Lets have a breath of the wild thread. Since most of you have completed it already, let's look back at our experience

Lets have a breath of the wild thread. Since most of you have completed it already, let's look back at our experience

>What do you think the game does well
>What can be improved on
>What improvements you want to see in the DLC, for both story and hard mode
>What elements of the game you want to carry over to the sequel
>What elements you want removed
And most importantly,
>Did you enjoy yourself?

Other urls found in this thread:


does the game actually look like that or is that a cemu bullshot?

Game would be perfect with deeper combat, more overworld secrets/ruins, proper dungeons, and greater enemy variety. That said it still hovers around a solid 9/10 for me and I'm probably approaching the 200 hour mark now. Been taking my time, still haven't done a lot of the shit there is to do in the game.

Not cemu. It's the Wii U. The game looks beautiful almost everywhere, especially in motion

Screenshots don't do it justice.

> Does well
The game is the pinnacle of the open-world genre

>Improved on

> DLC story/hard mode
Story: surprise me Nintendo
Hard mode: x3 damage, enemy AI gets tougher, all enemies are replaced by their toughest variants (e.g. only silver lynels, white bokoblins)
>Elements carried over to sequels
Vast open-world, climbable environments, cooking, letting the player do/play however they want.
>Enjoyed yourself?

I also would like some time-travel or alternate world travelling that past Zeldas are known for but was absent in BOTW, to return (i.e. the Dark World, Adult world, Twilight realm, Lorule)

We need more Hyrule Castle dungeons. 99% of all complaints people have are deliberate design decisions that make it a better game overall, unless Nintendo can cure autism they can't get rid of those complaints.

Yes. Hyrule castle is a sign the developers do know what the pinnacle of a Zelda dungeon should be: Lack of puzzles, atmospheric, with many areas for exploration and rewards creativity

So how would you make the combat deeper?

Make dodge rolls return
Have stronger and more difficult enemies with more moves
More movesets for weapons so the differences are more obvious
Tighten window for flurry rush

Reimplement the moves that Twilight Princess introduced except don't make them optional.

Flurry and parry are better than those pointless moves from TP. Honestly the combat is fine, it's not a fucking Platinum game it doesn't need a Bayonetta combat system.

The moves in TP are bad because you never have to use them, and spamming your sword is more efficient. Now, if they design more enemies around the moves, they will become quickly useful

For example, for helm splitter, you can have an enemy that only can be damaged on its head or something




>hours played
>favourite character
>favourite location
>favourite race
>most /fa/ armor and weapon set
>favourite soundtrack
>favourite weapon
>favourite bossfight
>hopes for DLC and a sequel
>how you would rank it with other 3D zeldas

That's a waifu thread

>this cancer still not contained
Thanks moot.

>hours played
>favourite character
Sidon. Or Kass. Fuck I can't decide. Maybe Kass, cause you meet him more often, and accordions are a thinking man's instrument
>favourite location
Gerudo desert
>favourite race
The rito. I like birds, plus their village is max comfy
>most /fa/ armor and weapon set
Soldier set with hood
>favourite soundtrack
Hyrule castle. What a great track
>favourite weapon
Any electric weapon, prefably spears
>favourite bossfight
Thunderblight. The rest were underwhelming
>hopes for DLC and a sequel
DLC I don't really have hopes. Expecting a cash grab, might be pleasantly surprised

Sequel should buff weapon durability and add longer dungeons, along with more rune powers
>how you would rank it with other 3D zeldas
MM>OoT>BotW>[power gap]>TP>WW>SS

MGS5 threads lasted for months, fuck off.

They weren't cancer. Your shitty rehash is :)


Sidon is total bro. I've only been at two of the race areas though
Zora's domain. Again, I haven't been to many other towns
The Tunic of the wild looks great, with or without hood
The track that plays when you ride on Sidon's back
The Royal greatsword.
Likely waterblight. Windblight was lame
For it to be actually substantial.
Improve on dungeons and enemy variety

>TP & OOT better than WW

>he's a WW baby
Enjoy your tedious sailing, triforce quest and horrible, horrible aesthetic

>horrible aesthetic
But it's not TP edgeland.

Cemufag here. Just started. Which direction is the best to go first?

The sailing was so much fun though. It made the game feel more atmospheric, fun, and immersive than any other Zelda.

