>expansion you started during
>favorite expansion
>favorite raid
>last expansion you played
>expansion you started during
>favorite expansion
>favorite raid
>last expansion you played
>Legion (briefly, got through first raid then quit)
I've actually been thinking about jumping back on, but the artifact weapon system and randomized stats of loot (and legendaries) turns me off. I'll probably wait and see what the next xpac has to offer. It really is a shame, though... I played non-stop from Wrath up through the first part of Legion, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it sometimes. I wish there was another MMO that compared, but there really isn't.
>Open Beta
Game just repeatedly got too casualized and made trying to achieve anything unsatisfactory.
Legion for about a month
>giving a fuck about wow in 2017
I shiggy diggy
Either Hyjal, Black Temple, or Ulduar
Moving on though, can't deal with time gates anymore.
I'm hype for Tomb.
>unironically thinking any time of WoW wasn't shit
>strict PvPfag
>onset of TBC
>WoD - motherfuckers stopped caring about when Cata dropped and I really opened my eyes during the down low, that was Warlords. Decided Blizz cant into better development and cancelled.
>trying to use 2010 Sup Forums memes to try and fit in
Found the newfag
>Started when?
>Favorite Expansion
WotLK. It's the only time where I really really enjoyed the guild I was rolling with so I'm a bit biased. Every other guild I've ever been in has either been fun, but everyone sucked, or had great players, but they were all assholes who drained the fun out of running raids. The only time I was in a guild with the best of both worlds was in WotLK. I also really liked Ulduar and ICC as raids. It was also the first and arguably only expansion that truly felt like a continuation of Warcraft 3.
>Favorite Raid
Karazhan. Back when I played in vanilla I was a shit ass retarded player and never got to do fun shit outside of MC and BWL because I was awful and in an awful guild. Karazhan was the first raid where I not only felt useful, but actually was and was having fun with it. The whole place is thematic as fuck too and was a lot of fun to run all the way till the end of TBC.
>Last Expansion played
Legion. I always come back for every expansion even though the last time I regularly played was during Cataclysm. I collectively played WoD for a total of like a week. I maybe played a month and a half of MoP when Siege of Orgrimmar first came out, and like a fool I played Legion for about two months before MMO fatigue set in. I just can't get into WoW anymore. I need another game that plays as well and has staying power to come out.
>Ulduar I guess
Trying to play Legion actively saps my will to live. It's damaging to my memory of the game and I hate seeing the game go down this dark path.
Hell, I liked MoP. Why did they have to go with this Diabloization garbage?
ulduar and kara
Is there a version of this chart that includes WoD and Leg?
>favorite expansion
Way to fuck it up immediately. Base game content isn't an expansion.
Throne of thunder
nu-Blizz is fucking stupid. MMO players don't want random fucking stats and random drops locked behind a soft cap. If this whole warforged/titanforged shit system existed in Vanilla I guarantee you the game wouldn't be the juggernaut it turned out to be. The game just isn't fun enough to justify going back to every raid just for a shot at some gear you already have dropping again, but being better. I would not have run Molten Core hundreds of times if my Might set had a shot to have extra stats or some stupid shit. Because contrary to what Blizzard believes, it doesn't feel good to get a warforged item, it just feels shitty to get a normal one.
Also, this legendary system is straight fucking retarded. If they dropped randomly, but it was realistic to eventually get all of them on one character then it'd be fine, because you'd be slightly less optimal, but more playtime would balance it out. As it is now, if you don't get your best in slot legendaries within the first 3 that you get, you might as well just reroll because you will never be seeing the other legendaries available to your class.
>tbc but I stopped playing before cata came out and didn't start again until towards the end of mop so I can't judge either of those two
>probably kara or blackrock foundry
>currently playing legion
bonus meme: favorite boss fight
>vashj and margok
>if you don't get your best in slot legendaries within the first 3
Me and a buddy rerolled a month or two ago and weve both gotten 4 legendaries already
Molten Core
Stopped after 8 months of playing (started att launch).
You might also both be incredibly lucky. I've been playing my death knight since launch and I've still only seen three legendaries on him.
It's a world of warcraft thread on Sup Forums, I thought his post was pretty fitting.
>Late vanilla
>Pre 3.3 WotLK
>Re-subbed during Pandaria, enjoyed it for a while but 10+ months of SoO killed it forever
Don't regret a single second I spent playing but the game is dead - there is no going back even if I wanted to.
Played them all but last one I played for any significant amount of time was MoP
Has it gotten bad enough that people are now reminiscing about a shit game from the beginning because it's somehow even shittier now?
t. regards, lineage II autist
>gameplay wise kara, thematically/aesthetically throne of thunder
>currently subbed to legion
i will always have a soft spot in my heart for shade of aran and how hard it was for people to just not move
Do you do atleast lfr + another difficulty of nighthold everyweek and run mythic+ dungeons?
started and quit during beta
>Vanilla but didn't really get into it until BC
>WoD (after skipping Cata/MoP, dropped after one month)
Never going back now.
>expansion you started during
shortly before TBC
>favorite expansion
>favorite raid
Black Temple / Karazhan
>last expansion you played
Cataclysm. I went in for a short while after WoD was released (because I was tricked into believing that "WoW is good again" - that's what my friends told men) but dropped it almost immediately without even waiting for my subscription to end.
If WotLK is your favorite you are obviously a Wraithbaby and there is no use lying about how you started in Vanilla.
>Mists for 2 months or so
you seem to have misspelled "my"