Vidya YLYL


Other urls found in this thread:

what did they mean by this

>a fucking parody ost channel getting political
when will playtonic admit they started a shitty butterfly effect

user they were just joking

i know, and you're still having bad wrong fun

the left's modus operandi right now is to end careers over jokes, and if the climate persists, you aren't allowed to use that defense either

settle down and wait before stirring up shit for laughs


>J T


>J T


Fuck I lost

Yes let them win that will make them stop.

I'm black and approve so it's 100% ok

Jon "see a nigger - pull the trigger" Tron?

>Jon "see a nigger - pull the trigger" Tron?
OH shit son underrated post

Jon "if you're black you have to go back" Tron?

>the left will win if we don't scream and whine and prove their point, guys!!

Is that Elite Dangerous?

I've always been on the fence about trying that

Jon "Aim my nine at the Welfare line" Jafari

Squeeze the trigger, don't pull it


>kebab remover mk ii
doing god's work

It wasn't jokes though. Just straight retarded baseless crap he actully thinks. I honestly thought he was more educated

Jon "Call me mon, your head will be gone" Tron

wtf is thi shit real?

Yes it is in the third level

Jon "never too soon to end a coon" Tron

Me too, and it always seemed a bit pricey for me as a result, but now I think it's at a fair price. It looks like it can get boring really easily, can anyone attest to this?

Jon " fire my nine into the welfare line" Tron


shitty japanese humor

these were litrerally Sup Forums ben garrison jokes long before mgsv came out.


I am also angry about [YouTube e-celebrity drama]

Also, did you see latest [Twitter/Tumblr drama I'm outraged about]?

Video games!

Jon "Your skin's not white, and that not alright" Tron

shutup fatty

...Jon's not white

Jon "Slavemaster of the safari" Jafari

Sup Forums in a nutshell
Bunch of kids who get triggered over social media shit that has nothing to do with games.

This place is overrun with whiney faggots now

why do i even bother coming here anymore

You can leave at any time if you're just gonna complain about nothing faggots.


he's not white and his family consist of immigrants and he talks about deporting people he'll be the first to go


Yooka-Laylee belongs to Sup Forums.

>illegal immigrants are the same as legal immigrants

Who cares?

The only thing not white about him is his surname

JonTron's a faggot, but there's a difference between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant. Also, just because you're an immigrant doesn't mean you should let EVERYBODY in with zero background checks.

Americans who immigrated tend to be toughest on immigration, I've noticed.

...also that he's literally not of the white race

his parents are iranian you fucking idiot

pretty sure the left just wants to enforce common social norms and decency. Unless Jon was making a joke when he talked about le rich blacks.

That doesn't even rhyme you retard.

I just think he shouldn't have room to talk I think people with options on immigration should only voice it if more than 3 generations of they're family can be traced back to america anything not equal to or shorter than that is calling the pot black but of course thats not valid under America's constitution

Jon "Aryan" Jafari
Is literally his name, no joking.

>Americans who immigrated tend to be toughest on immigration, I've noticed.
Wouldn't you?

Imagine if you worked your ass off months, cutting back on entertainment and hobby shit to save up cash, eating ramen for extra savings, maybe taking on a second job. You put all that money toward a new car. You park it in your driveway to show it off.

Then you find out your ghetto ass neighbor just stole a car just like yours. Didn't pay a dime, didn't work a day, didn't live lean at all and now he's enjoying the perks. He parks it same as yours and gets arrested like an idiot. So now when people look at your car they're thinking, "Gee did user steal one too?" Maybe they don't say it openly but it's in the back of their head. They might even make jokes about the similarity of the cars at neighborhood meetings.

It would suck right? This guy has basically mocked your sacrifice and smeared your name all at once.

>all immigrants are of the same creed, race and education
>legal and illegal makes no difference
It really does confuse lefticucks when hard working non-whites call them out, wew

It's a little wacky, but not really Japanese-level wacky.

Hell I could honestly see this being a British comedy sketch.

>hard working non-whites call them out

I'm a 19 year old black republican m8

>he thinks that white nationalists are cool with leaving non-whites here
Why the fuck even bring up blacks then? There's very little black immigration to America. Have you ever even heard the proposals of far right ethno nationalists? They go as far as wanting to take over and section of various states by race, or just flat out genocide. He also mentioned the issue of "gene pools" which exist regardless of legal or illegal. And why constantly tweet about muslims if he is totally cool with them coming here legally?

