Is this a better game than Skyrim?
Is this a better game than Skyrim?
not as an RPG but in every other possible way, yes.
It has a better story.
in every way. skyrim is garbage
Skyrim lore is way better.
Both are crap.
But if you like combat that is basically a mix between Dark Souls and Assassin's Creed franchise, or reading George R.R Martin, you'll like this.
Elder Scrolls lore is like Warcraft. Both being absolutely retarded and an abortion to the genre of european fantasy.
Ironically this, but Kirkbride's lore is pretty damn impressive.
That isn't to say the Witcher's lore is a slouch either though.
I bet you don't even understand CHIM or the importance of wheels and towers, you n'wah.
I didn't like the Witcher's lore, because it tries to be realistic and at the same time there's a 500 different types of beasts that live right next to the villages and in the city sewers.
But I stopped caring for TES lore after I played Oblivion, it's like it doesn't even try to say anything meaningful, it's all about the combat and "immersion".
Jesus whoevers playing is awful
Exactly. It's fucking retarded. The sleeping god dream and chim horseshit sounds like the creations of an autistic manbaby donut steel.
>because it tries to be realistic and at the same time there's a 500 different types of beasts that live right next to the villages and in the city sewers.
The lore isn't like that even if the game is.
>it's like it doesn't even try to say anything meaningful, it's all about the combat and "immersion".
Are you saying this with regards to the TES lore?
And what do you mean that it's not very meaningful? To the characters within the world it's rotundly pregnant with meaning, even if to us it might not be so important. But then it's a game.
>doesn't get hit
lol ok kiddo
>It's complex and obtuse to me, so it's fucking retarded.
The lore has a strong internal consistency and describes the underlying frameworks for how the universe of TES operates. It's incredibly DEEP, yes, but then you don't need to understand all the specifics of it to enjoy the games.
Part of the reason I like the lore is that it goes into such autistic detail, I'm tired of all these half-baked universes whose cliched lore has no originality or internal consistency to it. Which ironically is what is bitching about.
TES lore is anything but a "retarded abortion of european fantasy", it is very unique and cleverly devised.
Wow, he avoided three whole attacks! This guy must be a pro
Witcher Lore is top because it isn't fucking stupid. It manages to blend in the realistic european conflicts of the nordling kingdoms vs the Nilfgaard menace while having so many countryside monster types. And those "500 types of beasts" that are close to human settlements are necrphages. Common pests attracted to corpses and filth which is surprisingly plentiful in times of war and in eastern european countryside.
everything is a better game than skyrim
>Doesn't get hit
He does get hit though, shortly after the blue AOE attack thing.
Regardless he's playing on a low difficulty, my experience with the final boss was that you'd get punished for attacking him with his guard up.
ive never player witcher, but yes
Yes, the TES lore.
The world building is very weird, and it just throws all kinds of different things and stories in the games that sometimes just contradict each other.
Its not bad but beware once you get over nice graphics it gets boring fast. The gameplay, characters and everything gets repetivite quite fast.
Also fighting system looks nice but its extremely unresponsive.
That's death march you autistic horsefucking retard
Well they both deserve a 5/10 score, so just call it even
At least you can mod Skyrim to 7/10
I didn't think about that. Nice work user
Yes, but thats not saying much. Its equally as casual, braindead and mass marketed for retards as skyrim is.
>all kinds of different things and stories in the games that sometimes just contradict each other.
Which is again, internally consistent to the lore. Time works weirdly in TES compared to most conventional portrayals. You know about dragon breaks right? How Akatosh has schizoid episodes and breaks down, resulting in multiple parallel timelines, while some other aspect of him (maybe it was alkosh? I can't remember which) has to pull the pieces back together again. When this happens there are echoes of events that had once occurred but weren't consolidated into the single timeline again- or in some cases multiple events occurred which would be logically impossible to have happened concurrently otherwise.
I'm pretty sure the empire featured in the game was formed in a ridiculously short amount of time this way.
I just pulled up the game and tried the final boss again.
He counterattacks you asshat, I had to roll behind him or counter his attacks and get a couple hits in to do damage.
But then again it's like reading some bad fan fiction, or watching Inception.
Modded Skyrim > Witcher 3 > Skyrim
Morrowind > Witcher 1 > Daggerfall > Witcher 2 > Oblivion > modded Skyrim > Witcher 3 > Skyrim
>he doesn't know how to do the final boss properly
CDcucks are fucking embarrassing
The final boss and the final story verdict is a fucking joke.
>Witcher 2 is better than Witcher 3
Excuse me?
>implying witcher was ever good
>Arena doesn't even deserve a place on the list.
World with direction > World with POI markers
Everything after Kaer Morhen is a fucking joke.
Its like they decided to wrap everything up in like an hour and then just pulled random bullshit out of their ass
Every game is a better game than Skyrim.
Just play gothic 2 and ignore this modern trash
Or play first Gothic and ignore the inferior sequel.
Nobody makes glitch montages of Witcher because the fans deny as hard as possible that the game has any flaws. Skyrim glitch montages because the fans don't take themselves so seriously. By creating a fanbase that isn't completely retarded, Skyrim is better by default.
Literally every game is better than Skyrim.
Probably 90% of RPGs are better than The Witcher 3.
Kek play Zork and ignore this 3D shtick
>Skyrim glitch montages because the fans don't take themselves so seriously. By creating a fanbase that isn't completely retarded, Skyrim is better by default.
OH holy shit this rationalization is bonkers
Yeah, and the death of Vesemir was hilarious, they tried so much to induce the feelings and whatnot.
And the cancerous snowball fight?
