Star Wars Battlefront 2

Female MC aside, Battlefront 2 will be awesome

>3 eras => tons of content from launch
>no hero and vehicle pickups
>empire campaign
>no season pass

literally fixes the biggest flaws with the first game

I'm never giving my money to EA so why bother?

>>no season pass
yeah...there's gonna be one it's fucking EA

>no season pass
Top kek

>no season pass
>implying that means no dlc

No map dlc. P2W, heroes and cosmetics up the asshole however.

Sure. If that's what actually happens but its EA user. Don't hype until things are truly confirmed with gameplay. Also for some waifu loving fags y'all sure dont like female mc's

They'll find some way to fuck it up.

let us see it in action at e3...i still regret buying SWBF.

Right now it hasn't shown me much that I want to buy it after it goes on sale.

They've said they're opting for 'another method'.

>no hero and vehicle pickups
Is this confirmed? Are they actually doing it properly this time?

It's going to be fucking loot boxes.

>EA made fat stacks of cash selling a chopped up piece of shit to normies and idiots (including myself)
>No content, reskins, lazy as fuck heroes, only the original trilogy, no ready vehicles besides speeder bikes, random as fuck and hard to see tokens for heroes and vehicles, no single player, requires origin account to save your data, day 1 $60 season pass, DLC packs are literally not even worth it

People will fall for this shit again. EA should have just patched the game with what they are doing with #2. There's no reason for this to exist except "we can charge them again for what we originally were going to give them".

I don't care if there's a female lead unless it was obviously done to appease current political idiots. It will be obvious if it was as we'll see the quality of the content eventually, and we'll know then.

What I do dislike is the P2W unlocks for online play and the fact it spans multiple eras which suggests they didn't have enough of a coherent plot nor enough content to make a proper game.

Having said that, this is basically adding a book to the series and they may not have wanted to been responsible for it, so as long as it's entertaining it's fine.

We know all we want out of this is to experience/play different battles using this engine, assets, sound effects, and they'll likely accomplished that.

>wahh the bad guys are always white men this is sexist to white men!
>wahh the bad guy is a woman this is sexist to men!

I think you niggas just gay and want to play as dudes all the time so you can stare at their ass.

stop talking like a nigger, go back to the ghetto

>multiple eras
I don't see how this is a problem...

It was literally explained in the message. It heavily suggests they likely didn't have enough of a coherent story to make a full-sized game using the new lead ect. So they might just do some weird bullshit and have a bunch of random fights from random eras in it in the form of flashbacks.

>female main character
>no white characters

great job EA making games instead of a political agenda.

You idiots know that EA is the same group of programming noobs who made Mass Effect Andromeda?

Their literally the shittiest of shit tier game companies.

> their

You're shit, go back to school.

This, I'm not buying, an EA game for a long time

samefag, look, at, they're, grammar, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

inb4 retards don't get the joke

if you think people are going to trust EA again after the first train wreck, wew laddie

if they're going the cosmetics route, im not really confident. cosmetics were booty in the first game.

nobody fucking cares about the singleplayer, you are legit retarded if you dislike the fact that there are multiple eras.

You forgot what makes 90% of a fps : THE FUCKING GAMEPLAY

fucking kill yourself online fag

>literally fixes the biggest flaws with the first game

So you're admitting the first game was shit. With that in mind, why in the hell should we bother hyping something from a company that couldn't get it right the first time? The answer is we shouldn't.

The well has already been poisoned.

How is that a BAD thing? In fact, it's good. I want to see some Clone Wars singleplayer shit. Flashbacks would be pretty hype.

I'm not looking for the plot of a new movie in the single player, Lucas.

>buying EA games
I swear to God you better be a shill OP.

Your analogy doesnt work here.

All the EA shilling recently is fucking ridiculous but not surprising in the least.

If they were to just reproduce the old games with improved graphics and gameplay, it would be acceptable. But EA would never do that so it'll be shit. Also, the inevitable crate-shit will make the game even more cancerous

Call me when it has half the content of the original BF2 along with 64 player matches

Is it going to still be casual trash with lockon/instagib everything?

This is not EA shilling, it's people being hopeful instead of cynical that EA fixed Battlefront.

Unless you were personally burned by the previous game being shitty, you don't really have a leg to stand on with that line of thought. If you actually bought the last game then you were an idiot and got what was coming to you, since all of the flaws were laid out right on the table when they first revealed the gameplay.

>buying anything battlefront/battlefield related when it basically has a planned obsolescence period of about a year before you're expected to buy the 'new' one.

Why are these words being used in the same sentence?

Have you faggot even played the original battlefronts? Bf2's campaign was just pure flashbacks and online had no story.


