Dark Souls 3 has shitty bossfigh-

>Dark Souls 3 has shitty bossfigh-

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It had the best boss fights overall, though. Easily even.

>but bloodborne!
I said overall. TOH had fantastic bosses, but the bosses in the base game don't really measure up to Dark Souls 3.

bloodborne is shit. You can literally platinum it in less than 10 days

It had good boss fights.

It also had an awesome world design. Very lush and interesting, with some of the coolest looking rooms and areas in the series. I think even the people who thought it was a rehash can agree with that.

>ywn fight SoC for the first time again

The lore implications were so good

I liked SoC, but I think that Pontiff would have been a more fitting final boss from a lore perspective.

Mixed bag imo.
Some like SoC, Gundyr, or nameless were great.
Others were pretty meh, but i can't think of any outright shit ones other than deacons or ancient dragon, maybe Yhorm? Not including DLC btw..

>or ancient dragon
c'mon this was cool

Yhorm had god-tier atmosphere and presentation. Same with Deacons.

Ancient Wyvern in 3 is shit.
Ancient DRAGON in 2 was fucking ace.

ancient dragon looked cool, but the gimmick of the fight wasn't great. I'll admit him blasting through the wall was pretty good.

Yhorm had great presentation, especially with Sieg, but the fight itself was so disappointing, just hit him 5 times with the storm ruler.
Deacons had no redeeming qualities.

literally the reverse

Ancient Wyvern is the only puzzle boss that From's actually gotten right


DeS had some good puzzle fights, (not Dragon God), but getting them right is a rare thing.


In terms of visual design, I think BB's bosses are the best, even excluding ToH. It's in the gameplay and fight mechanics that I think many of BB's boss fights are a missed opportunity.

I'm trying to think of DeS puzzle fights other than DG, but I'm blanking....I wouldn't necessarily count Fool's Idol, Adjudicator, or Stormruler, but I could see someone making a case for them


Bloodstarved beast is one of the best designs I've ever seen

>that moment when you realize what his cloak actually is

Old hero, Tower knight(kinda), maybe even Phalanx. I would consider Fool's idol and storm king, adjudicator maybe not, but it had something to it.

I disagree. I look back at every area in dark souls 3 and think about how I'd never want to go back, or rather, how no area really draws me back to it. I don't know what it is, but I just can't find any attractable or interesting thing in dark souls 3's setting except for perhaps Ariandel's snowy scape but I've always been a sucker for such settings.

I know I'll get hate for this, but for whatever reason, and against all that I hate of the game, dark souls 2 had areas that made me want to explore. They were intriguing and mysterious perhaps maybe only for their grittiness and unforgiving nature. I dunno, I'm just more drawn to that of the world of ds2. I can think of probably the worst zone in ds2 and find it far more charismatically enjoyable than any in ds3.

That thing was awful. Him and Oceiros. It's like they went "hey we need a mandatory demon and seathe 2.0 boss, let's rush them".

I can only think of Fool's Idol. But that style of fight had been done in almost every other installment.

oceiros is literally a bloodborne boss though

If that's what you prefer, that's fine. I personally found it bland. The E3 downgrade contributed to this for me though.

Wipe this meme from the face of the Earth.

Dark Souls 3 had some shitty misfires for bosses. Wolnir was especially terrible. Done in like 60 seconds on the first try. Zero effort.

Ancient Dragon in 2 is literally the worst boss fight that Fromsoft has ever created. Yes, even worse than Bed of Chaos.

Wolnir had cool presentation but the fight itself was boring.
I feel like i'm being redundant but the poorly designed fights of DaS3 usually looked cool, at least.

Not that user, but Oceiros is literally a DaS3 Boss.

Its just ds2 was your first souls game

Really? I thought most of the bosses were pretty excellent in BB. Can't remember any particularly weak bosses except for Micolash and the Witch.

Not gonna lie, I really liked the Pursuer. I really liked how he kept popping up everywhere in the Lost Bastille in SotFS. Shame it stopped after that, would have been cool if he just kept on coming in every level.

youtube video not found

Sorry, my fault, I was about to fix it.

I'll never forget Ludwig, for a short time there i felt the obsession i had with DaS1 come back.

Ah, okay, you and I have different definitions of puzzle bosses.