WW is overrated senpai. The only thing it has over TP and OoT is it's art style.

It does. The problem is that the game has the worst weather system ever in a video game. It's like there was a Sony spy who told EAD constant rain is a good idea for realism or the Skyrim effect or something.

So in 99% the pictures you see online it looks like grey or brown shit like .

Plus Switch compresses screenshots and Nintendo fans are too stupid to make proper screenshots.

Is it even stable enough to even finish the game at this point?

Most beautiful open world game on Switch at 900p or Cemu.

Gamestop. To buy a Switch and the game.

Don't worry faggot, I'll buy a switch once Mario comes out so I can play the DLC on switch. Hopefully there are more performance patches
>fucking GameStop

towards reddit

Flying thing in the sky. Easiest titan dungeon but most fun power up which, however, doesn't give you a broken as fuck advantage in combat.

Then east (where the constnat rain is). Afterwards either north or south, up to you.

Not crashing at the moment. Smooth 30fps at 1080p. Heard crashes are frequent later in the game. Also shrine camera is kind of screwed, I suggest you wait, but I am desperate, and I can't get a switch RN

>the track that plays when you ride on Sidon's back

good taste user

But revali's gale breaks the game the most

>What do you think the game does well
Gives you a ton of options on how you want to approach an encounter. Let you use a variety of weapons, which is something I've always wanted in a Zelda.
>What can be improved on
A more complex combat system. More enemy variety. More gear sets. More weapon variety. More full fledged temples and less shrines. Different attributes to level up other than HP or stamina.
>What improvements you want to see in the DLC, for both story and hard mode
As far as hard mode goes make enemies a lot tougher, add new enemies, and combinations such as having to deal with 2 Lynels at the sametime plus a horde of moblins or some ridiculous.
>What elements of the game you want to carry over to the sequel
Gear with unique perks, upgrading gear, weapon variety, a leveling system similar to Zelda II but expanded.
>What elements you want removed
Weapon durability because it ultimately adds nothing to the game. Extremely limit climbing and gliding because a lot of obstacles become trivialized. Champion powers. Stasis+. Not have 120 shallow shrines, rather have mini dungeons with a boss or a gauntlet at the end of them that contain both puzzles and combat sections and not just purely one or the other and with rewards that matter.
>Did you enjoy yourself?
At first I wasn't really enjoying myself and just wanted to follow the story, but got very sidetracked and ended up just hunting for armor sets which was fun, a lot more fun than the actual storyline.

The only problem I have with BOTW is the game gets easier and less interesting as you go on.
The game hits you with the best game every right out of the gates and then you unlock revali's gale, learn how to parry guardian beams, and get overloaded with the most powerful weapons in the game on your way to the nearest stable.

Even worse, after a while you realize your only rewards for exploring are shrines, koroks, and more gear, which are all very good reasons to explore early on but after you maxed out your inventory and have more than enough hearts and stamina there's really no point.

I loved this game, it's my one of my favorite games, but it's also the only zelda game I couldn't be bothered to finish.
If they made another Zelda game with the same formula, but a more detailed story and a normal difficulty curve, it would probably be my favorite game of all time.

Combat is supposed to be a challenge. Climbing mountains is supposed to be tedious.

I rather pick the broken ability that neglects the latter rather than the former.

>Is it even stable enough to even finish the game at this point?

playing in 4k with +30 fps but you really need a stable cache shader file. Also game still crashes randomly, camera drops to 0fps sometimes aswell + bugs out in shrines sometimes

The second you learn or even dare to counter a Guardian's beam you probably played like 50 or 100 hours already. You don't even know what you can parry and how parrying works in this game and have to master it through some Lynel fights.

Unless you checked the internet while playing which disregards your opinion anyway.

Don't see what's wrong with becoming more powerful in a game anyway. What would be the point of doing all this shit when beating the bad guys would become harder, especially from a story or lore perpective?

>What improvements you want to see in the DLC, for both story and hard mode

Underwater and caves. Also survival mode where you need to eat and drink, build shelters, basically Zelda Rust

Cool. Back to Led dit now.

>The second you learn or even dare to counter a Guardian's beam you probably played like 50 or 100 hours already. You don't even know what you can parry and how parrying works in this game and have to master it through some Lynel fights.
Actually I was dark souls'ing it up and parrying everything I could think of,
but I never thought to parry projectiles until Fireblight ganon.

