Fuck you, Sup Forums. This game was at least better than Twilight Princess. It made better use of the motion controls meme and had better bosses.
It was fun. FUN.
Fuck you, Sup Forums. This game was at least better than Twilight Princess. It made better use of the motion controls meme and had better bosses.
It was fun. FUN.
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yeah I liked it too
wanted to replay it before botw but I lost my wii motion plus controller
people actually played the Wii version of TP?
Fuck you too
When will Nintendo re-release it? It deserves to be playable without the dumb motion controls. They should have had a classic controller option to begin with. I've actually thought a bit about how everything could work on a regular controller since I've been playing it in Dolphin.
Skyward Sword was shit and no matter how much you try to post otherwise it won't change the fact that it was.
Also you can't take away the motion controls without drastically altering the game
I can't remember anything about TP but at least I beat it. I couldn't even force myself to finish SS because it was such shit.
>no argument
Okay kiddo.
literally every time I see screens of this game I'm astounded by how poorly the graphics aged. at least twilight princess still looks better, even the fucking gamecube version
>This game was at least better than Twilight Princess
>had better bosses.
kill yourself. Fighting a fucking giant oval 3 times and edge lord faggot 3 times is not having better bosses
Why was it shit? I get the backtracking part sucked, but other than that it was a classic Zelda title.
no overworld was also a huge detriment
How did you manage to figure out how to post without a giant eyeball on the Post button? That's the only way I know I have to hit something.
kill yourself thinking tp was aged badly
I agree with all of that but the fun bit.
Bosses were painful
You really think to looked good?
I really liked the dungeons. How can anyone hate the dungeons in SS? FUCKING TIME WARPING DUNGEON. It saved the game for me.
better than breath of the wild. at least it's a fucking zelda game.
This game ran on the Wiis hardware, on par with the fucking GC. They really had to do something to compensate for it.
>there are actual SS apologists now
about 4 times as many people as the GCN
The only one I didn't like was the six-armed boss that took an hour to beat. He can rot in Hell
>Exploration doesn't exist
>Zelda game
You can tell Skyward Sword is a Zelda game because it's chockfull of handholding, 3 hour long tutorials and dreadful story
Are you kidding? TP's art style was hideous and it's only gotten worse over time
(You) earned this response.
eh, I liked it
BotW is a Zelda game
Skyward Sword is an Aonuma game
Learn the difference. It could save your life from an octorok the most feared and deadly of all killers.
How exactly? You can't even explore in the game. It's literally impossible to venture off the destined path. It plays like it's on rails.
Literally the only redeeming parts of this game was the Ancient Cistern, the Sandshio and Groose.
Everything else can die in a fire.
Fuck right off with that nonsense. The motion controls were fucking horrific.
I tried to give it a shot recently but quit because the motion controls are annoying. Basically you have to sit straight up directly in front of the TV for them to work properly and I'm not gonna do that for an entire playthrough. Motion controls should be for shorter games, not games like Zelda.
The goal in SS was to turn the overworld into a dungeon puzzle in and of itself. And they very much accomplished that, because every area took time to navigate, but the loss of free range exploration was too great a cost. So they brought it back in BOTW.
Thats what TP does as well though.
I dont get this meme
What SS did better
>beginning slog of the game was shorter
>beginning at least established an emotional connection to the person you're trying to save
>actual attempt to integrate motion controls into the game in some meaningful way (an attempt is better than no attempt in this case [this applies to the Wii version only])
>visuals looked pretty good
>forced collectathons were actively engaging because they caused adrenaline rushes
>>the other collectathon (tadtones) was comfy as fuck idk why people complained
>music was overall better (though nothing can beat the TP Hyrule Field theme)
>it's more difficult I think
What TP did better
>all the dungeons were fun
>say what you will about the beginning hour and a half but the sense of atmosphere when you turn into a wolf for the first time and are locked in Hyrule Castle was exceptional
>TP Hyrule Field theme
>TP GCN controls >>> SS controls
>better attempt of creating an expansive world rather than three disconnected areas and random chests in the sky world
>all the chore-like forced exploration (Wolf shit) was shoehorned into the beginning of the game unlike SS in which you had to do these chores throughout the entirety of the game
>you do not have to fight the most boring boss fight three times
>slashing the sword while running, seriously why the fuck was this removed
I prefer TP but some might disagree
I really want an HD remake on the Switch
Your opinion is automatically null and void.
