Persona 5 Arena and spinoff speculation thread?
Persona 5 Arena and spinoff speculation thread?
I want a Persona Q2. Q's subpersona system was fantastic and all it needs is some tweaks to make magic less shit compared to physical and nerf Hama/Mudo so Naoto doesn't end every trash encounter in one turn.
Here's hoping for Persona 5: Stealing the Beat or something like that. P5's soundtrack is too good to not get a rhythm spinoff. I just hope they don't turn the characters into fanfiction caricatures of themselves like they did in P4DAN
>Akira, Brotag, and Ryuji routes
>100+ hours of glorious fishing
>fill out your fishcompendium
>summon your fishsona
>velvet room attendent is an old man who's really good at fishing and orders fishing lures with the bonephone
>all of the cast of the game show up as support, with certain characters giving you bonus abilities
fund it, Atlus
Fish game would need sensei. She'd have to be in it somehow, since she was one of the few characters actually involved with that shit minigame
>dancing to Rivers in the Desert as Shido
>fanfiction caricatures
That I fear. Hopefully given P5's writing we won't see that.
>instead of summoning his persona at the end of a song for a solo he hulks out and uses his abs and chest as drums
>playable Lavenza
That's all what I need, Atlus.
>not Himukai
He made a fuckton of Persona illustrations for Atlus, why hire another guy for Q?
Where our Dynasty Warriors: Persona at?
OP here, I just realized I'm a total faggot and I'm going to kms
>P5 Arena
Playable Goro, Larvenza, Caroline and Justine andHifumi and the story runs as if she was part of the phantom thieves in P5
Some P4 characters Yu, Naoto, Rise and Teddie seem most likely
Set in an alternate universe to P4 Arena and Ultimax where the P3 FeMC is canon and Shinjiro is still alive and playable
>Hifumi and the story runs as if she was part of the phantom thieves in P5
Fuck it if we're doing that, let's just have fun with it and throw every character in
Playable Toranosuke, Mishima, GET SMOKED, and Iwai please
>Playable Toranosuke, Mishima, GET SMOKED, and Iwai please
who would their personas be?
I don't want P5 to be milked to death like 4.
You know it will. The only issue is that we don't have another robot to abuse.
That's just going to run into the same problems Arena had with too-many-character syndrome, I would limit it to twelve characters
1. Joker
2. Ann
3. Ryuji
4. Yusuke
5. Makoto
6. Haru
7. Goro
8. Caroline and Justine
9. Chie
10. Naoto
11. Ken and Koromaru
12. Yukari
or something like that. The DLC character's weren't fun to play as because they were just clones of existing ones.
Will it though? the characters seems too bland and not as charming as the P4 ones, even their designs are kind of meh.
I'm more concerned with what they'd add in the inevitable rerelease. Please no OC Donut Steels.
The most inevitable spinoff is gonna be an anime adaptation.
Why not just remake the first Persona?
... Again?
>No Sho
How dare you leave out best boy.
Yeah, and make it not shit this time.
was persona 4 your first persona game?
you kinda sound like the typical nostalgia fag who cant like anything else because the "original is always better" to them.
I had to nolife through it so I could get back on this hellhole without you faggots spoiling it
P3 and P4 certainly were. 100% chance of a remake though.
Fuck off, Sho is literally Coldsteel the Purseowner
I get where they were coming from with the whole "respect for the games we didn't make" stance but FUCK I'd really like to see older versions of Persona/Persona 2 characters make cameos. Seeing characters you knew as teenagers make later appearances is always the coolest shit.
I agree, especially the original Protagonist, considering we never got to see what he was up to anyway in Eternal Punishment.
I just hope they use the Xrd engine for it. They would have to redo the P4 cast anyway since it would be retarded if they were still running around in their high school uniforms without their ultimate personas so they might as well transition to 3D.
How will they get their personas back?
Since there are multiple places where personas can manifest (velvet room, tv world, dark hour) I'm sure they'll find a hammy excuse to handwave it.
I mean they never actually lost it, they just lost the ability to go into the metaverse since it doesn't exist in that way anymore. They'll probably be able to use it any distortion.
If anything, I could see something like P5's setting being a palace that's actually a Colosseum or something, something thought of by another robot.
>they use that as an excuse to bring Genesis into canon
This, I didn't get near Sup Forums for the past 2 weeks.
they never lost their personas, idiot. They just can't get into the metaverse because it doesn't exist anymore, but there are plenty of conditions where personas can manifest.
>Find an Invoker
>Get pulled in TV world
>Igor shenanigans
Literally anything is possible.
If they shoot themselves, will they die?
Whoops, evoker*
>gonna happen
>might happen
Q2 or similar
>I doubt it
Dancing all morning
Gotta wonder what other genres they might try for this, though.
I'm a little surprised Atlus never tried an action game with Persona, if they could make a fighting game work I don't see why a character action game couldn't.
>What I want to happen
An actual, honest-to-god stealth game.
What if they tried a shooter
First Arena sold decent because people were curious. The second one sold like complete shit so I hope Atlus took the hint and will never make any of those anymore.
I'm always up for more dungeon crawling so Persona Q2 is the only tolerable spin-off I can think of. Hopefully with less conflicting design choices from EO and Persona teams this time around.
We fell into a TV
Fighting games always sell like shit if it's not Street Fighter. But they should probably stick to RPGs. Maybe a Persona Devil Survivor like game or something.
