of it so far, I'm almost at 1k screenshots

Shadow Sae

ahh that sucks, i guess they do need room for the inevitable enhanced release

Fucking Kamoshida breaking best bros leg. It hurts.

they explained what happened from Christmas til Valentine's though, so the only month that has nothing happen in it is March

People say its the worst final boss theme but I fucking loved this piece.

I guess, but this time, the timeskip is part of the plot. I don't know how they'd change that in a re-release without changing lots of stuff.

Its not bad, but it's no Battle for Everyone's Souls

I wish March was playable, but I don't know how it would work. You wouldn't be able to do any confidants, since Mementos is gone, so you couldn't help them out with their problems.

>tfw sunset bridge starts playing when you max a confidant

it's not as good as Rivers In The Desert though

just like how The Almighty wasn't as good as New World Fool

Yeah, agreed.

>get to spend time with the people you maxed out
>more dates with your waifu
>if you were a filthy good for nothing manwhore then the girls you cheated on aren't around to interact with in that timeframe

not that hard

>No school clubs

>Only a handful of wacky teenage adventures with your friends

>No hot springs mishaps or going to Inaba for a school exchange trip like in P4.

The social stuff was a bit lackluster this time around.

>assumed Tae would be a slutty punk edgelord
>turned out to be a 10/10 gender flipped Josef Mengele
>mfw being a good little guinea pig

best party character: Yusuke
best combat character: Haru
best non-party character: Chihaya
best waifu: Chihaya
best dungeon: Casino
best boss : Shido

>school clubs

Is Haru really that good?

I don't see a point keeping Psy/Nuke in your Party unless you spam ailments to buff their damage.

Hell the only reason I have Makoto is cause she's a good hybrid.

You're playing her wrong
It's all about her Gun

Haru with Cripple, Snipe, and One Shot Kill is fucking disgusting

>Is Haru really that good?

>Heat Riser
>Tetrakarn and Makrakarn


>No hot springs mishaps or going to Inaba for a school exchange trip like in P4.

That class trip was the absofuckinglutely worst thing about Persona 4. If anything, you should praise 5 for not sinking to that level.

Yusuke. Haru or Hifumi for the waifu pick I can't decide.

Seriously? That's a telegraphing-a-death tier movepool. And somehow she lives to the end...

that and 5 is set 5 years after the events of 4, so who would even still be around to see, Dojima?

Goro's is more of that.
Debilitate is fucking good.

>Prime minster armstrong
Favorite theme is easily rivers in the desert

>favorite character
Mah waifu Futaba
>favorite boss fight
Yaldabaoth, dat music + his voice are perfect
>favorite dungeon
Space Burger Land

I'm gonna have a tough time trying to decide on who to go for on NG+. I went sensei the first time through an loved it but I'm stuck between Makoto and Futaba now and don't know what to do.

I think you might be the only person on the planet to like that palace.

I want to impregnate that smug cake

Haru also has the gun skills that increase crit and increase damage.

Shit I might go Doctor too, fuck!

good thing that place isn't on the planet then, lel.

Wait, he gets debilitate? At what level?

I wish they were more clear about how old she's supposed to be

I've always been under the impression that she's around Kawakami's age (26) but I don't know at what age most Japanese people usually get their doctorates and start practicing. She doesn't look like she'd be in her 30s

When the fuck can I finally start hangin out with Haru?
After I start the Ship Palace?


IIRC it's pretty late.
He'll probably leave before you get it.

Joker had it rough

After you finish it, and he has his change of heart
Yeah, I never got it on him, and I wasn't under leveled or anything.

Can't go wrong with Futaba. I've played dozens of waifu bait games over the years and this stinky NEET still managed to make me feel something (especially if you use her amazing JP VA)

where's 3's

Anyone know any good channels doing lets play of this game?
I dont have a ps4 but I'd still like to enjoy it.

The beginning of November.
You need 5 Proficiency.

As if he didn't like it.

I dunno, some dude just sent it to me.

>some of the girls actually have cutie VAs in real life like Makoto and Haru
>look up Futaba's

man that was not what I was expecting

The keycard shit in the beginning made it a fucking drag.

3 is bland and boring. nothing to talk about

Go buy a PS3/4, then. Don't ruin a game this good by watching a lets play

>Makoto and Yusuke

Pyramid or bank


Just started playing and try merciless run on my first playthrough. Why the fuck do you get shit exp each battle. Does the real difficulty of merciless come from seeing how long you can grind without getting bored. It's not hard just really fucking annoying. Does second playthrough allows you to increase the amount of exp and money you get while on the hardest difficulty like in Persona 4 Golden?

>Yaldabaoth for gameplay, Akechi for feeling

>favorite character
Makoto is best grill. Yusuke is best boy. The only characters I didnt really like in this game were devilgirl and towerboy.
>favorite boss fight
Shido is the best bossfight with Yabadabado coming it at second
>favorite dungeon
Futaba's tomb is the best dungeon overall. Others may outshine it in terms of boss fights (Shido) and music (Sae) but they have annoying gimmicks that drag them down. Futaba is just before the puzzles start to get annoying. Plus pyramids are sick.

>fav character
>best boss
Shido maybe, haven't fought Final boss
>best Dungeon
The Ship, because it's also the only remotely challenging dungeon in the game. The GoroGauntlet was a nice touch, too.

Holy shit, I did the entire Ship in one day, and by the time I beat the cleaner, everyone had like 10 sp left. I figured it was over until I sent the calling card, so I just started to leave. Having to fight a double boss fight totally unprepared was hell

You're a better man than me. I had to do it in multiple go's on normal because shit like King Frost would party wipe me if I didn't give it my all. Probably would have been easier if I did fusion quests now that I think about it, because now I just bought Satan.

Nigga. All you have to do is drop just one of those Somas you're never going to use anyway.

Nah, man. Too good to use syndrome is too strong. I saved them all for the final bosses.

You saved them for the last bosses only to use at most one of them, didn't you?

I want an slink with Lala in the enhanced version damn it. Fuck that devil bitch I want to hang out with the wise tranny.

yes no regrets

I sold the DLC Soma and kept the other ones for the final boss, didnt use them... I had lots of curry and vegetables


If best girl wasn't empress, Lala should have been the empress confidant. Lala for Aeon in the rerelease!

You can't use those mid battle tho, and that gluttony debuff is hell on your SP

I used zero and only really needed 15 coffees or so for the last boss.

Why this make such a good background?

Could you post it without the taskbar pls


you'd better go to bed, now.