>we just received a $4,000 dollar donation from anonymous.
Where do you people find this money?
>we just received a $4,000 dollar donation from anonymous.
Where do you people find this money?
Other urls found in this thread:
The American capitalist system is broken and the people with that kind of disposable income were born into circumstances where it was practically handed to them, and if you weren't born into those same circumstances you're pretty fucked
Down the back of the sofa.
greetings from germany
That's a lot of spoiler text just to type out "money laundering"
>American capitalist
Although yeah, America is close to the worst. China might be higher.
You know anonymous is a concept outside of Sup Forums right?
donations are tax deductible in my country
so it goes to a 'worthy cause' instead of hospitals, public teachers and roads
4k is a sizeable amount of money but anyone above minimum wage could have that saved if their lives had a moment of respite
doesn't explain them being this retarded with it though
sadly it was kind of like that, you can't relaly see an average joe become like Trump anymore, who was given a measly $1,000,000 back in the day (which mean that million was worth a lot more back then). It takes me, after taxes, four months to get $4,000
It's a tax deductable donation. Most people with a real source of income set aside a certain amount of money the plan on donating and then writing off.
everyone working SHOULD have that amount saveed up in case of an emergency at least, but strange enough, not everyone does
It's publisher
They tend to throw out huge sums at launch to attract more streamers.
streaming is a worthy cause?
Even people with minimal wage have thousands if not tens of thousands saved up after working for a short time.
Either get a REAL job or don't waste all your money on cigarettes, alcohol and fast food every day and you wouldn't be so fucking poor.
yeah but seems like "the rich" are the ones who can just donate $4,000 here and there. but you said a real income so I am assuming you mean people who make above $35,000 a year and have a bachelor's degree at least
>worthy cause
If you've got that much to blow, you should be smart enough to know a sizable portion goes to cancer "prevention" (nothing), nonprofit leaders, and volunteers like the High Speedrunning Autist, Mike Uyama
No, these are spoiled rich kids in various countries completely ignorant of the cause and the value of what they throw away. Trustfund manchildren included.
>rice and beans poster
shows how much you know desu
Money sent to charity just doesn't count as taxable income though, it's not like you get a tax credit equal to your donation
But if i blew 4000 bucks on this I'd rather get something else that I could actually use.
or just put it toward a house, or upgrade my existing house if I had one.
>Even people with minimal wage have thousands if not tens of thousands saved up after working for a short time.
My dude, you are so detached from reality it's almost scary. If you actually think this, then you are exactly the kind of spoiled rich fucks like OP was referring to.
Speedrunning donations will become a footnote in the generation to follow's "Kill the Rich" political party. I only wish I'd be alive long enough to see it.
>Even people with minimal wage have thousands if not tens of thousands saved up after working for a short time.
The fact that they're minimum wage means they do not.
>being commie
git gud
Where did this 30 grand I have come from then?
I'm convinced they're dealing with some money launderers or something to boost their donation numbers. They just keep getting more and more without their viewer numbers ever getting higher
Uh no kiddies. A donation is only written off if it's given to a 501c3 non-profit organization.
source: I did my taxes 2 days ago, also every year for the last 5 years. can't wait till these twitch fags get instant redpilled once the IRS comes knocking.
either this or a stolen cc or fake cc
>working hard so your children have an easy life is a broken system
Annex yourself.
Certainly not from you saving up minimum wage "for a short time" unless you don't pay rent or bills.
there's a difference between being able to save that much and being able to blow it on something retarded like this without a second thought
Oh for sure, PCF is nothing but laundering.
what is a short time to you?
Towards the end of each marathon gdq starts getting many suspicious no comment anonymous donations for hundreds or thousands each that allow each marathon to set a new record.
>everyone should be equal because me and my parents are failures
pretty sure OP meant people in general.
6 months
You're absolutely fucking retarded, someone that's responsibly saving their money is not dumping it on a 4 hour stream of WW.
You're making excuses and believing in a theoretical well-adjusted adult that's also completely fucking retarded for no reason.
He's right though. For the first six years of me working I had no savings. All I had to do was not drink so much and eat it. Then I saved up enough for a down payment for a house in no time. Stop being so impulsive.
post the video of the kid who accidentally donated way too much to a female streamer.
