The new face - ans store- of PC gaming

The new face - ans store- of PC gaming...

i'd drop $15 on rondo duo again

Every platform, PC MOST of all, has always been full of shovel ware crap.

Are these censored?

PC gamers just crave for arcade's cock.

Of course. You're talking about pc gaming after all...

>Daytona usa
>chuchu rocket
Stop fucking teasing me.

When arcades basically don't exist, I don't see how that's something to point out.

Ah this eroge bait thread again, op is getting pretty desperate for yous lately

>Daytona 2
>ChuChu Rocket

This is an unmatched library

yeah..... for PC gamers.

>Seriously paying actual money for years-old Jay Naylor doujins

Those shits have been free for years and easily able to view in so many places, you'd truly have to be a sucker to pay actual money for that shit.

When is that coming out again?

>looked it up
>it's real
hahaha, holy shit. PC """gaming""" man.

I saw Daytona USA 2 and Chu Chu Rocket first and got excited.
That's a mean trick, OP.

Then best part is that you know that picture was made by that one furry because only he would put his own game first on the list.

Oh yeah? What console games let me fuck little kemoshotas in the ass? None, that's right.

PC wins yet again

Sorry, I'd rather play GOTY material such as Horizon or Persona 5.... Not pedo shit.


the one to the right of undertale looks hot

>implying those are even games

what is the one under the dragonborn dlc

Kimito pool.

based user, thanks

yeah. great pc """community"""..

u mad

>indie games
color me surprised...

Can't say I'm surprised.

How the fuck do you not get bored with making the same threads over and over again?