It's an user stays up too late on sunday and fucks his sleep schedule up for the entire week episode

>it's an user stays up too late on sunday and fucks his sleep schedule up for the entire week episode

>4 AM

What was I thinking?

Cool video games, you fag. Fuck off

im always up at 4AM though, my sleep time is around 10AM or so

>stay up late
>still wake up for work
>take a nap in afternoon
>despite having a cycle of mid day naps and shorter night sleeps, still wake up super tired as fuck every morning
>only way to fix is to skip a nap and power through until night and hope I can sleep a full 8 hours

I work nights usually anyway, so this is my daytime.


>it's an user works less and less because he can get away with it but then in college that shit stops working and user is failing and this year is user's last chance at success but instead of working he keeps playing video games

But then you go to bed too late and end up with the same amount of sleep anyway.

get out of my head

>it's an OP forgets other timezones exist episode

>can't sleep because neighbor's AC unit won't stop making a tapping noise
I'm gonna flip shit

>implying my sleep schedule hasn't been fucked for weeks
It's approaching 9:30AM and I think I'm about to go to bed in a bit.

>tfw always sleepy
>get 6 hours of sleep and sleepy when waking up
>same with 8 hours
>even tried 10 hours of sleep, and it's the same thing

Talk to him and see if there's a solution that you both can work out.

That would require figuring out which neighbor it is. Playing music over my speakers is helping a lot, tbqh. It's usually not an issue, but I guess they left it with the fan on or some bullshit like that.

Jokes on you, OP. I work 3rd shift, and am getting back onto my sleep schedule.

Fucking sucks, doesn't it? I hate working nights, because everything walmart and mcdonalds is closed

It's such an awful experience

>tfw going to bed at 3 and getting up at 12 for the past 5 months
>every night tell myself i'll go to bed earlier and fix this shit
>never happens

Probably sleep apnea

Can't sleep because of something afflicting muh heart
I'm gonna binge on energy drinks or something to stay up then crash

Story of my life. Got up 10am for 3 weeks, have to get up at 4am in the 4 upcoming days. I can feel the pain in my cells already.

>it's an user is finally tired enough that his mind has finally stopped thinking about how bad life turned out and he can lay in bed with his eyes closed without feeling suicidal episode.