It didn't work.
>Don't see what's wrong with becoming more powerful in a game anyway. What would be the point of doing all this shit when beating the bad guys would become harder, especially from a story or lore perpective?
The problem isn't that your more powerful. The problem is the game has an inverted difficulty curve. It's hardest at the beginning and easiest at the end. The final boss should not feel easier than that one bokoblin on the mountains in the great plateau that could one shot you seemingly through shields.

>Unless you checked the internet while playing which disregards your opinion anyway.

>What do you think the game does well
BotW implements intelligent solutions to the problems of open-world games for me:

Allowing you to climb everything then glide down is just pure freedom. Disaposable loot gives you incentive to explore instead of just seeking out the best weapon and scales you back down to weaker weapons if you spend time doing a lower difficulty area + divine beast. Exploration being rewarded with currency rather than unique items means time spent exploring in virtually any direction is equally rewarding. Enemy scaling for camps you've cleared before is a nice compromise between level-scaling and fixed levels (Gothic style). The action combat is fun with tons of options and made more accessible for casuals with optional buffs and armors. Aiming an arrow at a weak-point using the gyroscope mid fight is a particular highlight. The world is made to feel pleasantly physical with destrucatables, footprints, wetness, weather and all the associated sound effects.

>What can be improved on
Dungeon/shinre length
More reasons to use your house as a hub
Controls for swimming and climbing felt stiff and restrictive, particularly mid-fight
Not casting Americans to do bad English accents

>What improvements you want to see in the DLC, for both story and hard mode
I'd like to see a significantly harder end or optional boss for people who've made themselves overpowered by exploring all of the side-content.

>What elements of the game you want to carry over to the sequel
If I had to choose one thing it'd be the freedom of movement.

>What elements you want removed
I don't know if rain making surfaces too slick to climb was a good mechanic outside of the Zora Kingdom (where it was predictable and forced you to play differently)

>he only has 27 hearts

>he has more than 13 hearts
Get a load of this shitter


>tfw can't get 5 stamina wheels

Really want the DLC to expand the map eastwards. Have loads of little islands and one main island that you can sail to.

>1 main island the size of great plateau
>10 smaller islands surrounding it
>Each island has a shrine or two that you need to solve each shrine 5-10 minutes in length
>The main dungeon isn't a divine beast but a proper hour long dungeon
>20 new side quests
>New end game content
>Real sailing instead of Korok leaf shit

>real sailing
Hope you don't mean that you have to play the shitty ass song every single fucking minute

North is where it's at. An entire region the size of the main map is roughly rendered.

You don't have to use the leaf. Just magnesis a metal weapon and push it up against the mast and you have a motor vehicle.

>tfw can't max both hearts and stamina

Thinking back, almost all the music in the divine beasts and their lead ups are top tier

That's true for almost all tracks in this game

Just a lack of them playing. But imo it makes the scenes with music feel more impactful

Make it full on dragons dogma or shadow of the Colussus with the climbing mechanic

This. I was so disappointed that the divine beasts weren't more SOTC-like

This. I was so disappointed that the divine beasts weren't more SOTC-like


What do you think will be there? I suspect there will be a new divine beast somewhere buried in there

>eventide island

that was my favourite moment in the game. it caught me by surprise and I probably spent close to an hour completing it.

is bolson a pedo?

Guys is the new 1.7.5 improve performance or what? Should I update the main game to 1.11?

Yes. It increases performance

Is there any planned dlc for it?

Dude where have you been

Man that announcement before the release still pisses me off. i'm okay with DLC but they should have announced it later. Like at E3.
>Botw came out about 3 months ago, right?
>have you been enjoying it?
>I bet many of you already beat the game
>well, we have a surprise for you...
And then BAM announce the DLC and show it right then and there.

LITERALLY what's the difference

It wouldn't have mattered, like at all. In both content in the game and in the DLC

In fact I like that they announced first to let all of you fucks know there would actually be DLC and not hide it after people buy the game, thus allowing some people to have the informed choice to probably wait if they want to

I was fucking spewing when I found out I had to pay for hard mode. Like how did they think it was a good idea to reveal all that before the game was even out. Here's hoping it's actually substantial and not just enemies doing double damage and having x2 hp or some crap.

>Seeing a double rainbow for the first time

Actually, the only time. Never saw one again. Great moment though

You bought the DLC already?


