ITT; games with zero replay value.
ITT; games with zero replay value
Your post
All the 3D zelda games except OoT seem to have a "that part" that makes me change my mind whenever Im going to replay one.
Dark Souls 3
Most japanese games. You beat them for the story and thats it.
Meanwhile still playing Age of Empires after almost 2 decades.
Most open world games these days, in my opinion. You finish the content that's there and suddenly realize how empty and shit the world really is.
Having loads of side content just doesnt seem to be a big seller now compared to "THE BIGGEST WORLD IN _____'S HISTORY"
Never mind the fact that the world probably takes forever to travel through and is probably boring as fuck if you're on foot.
Skyrim, it's too easy to become a master at everything and you'll most likely experience 99% of the content on your first playthrough, so there's no point in playing the game again with a different character.
The only way for the game to have replay value is to go full autism roleplay mode or/and to use mods.
It literally doesn't get any worse than this.
what's "that part" in majoras mask?
That game had little replay value but not zero. I would say like 30% replay value. You do the opposite of what you did the first time and get that one investigation you didn't do and it makes the game about 30% different, and not as painful because you can skip everything you already did.
You haven't played many story based games. Most of them have absolutely zero.
whoops, meant for
Plus it doesn't help that most of the side content where it does exists is pretty meaningless and menial.
The entire game is "that part".
What is that supposed to mean?
>except OoT
The entirety of childhood Link for me. The game doesn't pick until the adult dungeons. Forest Temple is still one of my favorites. Spirit is nice, too.
I can see myself replaying BoTW by not clearing the beasts and just running to Ganon with low amount of hearts but that's about it. Maybe once hard mode and new story hits, if they add enough new content.
You're retarded. TTYD is great.
Is Mae autistic?
Why is the filename minus8?
This game must feel broken on the second go through. There are some many ways to exploit the mechanics to trivialize the game.
Pokemon Sun/Moon. Usually I have no problem going back and replaying Pokemon games after finishing them, but the cutscenes and constant interruptions are a big turnoff.
You say that but at least it has the courtesy of giving you fucking action commands at the fucking start.
Anything with a big shocking twist
Anything with a lot of cut-scenes
The game is quite long, the pacing is off at times and there's too much backtracking, second playthrough are pretty much impossible if this isn't one of your favorite games. The game is good though, just not easily replayable.
>tfw people spent 20 dollarydoos on this 7 hour furfag walking trash """"game"""" made by a fucking communist
This planet needs a third retry. Maybe the sapient cockroaches that take over next will be more smart than our fucking retarded species.
>I stole it and enjoyed it
As much of a good movie as the matrix is I'm not giving them any money.
I know this is a shitty bait thread, but the OP's choice of game is moronic. Like it or not, a game you can only see part of in a single run through has replay value. You literally can't do everything in one go.
Now it doesn't have much, but still.
Now before you say anything its not a bad game not by a longshot but everyone I've talked to who have played through it liked it but never went back too it including myself, I've tried to do a new playthrough but I could never get myself to finish it even though it does have a proper new game+ thats even better than bastion's
Games with no replay value aren't necessarily bad you retard.
Ace Attorney or most games that are story heavy.
The Phantom Pain
More like zero fucking gameplay
surely not
I don't really get the point of posting games like this, the game has heaps of content, of course you'll be burned out after a single playthrough of 100 something hours.
What's cool about Ace Attorney is that you can choose the specific case you want to replay instead of starting the whole game over, so I'd say that it has a bit of replay value.
I'd say JRPGs mainly.
Why bother having a new game plus option when your game is basically 5hrs of story spread thinly over a 50-80hr game of grinding? Who even replays JRPGs? Move on people.
I haven't played any Mario and Luigi game that I want to go back and play EXCEPT for Superstar Saga.
>Play it again
>But this time, if you die, you have to restart the whole thing
The Metro series.
Fun games but little reason to replay it.
that video is terrifying
Conker's Bad Fur Day
I hope we're not implying that having no replay value is necessarily a bad thing
I don't think anyone's implying that
Portal 1 and 2
>more smart
Super long JRPGs for me. There's no fucking way you'll ever get me to dump another 80 hours in Bravely Default again.
I'm thinking about getting Night in the Woods because I'm planning to drop out of college and I feel like it would speak to me and because Super Bunnyhop said it was good
Spoonfeed me your opinions, Sup Forums
It's bittersweet, emphasis bitter
There's a couple tonal things that I'm not sure I'm wild about but overall I really liked it
No thats the first one
>figure out you can out run the monster and just go around in circles until you find the exit
>fear is gone
Super Bunnyhop said it relied on you relating to a character like the main character.
And the main character is a stuck-up, smarmy, bitter, unlikeable cunt.
Pretty much any modern game
torrents, mega for pic related?
fuck that map design
Iron man modes in linear static games is the stupidest shit ever. That's literally a suit going, "uh, we need a feature to put on the back of the box," and a designer going, "meh..."
Witcher 3.
The combat and no build or weapon variety killed it for me. 60 dollars down the drain ;-;
Bunnyhop hates The Witness, yet love Night in the Woods.
Why does he have such shit taste?
Hard to reply something I couldn't bring myself to finish.
Worst game
Worst VN
It fails at everything it tries to do.
Do you think that's an insult?
Improve your skills.