All fighting game iterations sell worse than their previous version.
It also didn't help that P4U was shit compared to P4A.
>It also didn't help that P4U was shit compared to P4A.
Source? Even so most of the revenue for fighters are in the arcade versions (hence why it can sometimes take fucking ages for a home version to come out).
According to the not-so-reliable vgchartz Ultimax sold 4 times less than its predecessor.
All the new systems added barring a few were dumb.
Not to mention shadow versions of characters with shadow frenzy.
>Maybe a Persona Devil Survivor like game or something.
They already did that.
I'd think that we first get the enhanced version on the switch before any spin-offs.
If true, not too surprising, as mentioned fighting game sequels/updates almost always sell worse then the vanilla version. Still, both versions made a lot of money in Japanese arcades so I think P5U will happen.
Why is Goro never included in these party artwork things?
I only hope they don't force a shitty story mode for the home console release and then insist it's canon.
Let it just stay arcade with no explanation for why they are beating shit out of each other.
Persona 5 Solid.
a stealth game.
Because he is a serial killer
What's wrong with the current one? It already has the elements of a stealth game
For better or worse, a canon story is what they do to sell it to the Persona fans. It'll also be why Labrys and Sho will be shoved into the game.
Since this thread is about a possibility about Arena, I have a question. Shadows are basically Personas right? And Labrys's shadow has a persona. Which later becomes her own persona. So does Labrys technically have two persona?
I'll replay the game if they give me a femc.
It was some bullshit about all the other units being inside Labrys' psyche so Shadow Labrys also exists in there.
>playable characters from Persona 1 & 2
P5 Kart
P5 Party
>Adachi wasn't fun to play as
Shit taste right there
>FES version where you only explore Mementos
Jack Bros Sequel
I'm just curious how they'd even pull off a "FES" version since the cognitive world is gone on christmas. They'd either have to shove mementos depths to Feb/March or make up some extra bullshit.
What DLC characters were clones? Margaret? Marie? Adachi? I have to doubt your understanding of the game if you think any of these are clones.
Like, plenty of low-level FG players have a rather loose understanding of clones. I can see how someone might play Armor King for a few minutes and incorrectly believe that he really is just a King reskin. But say... Adachi and Yu? There's such an abysmally small amount of common ground there that I can't understand it. Margaret and Elizabeth? There is literally NO common ground. And I don't know who you could even begin to imagine Marie serves as a clone as.
I don't have that LA Noire DOUBT image on hand, but that is the perfect expression of my feelings right about now.
Yeah real clones are like Ryu and Ken, or if you want to get into games for five year olds Melee has Fox and Falco as a good example of clone characters.
I kinda wish they'd done that in the game as is, having a slow ramp up of Mementos fusing with the world would've been more interesting then everything happening suddenly on Christmas Eve all at once, with no real time to react to it. If I've got one real complaint about P5, it's that
I think P4U did a great job of differenting characters with similar powers. A lot of characters have similar skill sets on paper but P4U found a way of making them all distinctive.
Honestly, if there's one thing you really can't blame the P4 fighting games for is lack of character variety. Everyone feels distinct
Persona 5: Barista simulator
Fund it
im replaying P4G to get ready for P5 and i play it right now on hard mode. Is hard more really only beatable by grinding and outleveling the enemy bosses because that is what it feels like right now.
Arena ultimax sold shit because people dont like buying the same game with minimal improvements one year later.
ow bad r u
No. Even very hard which is the exact same shit except with significantly reduced exp and money gains is perfectly beatable with minimal grinding (and is in fact my preferred way to play specifically because everything is a threat, but the game gives you so many tools to abuse that you always have a fair shot even when you're severely underleveled). Between fusions, skill changes, skill upgrades and skill cards you can become very strong very fast.
i cant see a way to defeat the king in yukikos castle after you saved her at level 20
Tarunda, Sukunda, a phys resist persona, and most importantly, that guy is a bitch so you can just come back later because he isn't going anywhere.
>people wanting spin offs
Yes I can't want for the characters to be falndernized to all hell. Work on p6 or other megatan games
But isn't Shadow Labrys technically Ariadne? Kind of confusing now that I think of it.
>Not just ignoring the story outside of the main game
Who cares what they do for the stories if the gameplay is fun? It's not like it'll matter outside of those spin-offs. I didn't suddenly stop enjoying P4 because Ultimax slobbered all over Adachi's dick and I won't stop liking P5 when the spin-offs inevitably "redeem" Akechi in some asinine way.
isnt Teddie a shadow that developed their own persona.
>dat Makoto
At this point I wont mind if another Arena happens.
The story mode was dogshit but it was still one of the best fighting games.
>spinoffs always imply the MC never romances anyone
I get that they can't have a canon waifu, but I wish they'd just give you an option to pick one.
>Who cares what they do for the stories if the gameplay is fun?
Fucking this. I'm hoping P5U uses Xrd's rendering style, especially if the characters look straight out of Soejima's pen. Is it going to have a shit story? Most likely, but as long as it looks and plays great, it'll be all good with me.
Same here. I hope they bring back some P4 characters too since I'd like to see them get some silly new designs like the P3 cast did.
That'd be great as well. Then again the roster might be stretched thin if they also decide to include P3 characters.
Stealth I'm the game is way too simplistic, there isn't even a crouch button
Cause he's a dickhead and nobody likes him