YES! That's the feeling, PURE HATE! HAHAHAHAHA

>YES! That's the feeling, PURE HATE! HAHAHAHAHA

Other urls found in this thread:

honestly they kind of threw the quality of the story. The brothers went from potentially interesting to faggy edgelord pretty quickly

Him shouting "Come, 2B!" was fucking excellent though.

The moment they explained their ancient actions, the game went out the window. Teleporting machines that look like androids.


When Eve asked Adam to come with him somewhere together in route B during hacking phase, was he talking about the ark?

Why did he wear the glasses?

2c 2b

>according to this book, intellectuals of my age wear correctional glasses. Also, according to this book, you should expose your muscular half, Eve
>How to dress according to your stereotype by Square Enix

>a post apocalyptic society where the only relic from the past are the Final Fantasy art books

I can dig it

I forget sometimes that these two were even part of the story. What was the point of them again besides being just the most advanced evolutionary form of a machine?

Probably also with the most understanding and connection with the 'human consciousness' on the moon. That's right, right? Machines are just acting based on what connection they have to the human consciousness and those 'disconnect' are already so programmed so that they just continue on acting human?

well they literally never stop evolving and it happens at an exponential rate.
kept them alive for too long and they would have created a space colony and clone themselves then proceed to bomb the entire solar system then ascend beyond the physical realm of existence .
I don't think people understand how big of a threat Adam and Eve were, if 2B and 9s left them alive for a week longer they would already achieved interdimensional travel.

Honestly, the weakest and only truly bad part of Nier: Automata. Adam and Steve felt more like something that was forced into the story since Square-Enix thought there weren't enough twink, pretty boys in the game like a Final Fantasy game.

literally the bogdanoffs

The bogda whos?
Can I get a quick rundown?

I thought they were one of the best things about Route A/B.
When they came into the picture they always livened up the game.

I loved the little cutscenes Adam and Eve had in route B

Get Ending E before posting.

My name? Eve? This book says its a woman's name.

Honestly, they would have worked better in having more threatening designs and also a lot more active in the story. They just kinda showed up whenever without no lead-in.

The facial expression he makes at that exact scene is kind of hilarious. The English VA sounds like shit when he tries to laugh, too.

>find a man atop building in the city
>"hey can you find me some plug in chips? Nevermind why, just do it."
>"hey thanks for collecting those chips, come meet my family sometime."
>"attention all Yorha units--"
>sometime later
>"hey nice to see you again. Meet my son."
>a hacker type Yorha unit walks out, basically a black haired 9s
>"I don't have a son of my own so I stole this one and I've been keeping it as my one family member. Gotta have a purpose ya?"
>Hacker Android finally speaks, "ppppppplease...."
>"Hey, please don't tell anyone about this."
>genuinely confused on whether or not to tell based solely on the Android.i question if it was saying please as in don't tell on the man, that the android is happy where he is OR he wants to return and something isn't right about the man. Something very rapey
>decide it'd be best to tell anyway because well it looks sketchy anyway, but sadly not given the option
>You've got mail

We've found the missing Yorha unit and the chips, but unfortunately he was killed by a machine lifeform as was the man accompanying it. Don't ask questions and get back to work and forget this ever happened.

Kinda through me for a loop at the end. Literally just stared at my tv with a slacked jaw of unbelief because I either A) caused a family to be killed or B) saved an android from rape torture from a boi butt hungry man. Either way, gives me conniptions

The voice acting is on point Inmust say, but the writing is poor- on the first playthrough at least- maybe this is the cause of translation.

Wish they had more time in the game.

I'm also glad they didn't overstay their welcome.

He wasn't edgy, he was obsessed with learning and imitating everything about humans which led him to wanting to experience the sensation of dying.

>tfw I can't tell if people are meming or actually don't know anymore

>belts are now more valuable than water or fuel

all wildlife would go extinct to produce all these belts

>have to PAY money for watching in fullscreen mode
niconico ultimate gookjew confirmed

Don't be so sure

though I do hate 9s's faggy little collar

They were wasted potential, or rather just the [end] boss they needed for A/B until shit got real in C.

If you decline giving it to the quest giver, 9s will ask if he has anything to do with the missing YoRHa units.
>9s: Are you sure?
>You know what, just forget about it

After the man showed up with the hacked YoRHa baby, I legit tried to hack it but untargetable. I'm glad the chips were a botnet and killed them

This game would've been better if 70% of the content was cut.

Like holy shit learn a lesson in pacing.

After my second playthrough, I can somewhat agree, but 70% is a bit excessive.

The game wasn't long enough and wasn't nearly as fleshed out as it should have been, the fuck are you talking about?

Legit cut all of the open world content out, make it a linear game.

Would've been choice. Also would've given the developers more time to make more interesting combat encounters that utilized the combat system they made more.

As it currently stands the combat is just spam. And the open world portion of the game just creates big gaps between interesting story development.

The whole thing could've been drastically improved just by cutting large swaths of the game. Like the entirety of Route B being merged into Route A.

What's with this butt ugly, gay character design?

Did the guy behind it really get money for it?

>wish they had more time in game
>glad they didn't overstay their welcome
What did he mean?!

Actual spoilers incoming. I had a few too many interruptions during the final segments, so I didn't manage to follow it correctly. Ruined my experience so I'm not happy about it, but I need clarification.

Can someone explain to me the connection between the machine network and Yorha's android network. Were they always the same thing or did the machine network gain access to Yorha's at some point? It's implied they're connected due to the machines gaining human knowledge, but I can't piece together anything from this ending. Why were they stuck in an endless cycle when Yorha should've just won the war?