In my mind the only puzzle bosses in the series are Dragon God, Bed of Chaos, and Ancient Wyvern, because they can only be defeated by fuffiling the conditions in the arena, whereas Old Hero's blindness is a mechanic you can take advantage of, but it's not really necessary to kill him.

The one thing that makes Fool's Idol unique is that she'll respawn if you don't kill the dreg on the churches upper level, which I suppose is kind of a puzzle


They're not bad. I didn't mean to imply that if it came off that way. Gascoine comes to mind as a fantastic boss in the base game.

But on the whole, I didn't find the bosses in Bloodborne's base game to be as interesting or as engaging as the ones in Dark Souls 3

He popped in Iron Keep and Things Betwixt too didn't he?

Dancer isn't necessarily a good boss fight.

God-tier boss music, though.

The Pursuer actually pursuing you was a great addition, I wish that'd been in the base game.

The fact that we never got his armor is criminal though

I see puzzles bosses as more of a technique you need to figure out to kill a boss.
Old hero will listen for you to attack, so you need to creep around and wait. I didn't know what the hell to do my first few times.
With Tower knight you had to smack his feet to get to the head, but not before taking out those damn archers. Even phalanx with his slime boys and fire weakness, to an extent.

Some of them are a bit of a stretch, but there was more to it than "learn to dodge through his shit."

Yeah, but those were vanilla appearances. I wanted something more along the lines of the Bastille's relentless enemy constantly fucking with you.

Who was the most annoying boss for you Sup Forums? I don't mean as in difficulty, but just a boss that wasn't fun to fight.

This fag for me, fighting him feels like a chore every playthrough I do

>to dumb too play Dark Souls
Furthest I got with a gamewould be the first one and the boss fight with the Hyenas. I usually get close to defeating that guy as well, but I fuck up in various ways at the end.

Every DaS2 boss, obviously.

But in seriousness, is an answer other than Ancient Dragon even to be expected?

Amazing set when worn by females too.

>no Yhorm or Sulyvahn sets


Oh, absolutely. Dancer's Set and Shira's Circlet is my favorite outfit.

Yeah, I can respect that.

I got Yhorm to half health with a normal weapon before getting killed. Something was fucky, and I don't know if I just straight up looked it up or if a summon had the stromruler, but that shit killed it for me. Same with the dragon that you insta-kill with a plunging attack.

Really killed it for me that it was an instant kill and not a "level the playing field" wound.

Gaping Dragon, 4 Kings
Demon of Song, The Rotten
Deacons of the Deep, Yhorm
Micolash, Bloodstarved.

I'm a massive fan of the veil, especially when embered. The embers look like red oil streaks swimming across it.

The 10 days argument is beyond stupid. It means some guy played nothing but Bloodborne all week. Gameplay hours to Platnium would be a better metric as well as what level you were when you were done.

It took me 2 months to Platnium Bloodborne (as my first souls game) but it was 70 hours in-game time and I was level 120ish when I killed the queen. It only took 40 hours to Platnium Demons Souls.


user why are you taking the 10 days tomfoolery seriously?

Bloodborne's base bosses are pretty shit 2bh.

90% of them are just crazy fuckhuge flailing beasts that you beat in the same way.

>It only took 40 hours to Platnium Demons Souls.
Wat. I don't think I buy that for a second, unless you just overlevelled something ridiculous.

You posted it.

Fuck running away from his arrows that shit was tedious especially when he spammed it.

that attack triggers when you are too far away from him when he comes out of the ground

oceiros jumping back and forth across the arena every single attack. ditto with midir + insanely bloated health pool

Armor Spider, Storm King

Pinwheel, Hydra

I know Hydra's a mini boss but it's just so fucking tedious

Wandering Magus & Co., Dragon Rider, Dragonrider x2, Ancient Dragon, Gargoyles, Shiva Gank Squad, Cool Ranch Smelter Demon, Skeleton Lords

Crystal Sage, Wolnir, Yhorm, Aldrich

Which tends to happen a lot since he usually teleports on the other side of the room

4 kings
deacons of the deep
duke's dear freja
rat authority
pontiff sulyvahn (he was more annoying than anything)
Lothric (gives me conniptions senpai)
rom the vacuous cunt
and logarius

>40 hours to plat DeS
>I've never even seen pure bladestone

>since he usually teleports on the other side of the room
So you don't run to the other side of room before he finishes his teleport, effectively stuffing the arrow attacks, because...?

>40 hours
that's probably just how much grinding it took me to get pure bladestone.

