
>tactical gameplay
>defenders lock down room and protect objective
>attackers try to find a way into room

>CoD team deathmatch
>people vote to kick for no reason, kill each other when game starts
>defenders roam around the entire map, spawn kill you from windows, leave the building frequently
>attackers can't even make it to the building, can't play stealthily anymore

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

You didn't notice the little red flag in the bottom right of the game's box art that tells you why the game is shit.

ubisoft is simply incompetent

there is still no fucking ping cap on competitive matches

It's Ubisoft. You should know better.

>defenders roam around the entire map, spawn kill you from windows, leave the building frequently
nobody fucking does this except 1337skillz cav players who think they're hot shit, you don't even play this game do you

You kept playing casual and didn't make any friends.


>give glaz thermal vision
>has a hitbox the size of a barn
why is this allowed

>not taking the objective while the retarded defenders roam

only you are to blame for being shit

>give glaz smoke
>give glaz thermal sight which can see through smoke

git ggd

Defender shouldn't be allowed to leave the building at all

>dostoievski map
>objetive is in the cafeteria
>200% chance of one or more defenders to try and jump out the window on the second floor

Dev team is incompetent since it is clear they have no idea how to make a competitive shooter (ranked being in beta one year later is more than enough evidence) and their community is filled with dickriding retards who think the game is flawless. Not to mention the god awful hit detection and other technical issues.

>no one knows how to play

>year later everyone knows the map
>omg they killed me spawn


The game actively encourages roamning.
>3 speed defenders
>hatches that require someone to move outside the objective area to fortify
>operators who's gadgets and all encourage roaming like Pulse and Cav
>operators like Fuze that absolutely shit on teams who all hunker in one room

defenders have way too much long range accuracy they can pick you off from half way across the map no problem

>defenders roam around the entire map, spawn kill you from windows, leave the building frequently
This happened from release

The entry team should expect to take fire on approach, that's what your drones are for.

they should still have way less accurate guns, maybe just uzi's and shotguns not fucking short barrel rifles

have you never played the game? The smg-11 was the best for long range peeking because no matter what kind of gun it is, the first bullet is 100% accurate.

>just Caveira
Do YOU even play this game?

Probably the only good thing about him. No need to change it

some games are unwinnable unless you take the risk of going outside as a defender and shoot monkeys hanging off of windows

found the glaz main

>game is played how it's supposed to be played
>gets famous
>Cancerous community comes in
>DLC characters promote new shit meta
>Everyone tries to 1 man every match by roaming and spawn killing

Also l, stop using your enter button so much god damn.

>>DLC characters promote new shit meta
the only meta is aiming, faggot

>spawn kill

Spot the shitter. If you're getting killed at spawn then you are a retard that rushes in without thinking to a building/plane that is under terrorist control.

>Liked him when he had charges
>Replaced with claymores and smokes
>give him an actual purpose for smokes now
>make him somewhat viable again

>DLC characters promote new shit meta
except they don't really.
Echo is garbage, Hibana is just another Thermite
if you keep dying to Caveira, you would keep dying to any roamer with a suppressed weapon regardless

yeah thats what i mean i keep getting picked off by that bullshit it should be fixed to be way more inaccurate

Stop playing Casual you fucking retard

>Unironically playing laggy hide-and-seek


shilling my video I made today
Give me the neet bux

>character that can track defenders in real time because of footprints (literally magic)
>character with a bulletproof shield on his fucking gun
>take forever to balance it
>glaz able to see through smoke
>equipped with smoke grenades
>awful hit registration
>matchmaking bugs
>lighting still complete shit

I wanted to love this game but since day 1 they've taken it in completely the wrong direction, this game is filled with moments where you say "welp, there was almost nothing I could do to contest this space"

I think modern games purposefully create scenarios where your death or performance can be blamed on the framework of the game, "I had a glock and he had an awp" but turned up to eleven. I think they do this so people don't feel bad when they lose, at overwatch, at this, CS, any of it. If people feel bad for losing they'll just go to a game where they don't, game developers have zero integrity and therefore cater to this while still referring to themselves as artists.

The whole thing is going downhill. Casuals have ruined it forever. Swap hobbies.

No, there's an offensive defender meta that's been ruining the game for a year now. The devs acknowledged this and even tried (but failed) to counter it with Jackal and Mira.
Spotted the mlg Spawn killer
I'm personally not getting spawn killed, but it's annoying getting shot at on my way to the house and being down a man before we can even make it to the building.

