Still needs like 5 years of development. Maybe if the Cemu guys finish they can help.
Still needs like 5 years of development. Maybe if the Cemu guys finish they can help
Other urls found in this thread:
this video is already old, new builds are pushed out on a daily base. cxbx is making very fast progress.
Finally, i'll be able to play Panzer Dragoon Orta.
Kotor with a pad is comfortable
They made emulation of Wii U and 3DS before they did for the first Xbox, and Xbox 360 seems like a never then. How?
Why not just port Panzer Dragoon Orta to PC and forget about xbox?
sitting on my couch, nonplussed, wondering as to why this would matter to anyone at all.
Can I soon finally play crackdown
You want Xenia, not this one. This one is for the original Xbox Hueg.
didnt the op of this image actually dick over the emulation scene by destroying the majority of a dev kit?
xbox has some good games like Metal Wolf Chaos. Maybe not as much as Wii-U or PS3 but enough to warrant this. Fuck off schoolshooter frog.
>think "why is there no Xbox emulation"
>can't think outside of 3 games I'd wanna play
I guess I can understand why no one really makes too much of an effort.
As far as I know he tried to cover it up as a joke and that he didn't really gut it to make that retarded rig.
Yeah, he wiped it thinking the drive was empty.
20gb of "nothing"
Why even wipe such an old drive, fuck.
The original xbox didn't really have a lot worth emulating that's not already on or eventually came to PC. So drum it up to not much reward for the effort.
What a cuck thing to do, if your gona have a major fuck up at least martin shkreli it and own the douchebag angle to it.
Cemu is closed source because they literally stole most of the code from Dolphin, and emulators are never "finished." underage pls go
>emulators don't finish
they basically do, once CemU has all first party titles done do you give a single fuck about their updates?
Its like a tree falling in a forest with no one around.
>replies to people saying it's reddit's fault for not buying it
>it's still totally a jokes guizw!!!
Jesus fuck every time i think about i get more and more pissed.
>closed source emulation
literally most retarded stuff ever
they will become unusable even before original hardware creeks
>think "why is there Wiiu emulation"
>can't think outside of 1 game I'd wanna play
I guess I can't understand why cemu is so massively successful.
The main reason I'd want a Xbox Hueg emulator is so I don't need to spend a ridiculous amount of money trying to get a working Japanese region Xbox just to play Metal Wolf Chaos
>Cemu is closed source because they literally stole most of the code from Dolphin
Since when was Cemu a Wii emulator?
>I don't need to spend a ridiculous amount of money trying to get a working Japanese region Xbox just to play Metal Wolf Chaos
couldn't you just mod an american or PAL xbox to play backups from all regions? or is that not possible/too difficult to do?
anybody tried running Ninja Gaiden Black on it?
Link? I can't find the official site It's mish-mash of old news, fake stuff and random websites.
>xbox 360 seems like a never
Xenia is making pretty good progress, though
God i wish JSRF didn't play like shit on 360
>xbox has some good games like Metal Wolf Chaos. Maybe not as much as Wii-U
What? Xboxhuge has about thrice as many worth playing games.
The WiiU CPU is pretty much three Wii CPUs glued with a higher clock.
It's completely trivial, softmodding an Xbox is a 20 minute job and then you can play anything you want off the HDD.
Then why didn't the Dolphin devs implement wii u emulation into it?
Not quite. Wii comes to mind when you say trivial. You need an USB converter and a game if I recall right.
Because the GPU is wildly different, and it's more than half of the dolphin code.
Also i don't think Cemu is actually emulating the GPU, but instead going into the HLE path, followed by funny emulators like project 64 and epsxe.
It's a 10 dollar investment.
Any softmod is trivial. Hardware mods require at least some level of competence, but consoles like the PS2, Xbox, Wii and Wii U are all trivial to hack.
This dev came out of the woodwork with a Patreon after Cemu's success. I'm torn on whether crowd-funding emulators it's a good thing or not.
>I'm torn on whether crowd-funding emulators it's a good thing or not.
Paying people money to work on something always works when you expect shit to be done.
If pcsx2 devs did the same at the beginning, maybe we would have a better ps2 emulator by now.
