
>Four games

Halo and CS are nowhere near as good as the other two.


I don't even fucking understand this image. CSGO launched on Xbox 360 and PS3 since day 1.

>holy trinity
>4 games

BOTW is being emulated

CS isn't even a particularly good PC game

Halo 3 would be far more appropriate for xbawx

>mattering to anybody who isn't 12 or a manchild

it's also available on PC
not an exclusive
semi-available on pc with forge
meme of a game that no one likes but keeps on spewing its name to state that ps4 has a worth-buying game.

Prove him wrong.

>starting your thread with "hello", "hi" or "don't mind me" you cringe ass fuck

Anyway, no Yakuza 0? Discarded

OP, BOTW is not even exclusive, its on WiiU

Zelda isn't exclusive (wii u), and CSGO is trash that is only popular because it runs on toasters, which is all most members of the 'masterrace' own.


> posts persona

Wasn't csgo on ps3 and 360?

Halo is leagues better than bloodborne.

Yes. The only actual exclusive in that pic is Bloodborne

Not like OP is any more wrong than the people that post these images with 3 different games in them and completely misunderstand what the holy trinity is.

How in the fuck do 4 games fit in a trinity?

Zelda and CSGO don't even count, so it's only a duo anyway.

Halo hasn't been anything special since Reach at the absolute latest, which is over 6 years ago.

It's like a downward slope, are you saying we should just get PS4s?

>Worth anything.
I'd respect you more if you had used Gears of War.

360 and PS3 versions are basically different games at this point with how little they've been updated

How is Halo still relevant?

Halo 5 was CoD garbage.

BoTW is amazing, and I say that having been a fearful shitposter pre-release.

Never got around to getting a PS4 yet.

Source was legendary on PC, I've used Steam since beta when the whole reason to use it was for TFC/CS 1.6 because was dying

>"Halo 5 was garbage"
>Implying that you bought a Xbone
>"Never got around to getting a PS4 yet."

people need to stop falling for this bait

But Halo in its prime was not only better than bloodborne, but better than any fps on Playstation to this day.

It is pretty shit now though so I guess it's irrelevant. The MCC exists though

This fucking guy actually gets it, he's right because it's fact.

I wouldn't compare BB to old Halo though.

Yeah. And MCC is about as welcome as a remake of FFX. Actually, at least FFX had content the West hadn't seen before, so that is /slightly/ more welcome than MCC.

You have no idea how happy I am to see this comment.

>halo 5
they are not good games, they are meme games.

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

Are we talking ANY Playstation, or just PS4? Because the old CoDs were pretty fucking awesome before shit went online.


So good games? Got it.

You wish, scrublord.

BB is great. Zelda is good. Halo 5 is shit.

That said, it's a shame that there isn't a reason to get the Xbone. The elite controller is actually fantastic feeling in the hands, and I say this as someone who loathed the Xbox, 360, and Xbone controllers (haven't gotten to try the S controller, though if its anything like the Elite, I'm sure it will be fantastic).


CoD 1/2 were considered masterpiece WW2 games at the time.

Superb engine, graphics, audio, story, gameplay, support for widescree nresolutions ages before it was standard (16:9 and 16:10). Most CoD fans literally don't even know they exist.

They went full retard with CoD 3 and it was Xbox only and was forgettable.


Oh but I guess the 6th Souls-style game is something special?

>4 games


>pc download

Nobody cares about bloodborne anymore, its just like any other soul game and Zelda is for kids.

In what way was it a souls game, shy of a similar control scheme and a challenge that From is known for? Completely different settings, completely different gameplay thanks to the rally system and lack of meaningful shields. It's like saying that FFVII is bad simply because its the 7th in the series.

haha you have autism you fucking dumbass

>completely different setting

Yeah now its in a castle/city where the air is blue instead of piss yellow!

>completely different gameplay

Literally the same gameplay but with a few minor differences

Those minor differences completely change how most people played the game in comparison to the Souls games. Sure, there were some people who went shieldless because it was more fun, but a lot of people spent the entirety of the games behind their shield waiting for an opening.

>Halo 5.
>Considered good.

I was under the impression that Halo 5 was pretty fuckin bad.

That's exactly why I don't give a shit about Playstation and Xbox.

And PC is for multis and shooters (which are unplayable on console anyway if you have standards).

Well, between Halo and Gears of War, that is all that Xbox fans have. They kind of have to fight to the death on those two hills, lest they be known as a 1 game or no game console.


Halo is arguably on par with BB, but halo 5 is not even close.
They had a great thing there, but they ruined it, and ruined it hard.
It was a great idea of getting an RTS and letting you play it in first person against an RTS AI, while having RTS AI allies, and all the tweaks to make this happen well, but everything was tossed on the garbage for CoD shit.

Just stopping by to remind everyone that Halo 5 is the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2.
It's also the best AAA arena-style shooter in years.

>Everyone itt pretending that being exclusive from a producer doesn't count

>tri means three
>language terrorists want "trinity" to just mean a group
>correcting people about this is somehow "reddit"

The vast majority of people who play FPS competitively disagree with you.

None of them play arena-style fps and the few that do play old games.

>3 of them are of pc



>PC == console
>3 == 4

pretty sure he's gloating over the fact that he was pretending to be retarded and that you didn't catch onto that so he's pleased he b8'd you over something so obvious

that is pretty reddit and new on your part 2bh

This picture never fails to make me laugh.

Someone made it with serious intent. That's the baffling bit. OP's intentions are irrelevant.

Bloodborne being some great exclusive is a meme. Not only is it painfully linear but it's very easy. I managed to platinum it in 10 days.

Sorry user, but Horizon Zero Dawn (2017 GOTY) had the best of Bloodborne and Zelda in one package.

I just saw this image in another thread. Looks like you're trying to ruffle some feathers, especially looking at the game time between two of the endings.


It's on 3 fucking systems

everything is a meme nowadays eh?
fuck off Sup Forums

>holy trinity
>made from god and his son

>Someone made it with serious intent.


>and the holy spirit

>Someone made it with serious intent
no rebbit.

there are two obvious b8s in that picture. 1) trinity is not 4, herp and 2) PC is not console

you have to go back

>forced removal of a playstyle
> good

Like you said, shieldless was always available. It wasn't glued to the character unless you were a bitch. Forcing people into 1 style isn't progress. That's called a lack of variety and shitty game design.