What went so right Sup Forums?

What went so right Sup Forums?


Pretty much literally everything. Artstyle, soundtrack, characters, gameplay, level design, writing. It's all fantastic.

quit teasing me

Whenever I read the tutorial on treasure shadows it said that there's a higher chance to encounter them with a high security level? How's that work? Is it possible to farm them or get more that usual?

When the game was shown for the first time I couldn't hold my hype. Then by the time it was coming out I was pretty skeptic about it, got it on release day, finished it yesterday and man, "what went so right" indeed. Have to admit this is one of the few games I never got spoiled for in any aspect, so that may have helped.

I'm pretty sure if you get Futaba to reset the treasures, the Treasure Shadows spawn in the same place again. Did anyone else have this experience?

the waifu cup runneth over
almost everyone has like 3 or 4 top girls and most are lying when they say they're 100% in on just one

in 3 and 4 you'd pretty much just have your one favorite for whatever subjective reason and the others would slowly become more and more annoying to the point that you'll fight about it here



almost everything,

the "adults are shitty" theme is really cringe worthy though, is Japan really like this with it's young and old population?

Is it cringy? All the people who the Phantom Thieves took down exist in real life too.

I wish the last boss was harder, though that might've been my own fault playing on normal.

It can be cringey but it makes sense, Japan is pretty fucked up in terms of social structure and it makes sense for misfit teens to be against that and blame it all on the corrupt (who happen to be mostly adults as they have all the power)

It's Persona, people who like the games love all of them. It's really great escapism, I can't think of anything that does it better for me.

That's what teenagers are actually like though. That's how they see the world.
But that's just their perception. There's plenty of good adults in the game.

It's a pretty common theme over there.
It has something to do with the loss of innocence, and the adherence to rigidity in Japan among other things.

In my opinion that theme is not completely unfounded.

Certainly not UI

delet this

agreed, Burger world was poor though

How so? The airlock puzzle was kind of tedious, but other than that I though it was good.

I feel like if they just replaced the word "adult" with "people/person" it would be less cringy.

Especially when adults were helping them and non adults were being assholes

How do you get to futabas heart? Its not like the other palaces, there are guards everywhere and it's at 99% and when you defeat a shadow they respawn in your direction causing another encounter and the percentage to go back up

It's not like they're saying all adults suck or anything. They're just talking about people with lots of influence who abuse their power and fuck up society.

Everything but bank dungeon and mediocre ost

>mediocre ost
Fucking wut? The OST is fantastic. There's so many good songs, man

I just finished the game an hour ago and the final dungeon was really....depressing. I mean I get that it was supposed to be but goddamn. Fucking great finale like always though.

I just wish they'd surprise us instead of following the same formula for 3 straight games now

>You're the new kid
>Meet your bro and generic female
>Get into some shit
>Crap now we have to save the world
>Look at all this fucking world saving we're doing
>We're finally confronting EvilMcShitbag
>He's finished world saved
>Wait, it isnt?
>The collective shittiness of mankind summoned a world ending god and we've been playing into its' hands the entire time?
>Shit, now we have to kill it

I mean it works but I'd like the final boss to actually be EvilMcShitbag for once, Roided up Shido was a great fight.

Compared to the other personas, not really

I mean, it's subjective to a point, but I think calling it mediocre is a stretch

all the bosses being bland looking robots, the confusing air lock puzzles with shadows the fuck your ass out the gate and get the drop on you every time, all the text to get through when turning off the computers at the fat fuck elephant demon really gives me a hard time, ending up avoiding him to about the end of the dungeon. also on top of that Haru felt kinda rushed with her reveal and the whole thing with mona at the begining, post dungeon she becomes MUCH more interesting.

I fucking hated that there were Grimhelekala (sp?) everywhere in that shithole....finishing a dungeon in one day requires strict SP conservation and those assholes were designed to waste it, it drove me nuts.

Other than that it was a great dungeon, tbqh the only one that felt kind of lacking was the pyramid but that's just when compared to the rest of them.

yeah, i gave up trying to kill him for awhile, I would just have him fall on his ass with a hama skill and then ask for money/item and run. also the SP adhesive accessory works wonders, even with it i used all my sp items in that endurance boss battle with the burger king.

That boss on merciless was one of the best bosses in the game. I had to plan my shit out perfectly to get full baton pass chains each turn and it was awesome figuring it out.

This guy on the other hand has no business being the second boss and can burn in hell. If RNG isn't on your side he can just murder 2-3 people a turn and there's nothing you can do.

not when you can just kill his eyes and nose in 3 turns at most

I didn't have Matador to cheese it when I first got to him...after I went and ground the levels out it made what you're saying possible but it was still bullshit if you didn't manage to murder the eyes in one go.

The only boss I've actually died to and it was my fault that I got knocked down

I spent three hours trying to kill him before grinding the 1 more level I needed to get Matador.

It did make the fight way easier but for whatever reason on the attempt I killed him he was a fucking moron and missed EVERY attack on a painted party member. Everything that could possibly go right finally did.

A team that actually cares about their fans, their franchise, and sticks to their guns during development instead of selling out to grab the biggest profit margin they can.

Amazing what that can do, isn't it?

I cant believe how this teaser fitted with the final act

Shogi girl

Even a Splatoon Character

The floor where you had to find the key cards was awful.