Start the game and play it until you get Ending E. Your questions will be answered.

The Yorha network and the machine network are two seperate things. However,
the Yorha network was created with the specific intention that the machines would one day find and exploit the backdoor into the system and kill them all. The cycle existed in order to give the androids a purpose. The nonexistent humans are nothing more than a "god" for them to worship.

The black cores and the machines were made from the same parts, yes. Aliens created the machines, and the humans created the androids. YoRHa, however, was created to perpetuate the lie that humanity still exists (when in actuality, it doesn't anymore.) Also,
the game tells you machines continually do tasks given to them, even if it means deliberately failing. The androids were also created to fight the machines, so you have this seemingly endless battle between androids and machines because they were designed that way.

>The brothers went from potentially interesting to faggy edgelord pretty quickly
Did you miss all the other scenes with Adam and Eve or did you stop after Ending A?

How is Eve interesting AT ALL? Literally a doormat character without personality

Eve's interests are being with Adam, and making him happy. That's all Eve wants, more than anything, is to be with Adam. He's a fantastic counterpoint to 9S, in that he completely falls apart without his "partner" character. Its a clever bit of foreshadowing.

>Accords were actually created by the Machine Lifeforms in an alternate timeline

They were the Replicants of the Machine Network

Adam& Eve = Replicant
Terminal Alpha and Beta = Gestalt

I think I got most of that luckily. Is there a reason Yorha had a cycle though? Like why did they have the backdoor? I understand the machines wanted to accelerate their own evolution so they made sure to never completely win, but did the androids have some other goal that I missed?

Or were they also just programmed to fight on behalf of humanity, and maintaining the lie that himanity existed was just more important than actually reclaiming earth.


>Like why did they have the backdoor?
It's bait for the Machine Network to destroy the Bunkers. The reason for that is that eventually to many YoRHa Androids find out about the truth which is why they whack them. There's an Android in the Bunker that is slowly figuring everything out if you choose to visit her during the course of the game.

If you finished c/d, youll recieve a document outlining project YoRHa

t. thief

yes, so?

you have to be 18 to post here, get a job and buy it dumbass.

I do have a job, I'm from a third-world eastern european country earning $120 a month.
Not gonna waste half of my wage on a game that might or might not be shit

Aren't games there dirt cheap anyway?

>implying it wont have backdoors from YoRHa
>implying you wont be hunted down by E units the moment you first visit resistance camp

>pirated copy turns into a survival game
>can't save or the game ends and deletes your savefile
I'd play such a mode

You realize that the true ending requires the online functionality, right?

If you pirate this game, you'll be cucking yourself out of the true experience.

If they were wouldnt people just import games from there instead of buying them in their own country?

>You realize that the true ending requires the online functionality, right?
Ever heard of Cheat Engine mate?

> wouldnt people just import games from there
That's what some people do with Steam games. They get a Russian CD-Key for cheap and then play it. I think the underlying problem was that those games were 100% russian in text and dub which made it unattractive for a lot of titles.

Git gud.

>You realize that the true ending requires the online functionality, right?
No it doesnt retard.

This is hilariously naive. I'm American, but even I know that what you, or even I, consider "dirt cheap," may not be the case for 3rd world-ers.

There's a noticeable difference between having to pay 60$ which is half of that other anons salary or having to pay 5 dollary doos for a game.

>I'm from a third-world eastern european country earning $120 a month.
Slav here from smal-ish eastern EU country with under average wages. Minimal wage is roughly 440 Euro and less than 5% get that.
You sure you're not making shit up?

>be peenoise
>get 10x more a month from a european country


>5 dollary doos for a game.
That's not the case with Nier: Automata, so my point still stands.

>> I'm American, but even I know that what you, or even I, consider "dirt cheap," may not be the case for 3rd world-ers.
You don't even know what point you made.
The price of Nier Automata is completely irrelevant to that discussion.

You're probably polack, you have it easy

Even if it were "5 dollary doors for a game," you're still implying that's dirt cheap, so yes, my point does still stand.

Close but not quite. Bit more to the south.
If you're from Belarus, Moldava or Ukraine, well shit sucks.

It does though, you connect to the server even for the built in defaults, if you do it offline, there are no messages, and you just get prompted to go online and ask for help.

>one of the most cathartic experiences in gaming
>lemme just pause here and look for memory values to rewrite for 30 minutes
>before realizing the required values are on a server I can't connect to

I'm a long standing pirate but you guys are fucking yourselves out of Ending E.

>replay the fight to get one of the alternate endings
>get to that part, hyped as fuck
>music sets in
>fight lasts 3 seconds

Fuck off. They could have streamlined Route B a bit or make it less like A but other than that the length was perfect

Eggy's really let himself go.

Yeah, becoming too overpowered is probably one of the biggest issues of the game.

I'll be cheating my level down to keep all bosses hard on my second playthrough on pc.

This. The game completely falls apart after the giant kaiju machine fight and never manages to recover. The big "twist" falls flat because it's something you should already know if you played the original Nier. At that point every "tragic" thing that's supposed to be surprising or unexpected can be seen coming from a mile off.

Seriously, how can people even be in these threads without having gotten Ending E first. It's like they want to be spoiled.

I was that person just a week ago. But surprisingly, none of the major twists were spoiled, except for seeing the pictures of the girls in the red dresses, and a trailer of 9S impaling 2B multiple times.

So fucking glad the ending(s) were different from what I saw.

If you think the big twist was humanity being dead you literally missed the point of the game.