He still plays Overwatch

>he still plays Overwatch

>he never played Overwatch to begin with

She's got great tits and a nice ass, but that's about it.

Do you have an rss feed for nigri pics like how barneyfag has one for pone pics?

She takes good care of her body.

>He still posts off topic pictures with vidya related text

>he still bumps off topic threads with pointless bullshit

I could fuck Jessica Nigri.
Nothing more just a fuck

sage still works

I thought this bitch was getting old, but she's like 25 or something. All that make up is destroying her. She looks 10 years older

post more of this slut. I'd like to see nudes if they exist.

I am about to turn 30 and she looks over a decade older than me.


Is she a smoker too?

>he still plays game I don't like


Nice meme.

Some people just look older. I looked like I was in my mid-late 20s when I was 18. I'm 28 now and look like an old geezer. I exercise and eat well. It's all down to genetics.

>be 10

>play garry's mod

>be 20
>play garry's mod

What went wrong?

This is a modern 13 year old

Anime is becoming real

If those tits were real, I could look past the male pattern baldness. I think Linetrap/Bailey Jay has more hair than JNig

Something about exploring empty maps and testing random weapons and killing npcs is just soothing.

Also TTT is fun as fuck.

Every time i reinstall Overwatch to give it another go i regret it after a few days and uninstall again

I've had girl in my class that had bigger tits than this when she was 13...granted she was a bit fatter

Would suck the milk out of them and paizuri.

Wouldn't actually fuck Nigri though.

Link me her patreon. She just got a new backer.

Post more nigriss please

Than I*



This but with CSGO

Oh sweet Jesus MY DICK

I heard that Nigri browses Sup Forums.

>She is so fake from top to botton that her hair literally started falling out so now she's wearing a wig and 10KG or make up

She can browse my dick anytimw
go whine over there

You have to go back.

Actually, I will fap to this.

do the cgl people really get this triggered over a hot girl?

Yes, they fucking hat Nigri because reasons if they're not hating on her or other cosplayers they're busy complaining about their disgusting smelly cunts

From what i know, they hate her 'cause she's the most famous cosplayer or some shit, like everyone feels forced to be contrarian over here.

My Moms 51 and doesn't look like this fucking leather bag.

Let's turn this into a good Sup Forums cosplay thread, but feel free to post Nigri and more good tits.

>playing ovarywatch
>no ovaries in sight

bad game design -10/10

I definitely want to use that doll

ew, gross, i definitely wouldn't fuck her


>what, you thought I meant by YOU?
>no way I only let girls grab MY boobs, boys are disgusting and have cooties :^)

I'd do her twice in your stead, then.

makeup abuse destroyed the dumb bitch. also that hairline

>nigri keeps self posting

That aint no 13 year old, nigga.

They did pretty well on her boob job.

Would still fuck, cum inside, and then play whatever casual game she likes after.


>She's turning older than I am
For whatever reason, the am is implied so it's proper to say "than I" in your case.



>someone actually took the time to photoshop make up OFF of her face just to shitpost


I dunno, if someone posts one maybe we'll find out



youre not the boss of me

where is this from

Whatever happened to Yaya Han?

could u plz post more