> Cleric Beast
> Gasgoine
> Blood Starved Beast
> Vicar Amelia
> Witches of Hemwick
> DarkBeast Paarl
> Shadows of Yharnam
> Maryr Logarius
> Amygdala
> Rom the Vaccous Spider
> The One Reborn
> Celestial Emmisionary
> Eribritas daughter of the cosmos
> Micolash host of the Nightnare
> Mergo's Wetnurse
> Gehrman the first hunter
> Moon Presance
> Undead Giant (twin scythes)
> Merciless Watchers
> Watchdog of the Old Lords
> Beast Possesed Soul
> Keeper of the old lords
> Pthumerian Descendant
> Undead Giant (club)
> Bloodletting Beast (head)
> Maneater Bore
> Brainsucker
> Undead Giant (cannon)
> Forgotten Madman and Madman's Escort
> Pthumerian Elder
> Loran Silverbeast
> Abhorrant Beast
> Loran Darkbeast
> Bloodletting Beast (headless)
> Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen

Yup, no variety at all.

I duped the shit out of rare upgrade materials (I still had to find some of each legit though) and Stone of Emphirial Eyes on my second Playthrough so I could mess with World Tendency.

First Playthrough was blind and took ~25 hours. Luckily I didn't kill anyone important so my character tendency could be turned pure white on a single Playthrough, I had a fucking broken DBD+clever rats ring + Morrion Blade + Cursed Weapon glass cannon setup, I was unstoppable. Rushed through to old monk NG+2 to get his Soul and make the last item.

Pure Bladestone only took about an hour of farming.

Either the tree or oceiros with a mage build.

Lol how are Deacons annoying

got hitstunned a bunch because they're a bunch of spamming fucklords, I didn't die, I just didn't enjoy it

What, still here?

Dancer is not a good boss, it's a lame RNG based boss.
Sometime she sits there and takes 10 hits while just walking around and died without doing almost any attacks, sometimes she just spams and won't stop.

>what are phases

Pursuer spawning fucking everywhere would'be been boring since he's easy once you get him.

If he had a differrent weapon from his bag of weapons on his back on each encounter, them maybe.

Nah, he's not wrong. She's wildly inconsistent.

I don't think she's a bad boss by any measure, but she is wildly inconsistent.

Hand it over....

That thing, your dark soul.

Fucking idiot, you're meant to learn and then dodge through her attack series. Also use the pillars to put distance between you two when she does her spinning bullshit.


All shit

The game is shit

You are shit too

Dark Souls 3 was a cashgrab and a soulless ending

Pursuer was probably the best thing about Ds2

I beat her on my first try, she's a casual boss that can be beaten by randomly roll mashing.

She's only a problkem to beat at the start of the game with a SL15 character, as sometimes she just sits there and takes it till phase 2 with minimal attacks and sometimes she just spams shit constantly.
Super inconsistent AI.

and Smelter
and Ruin Sentinels
and Lost Sinner
and Veldstat
and Datklurker
and Mirror Knight

Because sometimes there simply isn't enough time, faggot. You can start sprinting to the middle of the room immediately and he'll still do his stupid arrows, I've had him spam them despite being right fucking next to him when he pops back up.

i can give it to you

I can't even remember most of those

But all of those bosses are complete shit.

The only exception might be Darklurker, but you had to be literally autistic just to fight him.

Nah, you're just shit

I will say most of the boss fights in Dark Souls 3 have at least one redeeming thing about them. Deacons and Yhorm are great because of the presentation and the soundtrack. Same thing with Oceiros. He's not exactly a unique boss but the set pieces in the fight are great. His theme is one of my favorites and when he screams "OCELOT" and it changes suddenly it's pretty fantastic.

Ancient Wyvern, Curse Rotted Greatwood and Crystal Sage are the only bad bosses in the game.

All of the DS3 bosses are trash, literally "mash space to not die" and the Dancer is especially guilty of that.

>b-but git g-gud
I already beat the game thrice while rollspamming through everything and beating most mosses in 2-3 tries. It's fucking trash.

>ruin sentinels
You can stop right there, total shit

Not him, but your taste is shit. Smelter is one of the top 3 bosses in the entire franchise.

>Yhorm and great anywhere in the same sentence
DS3 fags are fucking mental.

we can get pretty close



Orstein and Smough

That's just 3 bosses from DaS1 that are better and I could name a few more just from 1 that are better