I wished I was dead. I literally turned around in my chair, watching through the window to see if anybody sees what I'm playing because I was ashamed.
Please stop posting about games no one even asked about and get with the times, grandpa.
Zork is love
Its only inferior in atmosphere but yea first one is also good
I bet you I'm younger than you
Witcher fans always prove me right. Thanks for being this predictable. I don't even like Skyrim.
So, guys, how do I get into Morrowind?
I keep seeing people saying how it's much better than Skyrim, but the old graphics turn me down. I really love Skyrim, it's rich world and deep exploration, I liked Witcher 3, too, definitely a GOTY (guess I really like RPGs), so should I play Morrowind?
I would only suggest it if your a lorefag and into exploring there are mods for graphics
Everything about the Witcher series, from the setting to the writing to the characters to the """""fantasy""""" is an ode to the modern day butchering of medieval customs, both in the real medieval world and in traditional medieval fantasy, for the sake of making money off of disenfranchised young males.
It should come as no surprise that both the writer of the books and the developer of the games are both from Poland, a country with a cultural and historical heritage that has been annihilated throughout history by various parties.
The poles have abbrogated the creation of a truly compelling plot based off of actual traditional European fantasy (like what Tolkein masterfully pulled off with Rings) in favor of boring overdone monster-hunting schlock by characters with anime hair.
The fact that you Sup Forums kids still defend this garbage is staggering.
They have entirely different focuses, OP. One you're playing an established character's story. The other is more about "do what you want/explore how you want" for your own created character.
10 hours into witcher 3 and while i think its a good game. I also think its grossly overrated and misleading on pregame advertising in that its supposed to be a huge open world with no loading times. When in reality its not that open worlded, but a series of maps that do require loading times to travel between, much like inquisition. In fact this game is very similar to inquisition in alot of aspects. Which was also a good game.
But. I was expecting something new and amazing with perfect review scores and all the hype. I am severely let down. I will take a last gen skyrim over this for a few reasons.
1. The one map open world of skyrim was amazing.
2. The quests and dialogue of skyrim is unmatched, from killing an orphanage headmaster, uncovering mage school plots, thieves guild quests, demon quests, cisero lol, on top of the main storyline, etc.
3. 1st person is awesome. Even the dull melee combat of skyrim feels fun in 1st person. But ofc using magic was much more fun and varied.
4. Level system in skyrim is also unmatched imo. Even inquisition had a better leveling system imo.
Witcher 3 has good graphics, good story n quests, good combat, good crafting, etc but just doesnt live up to its hype nor surpass skyrim in any way for me. What u guys think?
But you're can't turn yourself into a transgendered inter-species tranny with a character creator.
You role play as Geralt.
Skyrim and Elder Scrolls is more like high fantasy.
Witcher games are low fantasy... low.
that doesnt matter because you cant interact with it in any meaningful way in the entire game
They're not the same type of game really.
But I do think the story, writing, etc. is much more mature than Skyrim.
hopefully bait
>map is good but littered with too many draugr/bandit dungeons that are the same
>dialogue is trash, you can barely make any meaningful decisions in the game or define your character through what you say to people
>most quests are go loot draugr dungeon #1315
>skyrims combat is utter shit
>perk system is a step back from the skills system and is a big downgrade in terms of character customization
I just finished it 5 minutes ago. That bait and switch they did really got me as I thought I fucked up so hard that Ciri died. I enjoyed Skyrim for what it was but I prefer Witcher 3 when all is said and done.
But you can read all the in-game books...
What I like about W3 was the subtly and variation of enemies.
There isn't one type of werewolf. Not one type of vampire. Not one type of anything.
And each variation gets a large description and backstory in the Bestiary or in quests.
Not at all
And skyrim isn't even that good
That's it. Skyrim feels like a sandbox game with quests slapped on.
Witcher 3 feels like the entire design of the world was driven by a story and quests. It's more organic.
Witcher 3 would be better if it wasn't open world.
Actually, it would be best if it was a Telltale adventure game.
Be careful kid.
You're 15 and have bad taste.
It can be dealt with, with age.
Skyrim's main problem is that it's buggy to hell and back.
I don't get why people bitch about bugs.
I certainly hope so because by comparing it to Skyrim you are setting the bar so low it is not even funny.
>a series of maps that do require loading times
That's only for the major locations. Best thing about Witcher is if I'm going to a cave, it seamlessly loads it while other games like it have to load another map.
I don't see how you can praise Skyrim over the one map thing (with segregated interiors) but bash Witcher for having more maps.
>The quests and dialogue of skyrim is unmatched
I should have read your entire post before replying. Goddamn you got me good with this bait. I hope you get many (You)s, you bastard.
I actually agree. I like the approach W2 took.
But if it wasn't open-world, there would be no way we would have gotten so many great side-quests.
But, again, I think the main story suffered a little from it.
x87 code in 2012 video game.
Google it.
Yes, going from map to map is alike loading a fast travel.
Caves, buildings, etc. are seamless. Seamless when you're in the main map.
Helps that the maps are pretty huge themselves. Don't know how big they are compared to Skyrim.
Skellige was a better Skyrim than Skyrim.
Crappy ass Assasin Creedlike RPG combat.
Level/skill system as deep as wet paint.
Boring edgy main character who pretty much resembles a 13 year old self-insert.
Yeah, best game ever alright.
Yes, but that's not saying much.
TW1 > powergap > TW3 = TW2 > Skyrim
Fucking autistic and boring, but that's the same as Dark Souls to a large extent (and I fucking love that game, but it can seem like just rolling if you step back and look at it).