No Hitman: Origins

>No Hitman: Origins
>No Old Man 47
What the fuck was IO thinking?!

He's a clone you big dumb goofball.

I'm the clone


47 literally doesn't age. he's engineered to always appear young.

>TM fags who never played the other games

>>TM fags who never played the other games
I never knew how angry I would be at this fact.

So? People get old.

He has to eventually wear down

Too obvious, put more effort in.

Commandeering this thread.
>Favourite/Least Favourite hits
>favourite suit
>did you fuck up the latest Elusive or nail it?
>Ideal future hit?

you can't tell me what to do bitch

> Old Man 47

I want that.

The latest Elusive was piss easy and I finally got my winter coat.

>tfw it's not really appropriate in any level

I agree, I can only really see it in Paris and that's it.

>Can't grow hair
>We will never have bearded 47

47 had a beard in previous Hitman.

At least in loading screen pictures you could see he had one shaved.


It's ok.

It's certainly better in every way than Absolution ever was.

Absolution feels dirty. Hitman shouldn't be around rednecks.

Absolution? You mean Anathema? Don't talk shit, Anathema was a good level. The only problem was the villa had no bathrooms why do they always forget bathrooms

>Hitman shouldn't be around rednecks.
BM had several levels set around stereotypical rednecks.

The way I see it is that if it wouldn't fit in James Bond, it's not gonna fit in Hitman.

Only in the box art

Nu-hitman is beardless and slender, looks nothing like the real 47.

Hitman never struck me as a series that needed a real continuity between games so any attempts to establish one are a little confusing to me honestly.

There's been a lot of good shit that wouldn't fit in James Bond. Meat King's Party, Til Death Do Us Part, all of the levels in the Middle East and India in Silent Assassin.