>It takes me, after taxes, four months to get $4,000
Sounds like you just made shit decisions in life.
no they dont idiot. fucking retarded weeb posters i swear you should be gassed
It's the no comment part that always gets me.
Even a simple "Go for it!" or something would probably have made it much less suspicious, but having all these big round number donations coming in on the last day be anonymous as well as no comment just feels completely out of place.
I guess the one silver lining is that there aren't any gay stories about how the person's mother's sister's roomate's dog's flea has cancer.
Bull shit.
I've been working minimum wage since October, and I only just recently broke $4000, a few weeks ago.
I don't pay bills or insurance or anything yet, just gas for my car.
When you're a rotten corpse in the ground no one's going to care about how hard you worked.
Not even the spoiled rotten brats flaunting their easily obtained goods are going to give a 2-halfs of a shit.
>Even people with minimal wage have thousands if not tens of thousands saved up after working for a short time.
You are tragically wrong.
"About 69% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their bank account"
Working at the port as a checker (Hitting a button if the truck drivers form number matches the computer)
>32$ hr mornin
>64$ hr evenin
>96$ hr nights
2x on holiday,
^ now repeat this shit for an entire week nonstop
>you can save up more than you make in a year working minimum wage in 6 months on minimum wage
Those are unreasonably high wages if they are real numbers.
Surely I'm not reading that right, you don't get 96 dollars in an hour.
Yep, as soon as they say anything about money everyone at work says strike then we get a pay raise.
>96$ hr nights
good fucking lord
Why should my kids get all my wealth? I see the value in it because I know what it took to get it, but they won't. If I can provide them with safety and a way for them to find their own way, I will. I won't give them the luxury of not knowing hard work to earn their lifestyle.
Any system that promotes that, giving an advantage to those that have not earned it, is flawed.
t. virgin
Man, you're just really shit with your finances. I could easy get to 8k in savings in three months
At least there's 69 going on somewhere in my life.
Don't donations like that counts as charity and can be written off the taxes?
Look, I used to work while studying in community college for my accounting degree. With free lodging/food with your parents and some priviledges as an employee in diner, I could easily save 4k in two months. And that was when I was working three day shifts.
I f that were the case I'd be able to relate to more of this board. My wife works and my kids are still young, I've considered the future I want for them and I'll provide enough for them to earn their way. My parents spoiled me, and it took until I was 22 for me to start refusing and earn things on my own.
Stolen credit cards
Bullshit, no union job pays 90+ dollars/hour. Stop pretending that you have a life.
but all my MMO friends are work at home computer codingfags or whatever they do. I had to suffer watching them go through college and not be able to raid and shit, now most spend actual thousands on the in-game shop because they have no purpose in life aside from being smart enough to pass computer science and get a job, then vidya and anime in their free time you fucking dummy college dropout
There are people out there who have jobs.
Not just america
>he didn't make it big from saving his mcbucks and learning the stock market. stay poor.
In America if you're born wealthy you basically can't lose your money unless you try. Taxes are so low and it's so easy to legally circumvent most of them that rich people like us barely pay anything after all the creative accounting. Even with the commissions, sale fees, capital gains etc. we pay its still piss easy to make money by doing nothing but having money, especially in a market like this. The stuff we do have to pay though, we often write off with charitable donations. Ever wonder why many rich people are also philanthropists? It's not because we have a higher sense of duty or something, for most of us that's just window dressing. It's because we lose literally nothing by doing it and make ourselves look better or feel good. That's what you have in the OP, a person with lots of disposable income who felt like paying his taxes to an eligible charity instead of the government. I'm not saying that rich people are assholes who don't want to donate to charity either, I like donating, but the reason you see such huge amounts a lot of the time is simply because it's tax deductible.
I work where people make upwards of 100 - 150k a year and I get laughed at when I say I'm "saving money" and I hear how they spent their money on all sorts of useless bullshit they use for a small amount of time before getting bored and moving on. I even get pressured into buying shit to "appease" them.
The average person is fucking awful with money
You do know that not only americans post here right?
>well-adjusted adult that's also completely fucking retarded for no reason.
It more likely than you think. Tho those types usually blow money on twitch and webcam whores.
I'm trying man.
But adulting takes a bit of practice, getting better at it daily tho