>Also you can't take away the motion controls without drastically altering the game
Patently false.
>Sword and bug net
Map it to an analog stick. Move the stick to the edge of its aperture in the direction you want to slash from. Link moves the sword as you move the stick. Hit the bumper and he slashes across the diameter of an imaginary circle. Hit the bumper again and he slashes the opposite direction, returning the sword to its original point. To do a thrust, just center the stick and hit the bumper. To do a spin attack, hold the bumper and make a circle with the stick. For a fatal blow, hit the bumper after moving close to a fallen enemy. That should take care of Skyview Temple switches, Ghirahim, and any other "tricky" sword motions without requiring any alterations.
>Boss keys
Lock the key to right angles. Make the left stick rotate between faces, just like the system menu on the GameCube. Bumpers rotate the key 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.
Push forward on the right stick to ready the harp. Trace a circle clockwise about the aperture to strum one way, and counterclockwise to strum the other way. The long distance covered by tracing a full circle makes it easier to control the tempo, plus it feels better than waggling the analog stick.
>Other controls
Most situations already have well established controls. Replace any waggling with context sensitive buttons. For the bird, make the bumpers flap its wings. The only thing that won't translate well is drawing, so just replace that with a Skyward Strike since it was a stupid mechanic anyway.
oh another point for SS
>Lanayru Desert is probably the best desert level in any Nintendo game I've played. Beautifully tragic atmosphere and the time stones were a neat mechanic
and one for TP too
>aLake Hylia, Faron Woods, and Ordon Village are the comfiest Zelda regions I know of.
SS might have mastered that mournful feeling but GODDAMN I would live in the idyllic mountain village of Ordon in a heartbeat
Legal doublets like "null and void" date back to the Norman French occupation of England in the 11th century. Because the English language had not yet developed, courts used French/Saxon combinations to ensure understanding among the multilingual population.
So I agree you can take away the motion controls without drastically altering the game, but you idea is 11/10 complexity. Might I suggest:
OoT controls; horizontal slash, vertical slash, thrust
Anything else or the overly gimmicky things can use the gyroscope.
>I don't have a valid argument so I'm going to judge you and pretend I disagree.
The whole game is fucking designed with the motion controls. Removing them to "fix" the game is idiotic, and SS's problems go deeper than that.
If you don't want them then use some insane config for Dolphin. The Switch would support everything SS does anyway.
I liked the motion controls and the dungeons were great. The overall art style was good as well. The only thing I could not forgive the game for was the shitty collection/stealth sections, it automatically made the game the absolute worst 3d Zelda for me because it was so fucking horrible.
It really was though. I'm a huge exploration fag but exploring in TP is a cancer that ruins the fun of the game
It already plays fairly well on a controller in Dolphin, even with a very basic configuration that has no contextual information from within the game. There are some annoying IR/gyro synchronization bugs, but that's more an artifact of how M+ emulation is hacked into Dolphin.
Let's face it, gyro controls were a late addition to the game. They basically reworked the swordplay and added a few gyro puzzles. Everything else is just waggling. As long as the swordplay can be preserved on a controller, there is no reason why Nintendo should not provide standard controls when the re-release the game.
Skyward Sword is a very different beast from Wii Sports.
>Playing TP on the Wii
I like what they tried with SS but the controls didn't work some of the time, you'd swipe one way and it would detect it as another direction. Which made certain enemy fights very aggravating.
>literally no argument
The motion controls were great for anyone who isn't an uncoordinated lardass.
that image reminded me of this
That cant be true
It was amazing without the half assed motion controlles
I played the entire game om Dolphin when it released with a 360 controller.
Sword movement was mapped to the left analog, and flying the bird the right stick like it should be.
It was very natural.
I have that switched up, sword was on right and moving around/bird/swimmimg was in the left stick.
SS had its problems, but the controls were pretty much flawless. If they weren't working for you, it's because you were doing something wrong.
When SF2 came out, I had a friend who insisted that the game sucked because he couldn't do a shoryuken. There was nothing wrong with the controls, of course, he just sucked at the game. It's the same with Skyward Sword.
