>Become as gods
What do they mean by this?
Shedding their mortal coil to ascend to a higher plane of existence.
You misheard. The robots clearly chanted "become ass gods".
They're basically turning gay.
Choosing to abandon mortal status and ascend to the level of a deity.
You just copied my post you fucking homo.
Ask these guys.
in 2 hours yoko taro goes live
Novella DLC!
6O/21O DLC!
But all we'll get are cosmetics DLC
>New DLC that takes place before the game
>Final boss is a 9S who isn't corrupted but needs to be put down by 2B
trust me, my dad works for ubisoft
But the game isnt made by ubisoft? Why you lying man
sh-shut up
c-can they have dlc please?
Y-you first
>first mission of 2B and 9S together
>she's forced to kill 9S in the end
>his level shows during the battle
>it's 99 because he was hoarding combat data in secret
Funny that the screenshot place holder for video feed is one of the doors that can not open by any means. The ones with the exploding robot in front.
Haven't people been able to glitch around these doors? I read some place they all have elevator shafts and a door at the bottom that leads to nothing.
It's not funny at all. Saito tweeted a couple of weeks ago that we would soon learn what's behind the apologetic machines and then this stream with that image was announced.
I thought he instructed everyone not to discuss them leading up to the game release? Then he implied they were a joke much like he did earlier in the series
it's probably an arena for ez grinding like last time
Game is such a letdown.
Why would that even be needed? No grinding is needed to complete the game. As long as you upgrade the chips along the way. Well balanced in that area at least.
Explain yourself!
You need to hit 99 with A2 to get Emil's ending.
wtf u talking about
for materials
Yes I know that but using the hacking exploit on the amusement park robot at the entrance makes getting their quite easy. I was 65 with out grinding by the games end.
But then why have the shop after you beat the game to buy that "stuff"? Makes no sense to even think of a grind arena
>Haven't people been able to glitch around these doors?
That would accomplish nothing when the content behind the door isn't there yet.
This is not some 'dlc on the disk at release time' situation.
I'm pretty sure some stuff you can't buy from the shop and Emil is a bitch to get him to sell what you want
Unable to glitch myself. This is the video I was talking about though with the comments on the elevator shaft.
I thought he sold high end chips and materials.
the chips are +6 but with absolutely terrible slot requirements, not all materials are available and as previously mentioned, getting him to actually sell those stuff is a massive pain in the ass
>Diamond Chips
Is there an NPC that sells them?
>Thinking he's going to be the one doing the most talking and not Saito let alone much talking at all.
whos the special guest then?
My guess is some anime or movie producer or something and they're doing one or both of those. The one doing the most talking is likely going to be Yosuke Saito the games main producer and PR guy if his Dragon Quest stream was anything to go by. Be aware that these things are as a rule dreadfully dreadfully dull to actually watch and tend to drag on close to an hour before anything interesting actually starts to happen otherwise it's just a bunch of people sitting behind a table in a studio room with some posters and maybe a console with the game on it pretending to act super excited about things and shilling.
Yeah. Ill just wait to the breakdown later. Thanks.
Motomu Toriyama
it starts with some music
It doesn't "mean" anything. It's just pretentious drivel like all of Kojima's other games are.
WTF? Is this a Q&A session?
>toobie playng violin
what is happening
complete waste...
>merchandise that will never leave Japan
>DLC costumes that will only please R34 community
This. Must. End.
>>merchandise that will never leave Japan
git gud
>it's the 'Religion is bad and evil' part of the game
good thing i did not delate my save
>not backing it up then deleting so you get to save someone
Honestly I might just replay the game from scratch anyway if there'sstory DLC
>actually deleting saves
PS plus auto upload saves. Re download from there
So far, New costumes and arena with a few npcs around... no story content
I've been told that they said only one door goes to the arena. So there's still 2 more doors to wait on, possibly.
No wonder they killed themselves.
There's apparently multiple arenas.
>using ps plus
im not giving them money to play online and getting shity "free" games.
I think you meant to post the good version: youtube.com