Controllers Thread


Other urls found in this thread: foam

Oh herro


>nigga dey all chinese


holy shit kek

Ps4 or x360 controller for pc? Im also looking at Logitec Fxx controllers but the buttons seem very stiff


>Put controller on shelf as a decoration when not using it
>control sticks get fucked up

they came with a base, so it keeps it safe and makes it better decoration

also didnt realize the pic was LGR b4 i posted the base thing. i want him to do more thrifts ;_;


At least it isn't the one with fangs for handles. Had a friend that had that one. Fucking hurt to grip with any real strength.

Where can I get sound isolation like he has on his wall?

hey bro I brought my own controller

>Leffen: *autistic screeching* foam

Nice. Thanks.


Didn't they just announce a new one for the PS4?

idk, dont actually follow that franchise just know about the controller.

Not that user, yes they did. I'm gonna get that one too. I actually used the original slime controller to play a bit of DQ8. Not ergonomic at all, but I love it all the same. It's a shame I lost the cable that connects it to a PS2.

Is this the melee arcade stick I've been hearing about

Why would anyone want that

Where to buy one