>Battlefield 1942 - 2002
>Battlefield 2 - 2005
>Battlefield 2142 - 2006
>Bad Company - 2008
>Bad Company 2 - 2010
>Battlefield 3 - 2011
>Battlefield 4 - 2013
>Battlefield 1 - 2016
Release schedule has been all over the place really

DICE is making this game, EA is a publisher. DICE either fucks up hard, or does something serviceable and/or good.

Somewhat true, the flashbacks had a single narrative flow. You could remove the part where it's a flashback and the 501st story still works perfectly, it's more of a simple story being told.

A REAL plot flashback is going back during other shit, if the campaign went back to Clone Wars during the Imperial Era, then it's a flashBACK. I'd hardly even call BF2's campaign a flashback.

>Forgets Battlefield Vietnam


I left out expansions and spin offs

EA is a fucking corporation. Corporations are about making $$$. Star Wars already has a built in fanbase that is mostly white and male. They want to play as fucking Luke Skywalker or Darth goddamn Vader. They will be able to do so.

Think of it like a game exec:
>Game sells well among white males
>Game doesn't sell as well among minorities or females
>Statistics show than the majority of the audience would be ok with a minority or female protagonist, especially if the game is based on a franchise that already has well known white male protagonists
>The amount of women/minorities you pull in will pretty much cover the amount you lose, worst case scenario
>Best case scenario is that by doing this on a regular basis, you convince more women/minorities to buy video games, and particularly video games by your company, leading to a long term profit
>Left wing reviewers will give you better reviews, and free PR for doing this
>Angry right wingers will bring attention to your game, making some buyers sympathetic, and more likely to buy your game
>There's no way to lose. Worst case scenario you sell just as much as you would otherwise. Best case scenario you get more sales, and you help turn a demographic into consumers

Really, if you're a game studio, there's no reason not to do this. Especially when creating new franchises, or dealing with ones that haven't been performing up to par recently. Star Wars makes it just that much easier, because all of the characters that the core audience wants to play as are still in the game, so adding some diverse characters won't subtract from that experience. It's an easy decision.

On top of that, it lets EA pretend that there's an in depth story mode, when chances are there won't.


Missing Vietnam (2004) and Hardline (2015). The latter is LA DICE, yeah, but it still counts.

>20 vs 20
>12 vs 12
you normalfags just don't get it. Why name a cod shooter Battlefront? Just name it Nu-Star Wars the video game; it's NOT faithful WHATSOEVER to the original Battlefronts

It will have the same gameplay/graphics as the first so why not just add it to the first one instead of making a """"new""""" one?

I haven't already put it off as confirmed garbage, that's the best i can do. Now fuck off shill.

I don't think you know what an analogy is.

I think the idea is that the first game was okay but a bit iffy, and the second game is gonna take that formula and perfect it.

It's like titanfall 2, or diablo 2, or thief 2, or system shock 2, which are all distinctly better than their predecessor

>Female MC aside
You have autism!

Don't forget to pre-order your epic adventure

Basically the pre-order page tells us you can customize and upgrade hero characters and their abilities

you realize it's just battlefront but with more skins right?

Fucking shills you don't have to make the same FUCKING thread every single day

They are making pretty significant changes to the gameplay.
>Classes with abilities instead of star cards
>No more nonsense pick ups for powerups, heroes, or vehicles
>Space battles

Too rational for these kids mate

kill yourself shill

Stating facts counts as shilling now, that's nice

Oh no, people are discussing the biggest upcoming game of the year, must be shilling.


>no season pass
What does this mean? That you cannot buy the dlcs all together and have to buy them separatly? that will suck


there will be no map dlc at all

Which one is it?

You fucking underaged negro you. BF Vietnam isn't referring to the BC2 expansion, it's an entire game. If what you said was completely true, then you wouldn't have listed BF2142.

>(ea game) will be awesome


Literally gunna be another graphics show off game with no depth and boring gunplay.
I'll pass

There will be 3 or 4 different editions you can buy with varying content. There's already a Standard (with nothing) and Deluxe (with stuff). Expect an Ultimate edition or something closer to release.

I legitimately thought Battlefield Vietnam was an expansion for 1942, no idea where I got that from but I've had that in my head for years.

>Expect an Ultimate edition or something closer to release.
so I shouldn't buy the Deluxe? I REALLY want to play as Kylo Ren with how he looks in Last Jedi

You guys nvr fucking learn.......

DLC will be free but the game will be riddled with microtransactions.

No map DLC at all, they were pretty clear on that. Just expect DLC out the ass for everything else. Costumes, weapons and skins, heroes, cosmetic stuff, loot boxes.