If you honestly prefer this style of play you're the trash that blew into the player base when the game got popilar

you die to cav because she runs really fast completely silent and her gun has perfect accuracy with hip fire not because its silenced

Not an argument. I hope you know you're not coming off as skilled when you type this, just retarded.

>sees you at range
>sees you highlighted through scope no matter the lighting
>sees you highlighted through smoke while enemy can't
>has smokes
>can wreck the whole enemy team in plane map
>can aim the rifle at close range


>git gud
Not an argument. Getting good doesn't fix the game, hombres

>has smokes
This is the only real flaw in his design. It makes him into a monster instead of giving him a really powerful ability that requires teamwork to utilize.

>this game is filled with moments where you say "welp, there was almost nothing I could do to contest this space"
haha, absolutely not.
the only complaint I have right now is somehow the recent patches made having 250 ms ping unplayable (and I can't get it any lower)

here is what you should try: use a shotgun and play around breaching hatches as a roamer. makes for some really cheeky pistol kills too.

doing well in the game revolves around shooting someone when they aren't looking at you.
head-on firefights are 50:50, sometimes worse when you think you're bad at fighting head-on.

I've jumped out of windows to kill 3 people several times, definitely not a bad trade even if you die.

>Developer(s) Ubisoft Montreal[a]

yep, you are right glaz needs a nerf

By inaccurate, do you mean random? Because I don't think that would be good at all.

people learned the maps, you didn't

The casual matchmaking needs a complete overhaul
>enemy team
>full premade of plat/golds and the occasional diamond
>my team
>under level 20 unranked/bronze who keeps com open entire match telling you what to do


>sees you at range
Well he is the only marksman in the game, kind of his defining feature.
>sees you highlighted through scope no matter the lighting
Character models are always slightly brighter than the surrounding. You don't need it to be good, but it does help.
>sees you highlighted through smoke while enemy can't
Only works when you throw at doorways and shoot in. If you try to move into the smoke, enemies can and will see you through it. You can also lay down and see feet in the smoke.
>has smokes
Yeah, so? He always had them. I preferred his explosive charges, but they removed them. He had no reason to have smokes, now he does.
>can wreck the whole enemy team in plane map
Irrelevant to his smoke grenades. If you don't know to look out for Glaz's on the wing, you must be new. Only map he really shines, and even then, the bomb NEEDS to be in that area of the plane for there to even be enemies there.
>can aim the rifle at close range
Without the scope yeah, but it has some kick and slow rof. Why wouldn't they make him somewhat viable in close range encounters?

It literally does when your complaints are mostly

>I don't like how people play the game

>defending this playstyle
Gee, wonder what your defense tactics are

>Character models are always slightly brighter than the surrounding. You don't need it to be good, but it does help.

Are you dumb? His scope literally highlights the enemy. If he throws down smoke the thermal shows you the enemy even through smoke.

Git gud is never a valid argument. And the game was never really intended to be played like that. It's painfully obvious.


>Attempt to spawn kill
>glaz you

>Attempt to spawn kill
>get out peaked by 5 people holding near the spawn

When did I ever disagree with that? XD

Kek the BAD in OP post is infecting my eyes

Get away from me scrub

why do they have to have snowflake characters with OP equipment like a moba, why can't you just pick a role and a simple realistic loadout. It should've been PvP SWAT3 with flash banging and moving slowly, not this

How did you kn- um, I mean, cuck! :^P

By stating character models are always slightly brighter. That literally has nothing to do with Glaz' scope.

If you're playing a competitive game with a "Meta" git gud is a perfectly valid argument.

The person I responded to was complaining about things all over the place. He went from his new scope, to his range, to his kit. I was just saying even before the thermal scope you can tell where an enemy is by the poor lighting in the game.

No, it's never a valid argument. It's a fallacy

>mfw 3 speed German defenders with ACOG get picked near me

Hibana is offense dipshit. Caveira and Valkyrie promote roaming. Jager and Bandit were already godly roamers. Pulse's entire design was retarded and promoted going off on your own.

>people defend spawn peaking
>no one even mentions how it's possible to get spawn killed before you even have control of your character

>play game
>meta shifts
>refuse to adapt playstyle to fit new meta

This is only possible on Kanal and Bartlett.

