Are there any games that can induce ASMR?
Are there any games that can induce ASMR?
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ASMR doesn't really work with interactive media. You need to focus on a task to play a game which swiftly interrupts any ASMR sensations.
ASMR isn't real
ASMR is meme tier
Can't you just trigger it on your own?
I really want to start making some of this shit.
>they can't into asmr
ASMR is for lonely, virgin nu-male cuc.k.s. that can't find any porn to get them off anymore
If you have ever watched Bob Ross or Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and didn't have a tingly feeling, something is wrong with you.
I'm not exaggerating. You seriously may be retarded if Bob Ross doesn't set off ASMR for you.
I jerk it to bbw porn all the time. ASMR helps me sleep.
The Witness did it for me, actually.
They have these voice logs in the game, and the one you get at the top of the mountain actually made my eyes water a bit. I'm not ashamed.
What's ASMR?
When the snake women in Arx Fatalis talk.
>any asmr thread on Sup Forums always highlights how everyone dont get that its a sleep aid and not a masturbation aid
You're all retarded. Seriously.
What is BBW?
Big fat women
Is there any other board on Sup Forums that has ASMR threads?
My favourite.
Anal Sodomy with Males Routinely
Some reddit tier retardation
>they need help sleeping
low test
I don't listen to ASMR and I'm feeling very weird.
You can use it for both
>implying i need it to sleep
It's that tingling sensation that you get when you witness something awe inspiring.
First and second posters are both literal retards
>Implying I need sleep.
Nyanners ASMR anime roleplay.
>Don't ever understand ASMR
>Watching a cooking video on youtube
>Guy does a close up of him cooking some onions
>That sound
>That beautiful glimmer
>Can practically smell them
>Feel the greatest feeling ever
>Finally understand ASMR from there on out
I fucking love onions, dude.
I thought ASMR was that tingling sensation I got when I first saw the Milky Way after getting out of the city. Or when I watch videos from the ISS of their orbit around Earth. Whenever I saw something profound or something that moved me deeply.
What the fuck is this shit?
I'm not suggesting you become a devoted follower of hers. Just watch the video ya dummy.
Sup Forums sometimes because ASMR is technically a form of sound art
honestly, well-done ASMR that really draws you into the scene (not just waifufagging) is probably the most innovative use of the sound medium right now. The first time I heard
Is this some cult indoctrination shit? Can I get in on this?
Just because you don't feel it doesn't mean it doesn't exist
Female """""ASMR""""" channels are 100% cancer and are pretty much purely fapbait for lonely neckbeards.
>watching ASMR with a woman in it
please tell me none of you are beta enough to do with
Not him but I have synesthesia for tasting color. It's pretty annoying some times. Blue is always spicy so I can never tell if the heartburn is the color of the board or what I'm reading on the board. When I first read about ASMR I thought it was the tingling you get on your scalp and arms when you listen to really good music or get to a really good part in a video game.
Frisson is more closely associated with an exhilaration induced by music.
That's called frission, it's related, but ASMR is from relaxing stimulation
And I've never fucking understood people who listen to sexual ASMR, for me the sensations don't overlap at all and it feels weird
SpringbokASMR is good
But EphemeralRift is superior
>Listening to a suicide themed "'We are number one" then see this.
>Pause and watch all nine minutes of this.
>Finish and resume first video.
>First thing I hear is a text to speech voice slowed down saying "When will my suffering end" to the music.
The fucking mood whiplash was strong as fuck.
This. I tried to experience it and the only video that worked was some old lady folding paper / origami or some shit. The rest was cringeworthy incest / ear gobbling bullshit. There's like no fucking middleground with this stuff.
the first time i realised i was feeling this was listening to a video testing different mechanical keyboard switches.
it was Blues that really got me.
I really like that brit chick.
Spring pretty much stopped making videos. She was great though.
>all those ASMR chicks that do porn
fucking kek
I wonder what goes through some of these female's heads when they make those videos.
>found out about ASMR years ago in a Sup Forums thread
>last year
>think of it again
>decide to look some up on YouTube
>Handless Orgasm ASMR
>grab headphones and listen to it anyway
>40 minutes later
>precum completely soaked through my underwear and pants
>have to finish myself off
Fucking waste of time.
Nice, ASMR thread.
Does this count?
I hate any kind of ASMR. That wet-clicking like noise lips make when people try to talk quietly makes me sick.
Why do people like this shit anyway?
There are different kinds of videos out there retard.
>That wet-clicking like noise lips make when people try to talk quietly makes me sick.
Are you me?
I can appreciate something like Morgan Freeman's voice, that kind of deep gravely tone which seeps into your ears.
But lip smacking, or the sound of liquid in general when someone talks, just irritates and disgusts me.
>my face when ASMR videos are just a girl whispering in your ears to make lonely people feel loved
>the audience for this shit denies its just audio porn but can't do better than call it "tingling".
ASMR is a meme you're no better than fujoshi listening to audio porn CD's
A lot of Korean ASMR involves lip smacking and eating. They have a very absurd obsession with eating in front of other people or watching people eat.
So are and audio porn? Are these controllers and keyboards whispering sweet nothings into your ears?
Naw nigga.
Do your controllers and keyboards not?
There was supposed to be a link in this post, hurpadurr.
I know the pills make you feel like a dead machine but you need to take them.
I've felt it since I was a kid, eat shit
Open door... ASMR
Why is Finnish accent whispering so relaxing?
Hey dude
The first one imitates the sound of jacking off and if you turn your volume up at the minute mark you can hear heavy breathing. The second video is full of people commenting that they're getting off to it so I don't even need to watch that.
The only videos which can claim to provide relaxing and not arousing ASMR are ones based on rain sine that actually makes people sleepy.
>videos made to intentionally trigger ASMR
Fucking garbage. The best and true ASMR is from unintentional sources.
I love that this exists.
Oh my god.
I don't want this in my youtube watched video history.
I want to unclick this link. And I have watched some pretty seedy shit on youtube.
Agreed but it's almost impossible to actively find that stuff considering it's not tagged.
It's bed time Sigmund.
>favourite ASMR grill deleted their videos and channel
>ASMR grill
Kill yourself.
>Not listening to the soothing sounds of grilling burgers.
>Not knowing how to purposely trigger ASMR response without external catalysts.
Step it up m9
Click the X next to the video. And it's gone from your history.
>not enkidu
Link to best fapbait? For evidence of your claim of course.
For me, the tingles are counter-productive to sleep, it keeps me up. It's only when i begin to treat it as background noise and filter it out that it becomes a sleep aid. This suggests to me that within the ASMR community there are those who actually get ASMR and those who just find it easier to sleep because of background noise.
I'd like to see more opinions on this, because seeing as I only have my view to compare with it could just as easily be that the only videos that give me the tingles are also the ones which stimulate my interest and keep me watching rather than falling asleep.
Tell me about it. Funnily enough in my hunt for the unintentional, I've learned a lot about bigfoot. Can get me every time
You have to know Japanese first
You sound like a faggot
Literally sound like a fag AN-ON
No u
I've only ever experienced ASMR when i've gone to get a haircut. Been like that since I was a kid. Didn't know there was a name for it until a couple months ago.
Those videos online don't do it for me.
I have just the thing my man
What's so special about this shit? I've been able to induce "ASMR" sensations willingly since I was a toddler. What's the big deal? Why would you want to induce it? It feels bothersome.
Now it's my turn for a shitty vocaroo.
Why are keyboard ASMR's always dogshit? They don't even try, hell the best one is unintentionally created by a speed runner
Not that guy, but the feeling of getting a haircut is sometimes alone worth going to get one.
Praying gives me asmr