I'm 8 shrines away from completing 120. I'm pushing 170 hours right now, haven't finished completing all my item slot upgrades, and haven't finished upgrading all my armor yet. Should I beat Ganon? I've been tempted to go in and beat him multiple times now.

I'm pcfag so yeah, also should I wait for goty or what
Also I'm new to Zelda games

when did I say that retard?

Why would you want it to be substantial then. I mean if it's not you save 20 dollars. Unless you want a reason to dip into the game again?

There's no GOTY edition for all Nintendo games unless you want to wait for the next console like Mk8D

>Play Horizon
>Family member comes in
>Asks: "Is this still Zelda?"
>No, can't you see the difference in the graphics?
>"But it looks the same"



Get their eyes checked. Like seriously how can you not tell the glaring difference in art style. The only explaination i can think of is they are unfamiliar with games and think those shifts in art happen all the time

It really looks that shitty

>he owns a PS4
>he literally bought a generic, empty Far Cry 5 without any art design or physics and instead feminism and multiculturalism propaganda everywhere

I can never not laugh at you people. It's like you just want to ruin this world with your weapon grade stupidity.

Yeah, it's ugly as fuck.

>It looks only kinda washed out one day out of 20


>Lets have a breath of the wild thread.

You mean like the one that ended just before yours or the million other ones before that that keep remaking all day every day with the same fucking retarded questionaires and constant bump ups when they are about to fall off?


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you circlejerking general autists?

>Unless you want a reason to dip into the game again?

Yes. I liked the game so why wouldn't I? I'm not preordering DLC though, that's just stupid.

>shitendrone calls a game generic
>proceeds to buy Mario and Zelda rehash every year for 30 years
It's just sad at this point. There isn't even fun in mocking you anymore, it feels like slapping a retard.

>What do you think the game does well
I'm still enamored by the exploration and feeling of discovering the world. My housemate is playing through the game for the first time now and it was such a treat being able to relive the opening hours vicariously through her and see how another player handles the challenges of the Great Plateau differently.

I know I'm in the minority, but I really did like the Divine Beast segments as well. For one, I enjoy that the beasts have more of an important role in the story than the dungeons in any other Zelda game (beyond enter dungeon, receive magic thing), and the segments where you enter them are memorable across the board.

>What can be improved on
I would have liked more narrative to work with in the main story segments. In the moment, the game gives you a more than adequate look at the culture and histories of the 4 tribes (and the town designs are pretty stellar), but that still accounts for such a small part of the entire game. I think the Durability system works in theory, but it would have been nice if the weapons could take more of a beating, or if using them on environmental objects didn't wear them down. It's one thing to encourage variety in combat, it's another altogether to keep the player from having the right tools during exporation.

>What improvements you want to see in the DLC, for both story and hard mode
More backstory for the champions would be nice, and I want to see them take a crack at a traditional dungeon with the freeform shrine approach (something with a different aesthetic too). Hard mode I don't really care about, I can't imagine what they could do to make the game harder without making it less fun
>What elements of the game you want to carry over to the sequel
Art direction, sound design, scale, attention to detail with environment/object interactions

>What elements you want removed
Combat shrines, low durability across the board

And most importantly,
>Did you enjoy yourself
Oh god yes

aw baby is angry?
baby gonna cry?
poor baby

>you will never be this mad over people talking about a game
It's only really washed out in early morning or when it has just rained, or in some specific areas. When the sun is bright it's not washed out at all

Funny, the only people I have heard complaining vehemently about this Zelda say they would rather have yet another OoT rehash

>YOU autists

talk about a deflection

I wish they'd tone down on the durability aspect. It's not like there's ever a shortage of weapons and blood moons refresh the game anyways but it'd be nice to not have to go grab a weapon I really like all of the time after killing like 3 enemies. I just think weapons break a little too fast.

Hit too close to home, huh. Oh well, it's not like anyone needed more proof about general cancer.

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I'm not the one remaking the same old circlejerk every couple of hours.

Heaven forbid people discuss video game on video game forum

learn a trade

Do you need your pacifier? Or do you need to have your diaper changed?
I can't understand if you just keep crying like that.

Wait what?
So I cannot play the dlc on Pc?

New dungeon = fifth divine beast?

Wonder what happened to it. I think Impa said she fought along with the others. Maybe she was the Necludia champion?