Post your special attack animation

Post your special attack animation

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Calling it The Donald.

Chinese cartoon name?



outlaw star

you're making me feel old

Boku no pico

Outlaw star you dumb nigger

Outlaw Star

Next thing you know, we'll hear you ask what Trigun is. Or even Cowboy Bebop

>Good animation
>Sci fi
Of course it's old


>used to love this show
>friend called it a cowboy bebop ripoff
Is it worth rewatching? Haven't seen it in over a decade.


I don't like pedovision shows so don't know much about them

I've seen very little anime

It's not like all of it it's bad, just most of it. Kinda like american tv shows.


>old anime

You are retarded

1990s anime was EXTREMELY popular in the west, Stardust crusaders, Outlaw star, Cowboy Bebop,etc was anime before the moe anime school shit(or what you think is "pedovision")


>I've seen very little anime
Samurai Champloo, Soul Eater, FMA: Brotherhood,and GitS:SAC are all great. You owe it to yourself to check them out.

Holy newfag, just kill yourself




Big bad Beetle Borgs!

you whore

I've been seeing this weird thing recently, what is it?

I'm a simple man with simple desires.

Not a newfag but check what board you're in chonklover
I've seen GitS, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust a long time ago, the original Evangelion, FLCL, Hellsing OVAs, JoJos completely, Saint Seiya because it was big here, and obviously Dragon Ball

Haven't seen Cowboy Bebop and always get it recommended

>Check what board you're on
Check what site you're on

Double King.

I knew I was forgetting one to recommend.

Sup Forums is literally old Sup Forums. if you want recommendations on anime before moe shit took over, this is where you go.


Everyone in this thread should stop posting and watch it, it's only 9 minutes, just do it.

Think it is. I'm not or anyone is against good stuff, it's just that anime is associated with bad people. I just saw the Golden Arc movies of Berserk like a month ago and liked it a lot, now I know why people fellate it.

Like Sup Forums for instance. I once asked for something I don't remember and truly found out that Sup Forums isn't as stupid, autistic or plain retarded as that place. Not funny retarded like the common retards on the boards but legit retards, like truly slow kids.

It's the anime culture and otaku shit. They're just omega.

>I can't like a thing because I'm afraid of being associated with other people who like a thing!

nut up asswipe, nobody cares.

lol this was great

Not afraid, it's just disgusting media for disgusting people.

Unlike videogames of course.

so are there actually people that think kamen rider shit and sentai looks cool outside of autistic japs and weeaboos

>no mention of gungrave or the 2nd D movie


>calls people autistic weeaboos
>posts an a chinese internet forum about electronic entertainment for children

good one


Anime fans=/=weebs


On this site, not hating everything that comes from the east is considered weeaboo, and thinking about anything past surface level is autistic.





>my little jojo




>that spazzing out at the end
thermonuclear heh


I can do it once and relies on the honor system but the damage is good

this fucking infuriates me.

This one then??

I fucking love disgaea attack animations

Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova

why did he shoot booblady?

I had forgot how amazing Popeye was.
But now I feel old.

nice blog faggot

>not "everything's coming up kira"



>underage fag
I bet you don't even know what a blog is.


I activated my trap card!

That's power son, that's power

>old anime

It's true. You the wrong one.




I'm 38 you faggot

You sure act like one.


>I make opinions about things I know little about

sauce? charming art style



gene's eyes during that spinup holy shit

>Outlaw Star Ending
>says "see you again" like Cowboy Bebop does
>been waiting for a sequel all these years

>I'm afraid of anime because I'm afraid of getting turned on by little boys

Come on, user.
You sure know Bubblegum Crisis, do you??


>Bubblegum Crisis
I was, when that came out. Wasn't paying too much attention to anime yet.



Well, I saw the original Bubblegum Crisis after 2040.
I was -3 when the original came out.

[summons reliable party members]

I am become death