If he actually gets some work done, it's the best thing ever. If he doesn't, it's just another in an endless line of scams, and it's not like this shit is going to impede Xbox emulator development because it's fucking dead anyway.
Also, the lure of money might bring in some other NEET coders who start competing projects if this one never amounts to anything. Overall, I think it's more likely to have a positive impact.
>tfw no way to get an Xbox because I don't live in the US and I'd get taxed since it's fucking huge
Inb4 just buy from your country's version of eBay
Impossible, motherfuckers are asking the same as a FUCKING NEW XBONE HOLY SHIT IM MAD
Considering that the Wii U is dead, that's not a bad thing.
But Cemu will never be accurate.
But the dolphin team is not getting their hands dirty with such disgusting trick.
Best case scenario is if MS makes an in house emulator for their machines. I wouldn't mind paying for it if it's part of their sub service since I sub anyways, but I'd feel blown if i wasn't already behind the paywall
What's games are still exclusive the XB that are actually worth playing?
Metal Wolf Chaos
Metal Wolf Chaos, Steel Battalion, and the best versions of a whole bunch of multiplats.
Maybe I'll be able to replay project Sylpheed, ACFA and Ace combat somewhere down the line.
Splinter Cell Double Agent
The "HD" versions on X360/PS3/PC are absolute garbage
The PS2/GC versions have different smaller levels with load times in between.
Xbox is pretty hard to emulate user. It's got a bunch of proprietary hardware and little to no documentation on how it works.
>no documentation on how it works.
Someone should just sneak into microsoft and steal them.
Can I get a link or a quick rundown? I want to feel the urge to break something.
Yukikaze was pretty good.
You can thank a redditor for fucking up a devkit xbox that would have helped with the process immensely.
Some retarded kid destroyed an Xbox dev kit that might have had neat files on it to put in a dogshit low-end PC build, then played it off like he didn't give a shit about destroying thousands of dollars worth of hardware to build a sub-1k rig. And he wiped the drive, too, for no possible reason.
Then a bunch of retards kept harping on about how that dev kit could have had some vital documentation that would make Xbox emulation possible, when in reality the best anyone could hope for is a shitty prototype build of some third party game nobody ever cared about.
There have already been a few of these documented around, with their contents released online, it wasn't going to blow the scene wide open or anything.
Mech Assault
Steel Battalion
Panzer Dragoon Orta
JSRF, which is in the OP
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Are you genuinely this autistic or just pretending?
>And he wiped the drive, too, for no possible reason.
That's the part that gets me. It was a 20GB IDE HDD from 2001, what could you possibly use it for that would warrant formatting it?
>No Phantom Crash
>No Phantom Dust
>No Yager
Good list but don't forget these gems.
Are there actually good Xbox games not available on other platforms? Not a troll, just legitimately asking
Ninja gaiden black
Quite right, thanks for the backup.
Also, should add:
Crimson skies
Unreal Championship 2
>Woah, you can read threads before posting in them? Thats fucking nuts!
>Microsoft, the technology giant with billions to throw around would not pour money into exclusivity deals.
There's a fuckload of them.
The problem is that they never sold well because nobody actually bought the Xbox.
It continued and killed an innumerable amount of SEGA franchises (Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragoon,...) as well as a massive mecha library from the Japanese (Steel Battalion, Metal Polf Chaos, definitive version of Phantom Crash,...), ton of interesting experimental games (Goblin Commander) and a plethora of platformers to compete with Sony's trio of Jak, Ratchet and Sly.
So, essentially, MS fucked themselves and a sizable chuck of the industry?
>So, essentially, MS fucked themselves and a sizable chuck of the industry?
No, they just focused on releasing a lot of cool games on the Xbox, its not their fault it wasn't very popular
Aside from the retarded controller, that was part of why I never wanted one
Do you have tiny girl hands or something? Because the original xbox controller might be the best controller ever made.
Considering I was 10 years old when the Xbox released, yeah, my hands were a little small
But that doesn't mean the placement of the Black/White buttons wasn't retarded either
I didn't hate the Xbox controllers or anything
But the 360 controller was an objective improvement on the design
Its just a damn shame about that Dpad