Why haven't you hacked your vita yet Sup Forums?
Don't you want free vita geimu and to emulate a shitton of consoles on the go with your sweet dual analog sticks, touch screen and oled screen?
Why haven't you hacked your vita yet Sup Forums?
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Still waiting for a Vita 2 with microSD support to be released to kill this dying console.
I can't be bothered to go through the hassle. Especially when I can't play online with a hacked vita. Fuck that shit.
>literally just have to go to henkaku.xyx on your vita browser
>literally just have to drag and drop games using usb
>LITERALLY have to install one (1) homebrew to unlock psp mode
Found the fucking retard. Do I get a prize like the ability to euthanize you for having an IQ lower than the number of kids your mum has?
Still can't play online.
yes you can
it has firmware spoofing atm
remote play works aswell
>Why haven't you hacked your vita yet Sup Forums?
lost the charger, dont care enough to go out and buy a replacement.
question though: can you use your main PSN account? or do I have to use a throwaway one in risks of getting my main account banned?
Ok well how do I go about doing that?
My only problem is I'm on the lastest version... I need to buy another Vita if I dont want to wait another 5 years for the next exploit
What game am I going to play that isn't weeb shit?
>not playing weeb shit on your Vita
God of war collection.
Sadly that's pretty much it.
does hankaku work now in the latest firmware?
Apparently it's now piss easy to apply the old firmware.
If I remember correctly it's something to do with the ip settings.
Because it's not even worth the time to take it out of the drawer.
You can play CoD or soccer dudebro. Vita is literally a weeb machine so dont get one if you dont like nip games
You can remote play your ps4 games though
because I didn't buy one desu
does it work on slim vita?
Up to wich firmware?
Can you use your main psn account?
I updated and I support buying weeb games. I wouldn't mind if I could still go into the playstation store as well as use the usb storage.
There are no Vita games I want to pirate and I have a PSP with CFW for emulators (which I never use)
Someone answer these handsome looking questions.
Can I emulate GameCube games fine? If so I'll buy a Vita right now
>makes thread asking why people haven't hacked their vitas yet
>doesn't give any information on the pros and cons.
3.60 but higher firmware can unlock psp mode for emulators and psp games
0 cons other than you can't play the latest games but being able to play about 15 consoles on it and have all the other vita games makes up for it
you some kind of retard?
Am i supposed to unzip this or leave it as it is? first time seeing this shit
I already did, playing Crystalis.
Why would asking if it can emulate the GameCube make me a retard?
go ask your mum if a turtle can at 100mph then ask her how she feels about your intelligence then ask her why she calls you borderline retarded
if she's not as big of a spastic as her son she'll say because you just asked a dumb fucking question
>downloading hacks
So the Vita can't even emulate something as basic as the GameCube? What a waste of money, lol
God damn Albanian virus. I lost all my harddisk content because they tell me formatting my harddisk make it faster.
As for vita hack, I take it doesnt work with new games even with 3.6, right?
I have two vitas and I stopped pirating and using them because the memory card limit is offputting as fuck.
Because I've got the black screen glitch and would have to send it in and pay for repairs and they would give me the latest updates probably.
it's annoying for sure but it only shows up during pitch black loading screens and i'd still rather have that and a beautiful oled screen than a shitty piss coloured screen
Didn't buy one shill chan
>trying to get you to pirate thousands of dollars worth of software
you what?
How is the remote play? (Direct connection wise?)
Still not gonna buy a vita
good because this thread was directed at those already with one you 12 year old underaged stinky third world cunt
Nice theme. Could you share it?
Nice try weeb-kun but the only smelly people here are you and the 20 odd neets in this thread who spend their time playing japanese highschool simulators while never leaving home.
Also no tv out, fuck sony
Thanks for the answers
can I play cemu on it?
Sorry what was that Rajesh? Can't hear you over the constant sound of people shitting on your doorstep and your mum giving birth to another rancid cunt like you in the hopes that in 10 years the kid will be worth something to one of the many pedos that molested you so hard you constantly stink of old semen, curry and a meaningless existence
I'm a complete moron
How easy is it for morons to hack their vitas?
Can I get in trouble
I'm a moron but I want more games on my vita
Get a room you two.
Can u post the wallpaper of rei ayanami?
I'd rather play something that isn't a mundane edgelord fantasy.
Exactly. So there's no point in hacking the vita unless I want to succumb myself to weebshit shovelware.
You just look for vpks or mai dumps...or even better go on the /vg/ homebrew thread. I think you can find more info there.
Didn't i have to do something that could force my console to update when installing adrenaline? I remember something about that when it first came out
Because I'm on 6.63.
Let me know when I can at least pirate PSP games on the latest firmware easily.
Does axiom verge work yet?
Last time I checked dumps didn't work
have this in exchange for an answer
>off-center front camera
>have this 1080p-4k capable machine
Vitards deserve to be lined up and shot in the head.
I had it hacked when henkaku first came out, but I got too afraid of Sony nuking my account with all my PS3/PS4/PSP/PSV games so I undid it.