OP says the truth.
i always get cocksuckers faggots to complain about this game every time i say it was good.
people complain that there's no overworld like twilight princess
>empty barren field with absolutely NOTHING in it
>if you call some very few monsters and time consuming travel from point A to B fun, well boy...
>funny thing is, when it came out, faggots actually complain about this fact
i would like it better in Ocarina of Time then.
true overworld is in ALTTP, ALBW and now BotW.
Speaking as someone who thoroughly enjoyed SS, it deserves almost every bit of hate it gets.
The amount of handholding is ridiculously excessive.
There's a point in one of the dungeons (Lanayru mines I think) where Fi literally tells you the solution to a puzzle before you even start.
>This game was at least better than the best Zelda game
it's actually over 4 times
The problem is the game actually has no idea where the Wiimote is, apart from when you point it at the sensor bar. The MotionPlus can tell the game how fast the Wiimote is rotating, but you still need "C" to determine position from velocity, and even then errors accumulate after a short time. So depending on your setup, you can have problems where your Wiimote doesn't pick up the sensor bar often enough (especially since the game never tells you that it's using the sensor bar like this) and things can get out of sync.
SS has the best Zelda.
Fucking casuals...
you can press DOWN to re-center the cursor.
It was a launch title for a new console with a hyped up gimmick, that shouldn't surprise you in the slightest. One of the biggest selling points of the Wii at launch was that you could swing your sword like, for real and shit with Twilight Princess (and also Red Steel but eeeeh, we can forget that one), and we all know how well Wii went on to sell. Couple that with Gamecube being a dying platform AND having TP's release on there delayed for a month or so after the Wii release and it's kind of a no-brainer that the Wii version sold better. Hell, it did so well on Wii that it's gone on to be the second best selling Zelda of all time thanks to that marketing concoction.
One of my favorite shit tests when I meet new people is asking their opinion of Twilight Princess
You are a prime shitter my dude
Does anyone know the name of the song in the very beginning of Joseph andersons review? I think it's from the soundtrack but I'm not sure.
I was fine with the motion controls. My biggest issue was the lack of content. Piss poor enemy variety (you're still fighting bokoblins, or whatever they're called, at the end of the fucking game), filler second act, and an empty sky. Also Fi was way too handholdy, and the intro was really fucking long (but that's been a problem for every 3D Zelda that's not OoT or BotW).
Not him, but I liked both Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.
filler third act rather, the dragon trials, lazy as fuck
They should have made her "help" an option like they did with the UI. I wonder if she's any more charming at least in the Japanese version, or if her dialog sounds just as stilted as it does English.
Yeah, if you want Fi to bug you every time.
What a horrendous post. Are you underaged, or is English just not your first language? Either way, lurk moar.
There should still be a way to play without the gyro if they remake it.
You don't want to look like a dork waggling your Switch on the airplane.
>A game designed from the ground up with motion controls in mind utilizes them better than a game ported from a system without motion controls.
Really makes you think.
Oh hey look, it's the only objective truth in this entire thread
Only good thinf was the desert area ( plus its boss fights in said area) And the fight with ganondorf felt awesome, not quite impressive in mechanics or anything. But it felt hype and as a real duel between 2 swordsmen.
Furthermore whats wrong with the game:
>Sky world is empty.
>fight demise 100 times.
>There is no actual overworld, its 3 areas and the empty skybox. It made exploring feel really dull.
>That fucking tear collecting, since everyone praised it from TP?
Probably am missing some stuff, but it been years since I played it
The Gamecube was horribly constrained by the memory.
Wii was a gamecube with memory, and it showed on titles like Super mario galaxy and endless ocean.
Squidward sword simply didn't had a very good art.
Ah damn. It doesn't quite...explode like I was hoping it would from the bit I heard. I want that orchestra to just roll with it. Thanks anyway.
you have to do that while aiming you faggot.
what didn't you understand?
daddy explains to you
You missed the absolute biggest problem with the game by far: Fi.
The five billion arguments people already made against SS and you can find by just googling it or looking on Youtube are not enough for you?
Sorry, no one has to spoonfeed you. SS is a horrible Zelda.
TP looked amazing for its generation while SS was on Wii and looked like shit compared to any 720p game.
TP is barely "vast", except for that one terrain that just exists for a boss fight and has nothing but a bug you can easily find at night.
No, it doesn't. SS literally has no overworld that connects the levels. Just a Mario style map that takes longer to navigate.