>150 word essay due tomorrow
>can't stop playing Persona 5
>150 word essay due tomorrow
>can't stop playing Persona 5
do americans really do this?
>it's an essay thread
>150 is nothing!
>3 word essay due tomorrow
>can't stop writing poems
fucking help me
Ama shepshefter
>75 word essay due in a week
>can't stop masturbating
I wasn't prepared for this
>10 word post due RIGHT NOW
>busy reading posts
i wonder when you will stop posting this pasta
>software design document for character recognition software due in 3 days
>no word minimum
>can't stop fucking writing
>150 words
nigga that's a paragraph
Not him but some retard will always fall for it, it's easy mode bait
Well played.
snape is the killer
>150 words
That's fucking nothing, you could bang out a pretty decent one in 20 minutes and then get back to vidya.
>have 5 math problems due by midnight tonight
>can't stop playing persona 5
I feel you're pain user
my wife /maid sensei will be very upset
>five word essay due tomorrow
its this post
>150 words
That's like, a good half hour to an hour max with editing and formatting included. Apply yourself.
English degree holder here, you guys retarded or something? Give me 5 minutes to shell out 150 words.
>62 pages
>tfw you get a C on it
how mad would you be?
I miss the days when math problems could be done that quickly
>last test the teacher handed us a single problem
>the class period was 2 hours
>everyone had to stay over
>took me 3.5 hours
>half the class was still working on it when I left
>half hour
fucking casual
>writing half a paragraph takes you 30 minutes
I think you need to apply yourself
>Solo Ensemble is in the morning
>Never practiced my piece
You just wrote an haikuo
math is for chumps
>four word poem due in four years
Should I just an hero now?
>86 page Eng-Spa book translation due to next monday
>want to get all the shrines in Zelda first
Google a transcript, copypaste the whole thing into Google translate, and then clean it up.
>3 page draft due Thursday
>making adequate progress on it
I already have the book. Is a shitty "entrepeneur coaching" book. I have to translate it to Spanish, I already have 35 pages done. But they want a draft for this Thursday. I hate this fucking language, the way it is written makes it unclear as to the second person is singular or plural.
Also, the fucking phrases. "He wants to work himself out of the problem by refusing to listen to the 'No' of third-parties"
I know what it means, but to translate that to Spanish isn't so easy
>one word essay due before the heat death of the universe
>can't stop shitposting on Sup Forums
>"He wants to work himself out of the problem by refusing to listen to the 'No' of third-parties"
>I know what it means
Shit nigga, I must be tired as fuck then, because it's complete gibberish to me.
Either that, or I've turned my brain to mush by doing math all day.
Of course it sounds like gibberish. Entrepeneur coaches talk like this to sound smart and hypnotize idiots and get them to attend their seminars and whatnot.
That phrase means that you should try your hardest to solve your problems without listening to other's negative input. Which is something obvious, but I'm no getting paid to review it anyway.
>120 page presentation due tomorrow
>finished it two days ago
Oh my god, save me!
Well then, I'm not going to feel bad about passing up a girl who was obsessed with those kinds of seminars. There always was something off about her.
>master's thesis due last week
>haven't started yet
what should i do \V\
What the fuck even is this shit
I haven't taken a math class since pre-calc
Vector Calculus. Says so right there in the screenshot.
>1500 word essay due in 4 days
>making good progress but it's still eating up my easter break
>50,000 page essay due in 2 microseconds
>still need to start
No problem.
>1 word essay due in 5 minutes
>Can't stop fucking boipuss
150 words is nothing. Just do it, retard.