Gamer Fuel Thread

What is Sup Forums's beverage of choice for gaming? Me? It's always water.

Black coffee

bleach, you should try it

That's not very nice.

that's not what your mom said

Fuck off. And stop shitting up /ck/ while you're at it.

What's wrong with being hydrated?

Black Baron. It's instant coffee in warmed-up Coca-Cola. It gives mad APM and reaction, but you need to drink it like every 2 hours.

o shit sorry I taught I was on b kek

Sounds bretty gud desu. Not sure if serious though

I put my alpha brain and amphetamines into a bone broth shake and top it with caffeine powder

I wanna vomit

For me it is the McChicken. The best fast-food sandwich.

g fuel

>hay guise what wacky drinks are your gaymer fuel
>my WACKY drink is water :3
Kill yourself immediately.

I drink green tea because I'm a big man with a huge balls that drag on the ground when I walk.

any drink that makes me BRAP the loudest

Water is the one and only beverage for gaming and anyone choosing any other drink is a huge fat piece of shit.

These motherfuckers know what they're talking about.
Got my 1 liter bottle by my side all day, always with that dope hydration

I drink Redline™
It's like cardiac arrest in a bottle

What the fuck is the point of these gaming beverage threads? Someones gonna post water and then everyone agrees it's water.

It's the same reason why people keep making circlejerk threads for anything. Waterfags are insecure and need their choice to be validated by others on an anonymous image board.

Same with the faggots who think Dark Souls is a good game.

mountain dew code red/game fuel or milk