Dude is just racist, m8. You can be against illegal immigration without going full 1488


>he believes the le immigrants are all criminals who steal my jobs maymay
>everyone I dislike is a criminal except me, I am not because I have a lighter skin tone

And he is a fucking Arab. Have a (you)

Rupublicans don't want to remove immigrants you idiot, only illegals. If you're republican then you don't have a very good grasp of it.

Yeah, I agree the fat fuck is racist, but I'm saying that the "your family immigrated, you don't get to have an opinion on immigration" is a dumb-fuck stance to take.

You have really bad reading comprehension

Reply again once you've read the post and fully understand it. I am interested to see if you are capable, now that you know you didn't read it correctly.

He's Persian, get it right.

No, it's valid because he supports policies that would deny him his own life. It's basically "fuck you got mine". I mean its valid for him to believe that but also valid to call him a shit person for it.

>"Gee did user steal one too?"

man growing up around my family I've always wondered if people thought I was a stereotypical thuggish black guy

I'd rather if you and your ilk left for some other site where this garbage is appreciated.

>I have never listened to anything republicans say
Of course, this is the same board that believes all democrats are Anita sarkesian or some shit.
They want to curb immigration, not just stop illegals. The most hardcore want a total freeze on immigration. Alt righters want a freeze on non-white immigration. And even the more moderate ones want to restrict immigration heavily.

The comment section is horribly cringy.

but we must le redpill you

Invasion is not immigration. Believing otherwise puts a positive spin to it.

no, because he supports legal immigration and is talking (truthfully) about african american crime compared to everyone else in america.

I want to fcuk Viv

>this is the same board that believes all democrats are Anita sarkesian or some shit.

yeah just create a generalisation to further your own lmao


hiding sleepers in 'refugees' is though, ask france

Your opinion is neither of those things, those are opinions. 99% of countries on the planet enforce borders and keep people out, and you're going to turn around and say this isn't the "norm"? LE FAKE NEWS XD

Does the democratic party even exist still? Who would you vote for?

Oh my bad I forgot Iranians are white guys.

mmm mmm recycled memes. thats good for the earth motherfucker

>it's a Sup Forums attempts to discuss politics through generalization and strawman thread

While we are at this faggot your logic would mean this is a white guy

When did I say he was white? I merely stated he is Hungarian-Iranian. Which he is.

i already lost today

He's just as white as he is black.

He's mixed. He's not a black guy. United States just had a fucking weird way of looking at race, though.

Nah you tried to imply whiteness. That would mean your a leftist racist that instantly sees the color of a dudes skin and assumes their race.

Your worse than Hitler mate.

What the fuck

Literally Aryans.

I didn't imply anything, I was merely correcting you. You're the one inferring whiteness.

>No, it's valid because he supports policies that would deny him his own life.

How the fuck do you figure?

>Don't let in literally everybody
>No just don't let in everyone for no reason

>gamergate demands politics OUT of games! and more honesty and transparency!
>devs remove someone from their game because he got political and they don't want that shit in their game
>they say they are doing this so that they're being transparent and not sneaking him out of the game on the sly

This is literally what you fucks asked for but you're still mad because you didn't want it to effect someone on "your side"

? You didn't know that Obama is a mutt?

>Good times create weak men.
>Weak men create hard times.

This. If it was a liberal who'd been kicked from the game we wouldn't have threads flooding the board and underage fucks on twitter crying about CENSORSHIP they'd just be screaming praise kek and frogposting in celebration

Posting pasta is against the rules

Nah I think there are no white people they look kinda pink to me and black guys look sorta brown.

You all bullshitters.

>Morgan Freeman:

>"First thing that always pops into my head regarding our president is that all of the people who are setting up this barrier for him ... they just conveniently forget that Barack had a mama, and she was white — very white American, Kansas, middle of America," Freeman said. "There was no argument about who he is or what he is. America's first black president hasn't arisen yet. He's not America's first black president — he's America's first mixed-race president."

>immigrate illegally
>in many cases work illegally and send all money back to your native country
>"But I didn't commit a crime!"