This, this is the biggest complaint. The player count sizes are absolutely PATHETIC. 40 players per map? What the fuck is this SHIT. Peer to Peer connection for sure. Serious travesty.

It plays very differently. There's an official 1942 conversion pack released by DICE themselves for Battlefield Vietnam, which was simply amazing back then.

Do we actually get prequel planets like Naboo to fight on or can you only play as Maul on a special mini game mode?


Why are you faggots suddenly bowing to this game like it'll be the best thing ever? EA has fucked you hard in the past. No wonder they keep getting away with producing garbage, it's because of people like you buying it every time they do.

They should be available to everyone, not just those that pre-order/pay more.

>No map DLC at all




When can we expect them to release all the map content? No way am I paying a game not knowing what content I am getting

>They should be available to everyone
I fucking hope so but knowing EA, they will prob make stuff only available on the ultimate/deluxe edition to force out more sales

yeah they made a big deal about not wanting to split up the userbase

Pay up goyim.

they will release Kylo Ren Last Jedi later on the Xbox or PS4 store right?

I know they will just like they did with Nuketown for Black ops 3



t. nu-neo/v/

Battlefront is probably their first game where they saw a really pitiful attach rate for the DLC packs. On PC the game was basically dead after the first one came out, on console it was impossible to find games for anything but the vanilla playlists. Voting with your wallet really does work sometimes.

>Female MC aside
Wait, is that seriously a thing people are mad about now, or is it just shitposting?

Underaged faggots would've gotten pissed about Mara Jade if she was released these days.

>Falling for the most effortless bait on the planet

Like clockwork, the dipshits who came here during the US election reveal themselves.

Bad Compay 2 hung on until just after Battlefield 4 came out.

>merely pretending

>3 eras => tons of content from launch
This doesn't mean more content, it means you get 2 or MAYBE 3 maps per era and that's it, it'll function like different faction skins in the BF titles.
>no hero and vehicle pickups
Legit good, ok neat.
"Classes", battlefield games have "classes" who cares?
>empire campaign
Don't care about single player at all
>no season pass
This is DICE and EA, they are going to fuck you in the ass one way or another and they never do things out of the goodness of their heart. If they won't fuck you in the ass with a $60 premium package then they are going to find another way to do it.

The game is going to look and sound beautiful but the gameplay is going to be bland and boring like the first. Is multiplayer still 20v20? Have they detailed that yet?

>He tries to play it off as merely pretending to be retarded thus he can claim he was baiting in the future shitpost that I won't bother reading

t. nu-neo/v/irgin

>simply copying my insult and using it for yourself

>Don't care about single player at all

First person games don't make for good single player experiences unless the developer really puts a lot of effort into making it right, mainly either by great exploration, story, or AI. DICE (or whoever they are partering with to make the single player) isn't going to do anything but plop down a very pretty but ultimately small and quick single player campaign filled with enemies using basic AI.

Maybe if you gave me a single player only Star Wars title I'd be interested but in this case it's nothing more than a cheap little sideshow.

How cucked do you have to be to actually defend a money grabbing corporation for free that will do everything in its power to extort more and more money out of you? The reason games are not taken seriously or given any respect as a medium is because the "fans" are cucks that are happy with getting shit in their mouth

Yes, everything that theyve shown so far is an improvement from the laughably bad first one. However, anyone who is hellbent on buying it now is naive and should be shot in the back of the head. Gaming has been ruined to the extent that you literally cant trust anyone at all anymore, and need to wait until release just to see how much content is truly locked behind another paywall and how much did they exactly lie about. Its like buying a meal at mcdonalds and actually having to pay for each french fry separately once you start eating them

IIRC the single player campaign is being developed by the guys behind spec ops the line.

Hopefully it's gonna turn out like titanfall 2, which also had a pretty good single player campaign

Season passes split the player base and lower the overall online population at a quicker rate.

I'm not sure what other methods they have decided upon, but it will probably be scummy.

But user, battlefront 2 has been out for 12 years.

>I'm not sure what other methods they have decided upon, but it will probably be scummy.
Loot boxes, but unlike Overwatch and other similar games, there will be items exclusive to boxes purchased with real money.

Calling it now.

>tons of content from launch
>no season pass

Isn't the entire point of Battlefront that you are never someone of importance? Unless you specially earn the right to be a Jedi, you're mostly playing as a nameless faceless grunt in a large battle. SWBF2's campaign was narrated by some random clone in the 501st, but you
always play as just about whatever faceless drone the game picked for you. That's what's so cool about it. You're not the special chosen one, destined to bring peace to the galaxy, you're just some random soldier in the
sci-fi equivalent of a trench.

Giving the MC in a Battlefront game a special name, face, personality, agenda, even a special ELITE rank defeats the entire purpose.