Jackel's whole schtick is to discourage roaming. Glaz's banana vision is there to get less people to spawn peek.

You can't control what people will do, but they are still trying to remedy some of that shit. I do wish there was more objective oriented operators, though. That's when planning attacks and defenses feel the most satisfying.

They'll just say git gud, learn the maps, or its a valid tactic.

It's just annoying that people even defend the current state of the game. Easy way to find the people that are the issue in the game

It's also pretty bad on Chalet. I think maybe Oregon too if you cheese with a shield.

It's possible on chalet but if you play ranked it's easily avoidable as you can choose your spawn, should be fixed by now though.

Still not an argument

It's a multiplayer game. What did you expect?

I don't need arguments, I'm not the one losing. I'm right by default.

Can be done on Plane, House and that Russian café map too

How is it done on any of those 3 maps?


Not an argument

It's not as instantaneous, but many a Jager have busted out the side of Plane at the beginning of the map and gotten kills.

If you get spawned at the shore of House, god help you.

Got any more of this artwork?

>Why wouldn't they make him somewhat viable in close range encounters?
I always switch to my pistol in close range. it feels and aims better.

You can return fire on those though, kafe used to be fucking terrible behind the white van but they fixed that.

The Cafe has a window that overlooks one spawn behind the Christmas display. You can also destroy the garage door and see another spawn.

Plane has those platforms that as soon as the game starts you can run onto and shoot them

House has spawns in the backyard and construction site that can be shot at from windows. The spawn by the water is pretty hard to get out of when you have people at both Windows shooting at you but that's pretty manageable

So far, he's only done the waifus. I'd kill if he did the whole cast like this. Shinkawa's artstyle is god tier.

None of those happen while you're uncontrollable though like Chalet's campfire spawn. If you choose to spawn at those locations, drone those windows, and it's easy to counter.

>"Oh these guys are TRY HARDS"
>"Oh they are roaming again, lets just quit"
>"NOPE, that's it i'm team killing him"

It's the userbase that is at fault, also Ubisoft

Getting shot at 2 seconds into the match is not much better though. If you survive the first few bullets you can return fire, but how often does that happen in this game where bullets do high damage?

The point is that it's cheap, and the game would be better off without it. No amount of "git gud" posts will change this fact.

>cut down defender detection timer to 1 second, as well as removing that .5 second lag that occurs between leaving the building and starting the timer
>Add silhouette to defenders outside building
>fix the couple of insta-spawn peeks such as the one in Kanal construction spawn and maybe some annoying ones like Chalet (I can't remember if it was campfire or cliffisde)

just fixed the game. Defenders have just enough time to do some quick rappel kills and silhouettes will placate shitters who die from not being able to take out defenders even if they know exactly where they are.

Can confirm that the game is garbage and comes to map knowledge. Optimal defenders gameplay is to just have 1 guy watch 1 door/window until something happens, it's just boring, especially considering queue/preparation times which probably take as much time as actual gameplay (excluding childplay with cars).

You basically have fun only 20-30% of the time when you play attackers.

The game is attacker sided.

>You basically have fun only 20-30% of the time when you play attackers.
or 100% of the time with Fuze

Pretty much all of these are completely avoidable though if you play ranked. Casual is just a shit show and deserves the most complaints which is why 'git gud' is a common response. People who play ranked can avoid spawnkilling extremely easily, but the only genuine issue i have is that the ping kick is above 150-200.

I'd also add these
>friendly fire during prep stage causes damage to the shooter
>first 5 seconds of action phase too for attackers
>vote to kick cooldown
>spawns are put of view of all windows or windows are unbreakable for a few seconds into the match

How many of you faggots play on console?

Do people really have a genuine issue with teamkilling? Maybe it's just region specific but I honestly never experience it in ranked or casual.

Do people seriously not know how to deal with peekers? Just have a shield or glaz/blackbeard go first.

Hmm, so the game is just overwatch lite

It's cancerous for me with randos in qp.

Maybe it's more prominent in the Americas.

>having to pick a character just to get up to the house safely

Would removing acogs on defenders be a good way to stop jäger and bandit being picked in nearly every game whilst also making it a bit harder for them to spawn peek?
Acogs on defenders doesnt make any sense to me.

Also remove glaz smokes. Give him flash bangs or breach charges instead.