Are you looking forward to FFXII Zodiac Age?

Are you looking forward to FFXII Zodiac Age?

Fuck no the graphics look terrible.

Nice cherry pick though.

Literally all they've done to the graphics is redo the textures and change the lighting.

I'll buy it when it comes out on PC

Never played the original game. I've played Tactics and Vagrant Story and loved them though. I'm looking forward to seeing more ivalice.

fuck yes im excited.
game was fantastic and the added shit will be fun to play.

finally gonna get to wash that FFXV taste from my mouth

And it looks fucking awful.

They aren't really related outside of music style.

They're part of the Ivalice universe, they're pretty related.

How do they justify the price?
FFX|X-2HD were 2 games + some new after story even if it wasn't long.
This is the same price, and original soundtrack locked behind a preorder.

12 was hacked together and not made by Matsuno. They really aren't related.

They know autists will buy it anyway with their allowance money.

FFXII always looked mind-numbingly dull so I avoided it completely.

> just better textures
but xii always had great textures, even on ps2

the low poly geometry and lack of post-processing is the graphical issue

They doubt it will sell anywhere near as many copies as X HD did.

No. Game was so fucking boring. Bland ass characters too.

No doubt that it will sell less. But I also doubt they will release the original soundtrack as dlc later on.
So I either have to preorder to play with the original soundtrack, or buy the game later on for 20 bucks and play without it.

loved this shit mate

everytime fran speaks my dick hardens to diamonds

Right? That fucking voice.

I bought the X/X-2 HD remaster and couldn't bring myself to finish FFX. Total buyer's remorse. They ruined that game by changing the music and the character's textures to the point where it felt like I was playing a fan hack or some shit. The port was ass. And I actually really like FFX, which I can't say for FFXII.

That being said, if it has all the original music and the textures aren't butchered like FFX's, I might pick it up when it drops to $20, just to try out the Job system.

Definitely not going out of my way to pick this game up though, and am not really looking forward to it at all. Wish I was, but honestly FF is pretty much dead to me now-a-days. The series hasn't been the same since the Enix merger in my opinion and will never recapture the glory days of FF4-FF10, for me.

Or download the OST whenever you want and emulate the game on your computer.

i want to bury my face in viera ass

depends if they have altered the story, you know, removed vaan and made the basch the mc etc.

I want it bad but will probably wait for a PC version. The thought of having a shitty remastered OST and no turbo mode like X/X2 HD is enough to avoid the PS4 version.

I am excited. I loved 12 for all the silly shenanigans that could be done. Like skewing the entire level curve with a little bit farming. Or getting endgame weapons far too early.
The only drawbacks I didn't like about XII are fixed in zodiac age.
I am beyond hyped

The job system sucks because you can't switch jobs and they don't even change how your character looks. At worst you'll pick bad jobs and fuck yourself over, at best you're playing FF12 with the inferior leveling system.

They had ONE job. And they blew it. Twice now.

I was bored to tears playing it the first time around, I'm good.

Thanks for proving his point!

>Balthier is probably fucking her each time party stays in some inn

Balthier is the luckiest man in ivalice

>At worst you'll pick bad jobs and fuck yourself over
Don't tell lies. IZJS is easily beatable with any party and any classes.

I didn't say otherwise, did I.

Kind of. It was legit announced a few days after I started playing my old copy on PS2 that I never got around to finishing years ago. I'm not really in a hurry to play it again anytime soon, but I've always wanted to play the international version so I'll probably get it anyway.

>fuck yourself over
And I don't want to hear any of your semantics.

The gay test: Any male who wouldn't bang Fran for the rest of their life if offered.

You're just an illiterate drone. There are no semantics here.

"Fuck yourself over" can only mean so many things. When someone says they've been fucked over, it usually (always) means the worst scenario possible has happened.

>"I don't want to THINK about job composition!!!"
You're the reason why America got Mystic Quest first.

That's not what he said.

>the job system sucks because you can't switch jobs
>pick bad jobs and fuck yourself over
I can't think of any other way you could take this.

No, because this offline MMO is one of the worst FF games of all time.
Of. All. Time.

Just hope there will be an editor out early on so you can change classes like any other FF game.

I never understood why class choice was permanent.

>people criticize the license board in the original because characters would end up all too samey
>fix it in IZJS by letting you choose from 12 unique license boards for each character, so the only way to have a samey character is to choose the same job
>people criticize the job system for being too rigid, not being able to change jobs
>being able to change jobs would make every character samey again
You people just can't make up your minds, can you?


What you fail to see is that few people liked the game and SE didn't fix it.

Once you get the hang of the Gambit system (its basically programming logic for your characters) it becomes fun as hell. I usually manually control my main character, then the rest are on auto.

Vaan's ab's texture is fucking still here though. Disgusting.

>few people liked the game
The game sold just as well as any other Final Fantasy of their time. Denial isn't healthy, user.

>those fucking normals
Were these in the original game?

And we all know how few people liked 12 and onwards. Sales don't mean games are good.

I think that's less normals and more detail textures, a cheap way of putting on little deformities to things to fake detail ontop of low-res/low-texture. Unreal engine games abused the hell out of it as a default feature pre-3.

.. unless you mean the Malboro, in which case probably not.

They're using a shader pass that inverts texture making fake normals. It looks fucking bad on characters but works for environments.


You are right these anons are literally retarded,
Only two reasons I want XII-ZA:
-Job System
-extra content from my PS2 version
Can't wait.

A year after the ps4 version, like always.

I want it on PC. Hopefully this means it will be out in a year

I would of if they put it on PS3. Atlus was smart enough to do that with Persona 5 which I will be buying.

Guess I'll just play the International Edition on PCSX2.

>$200 USD

Why is this even allowed?

No. Remasters are a waste of time and money. Plus they tend to look worse than the original.

>Port of a masterpiece ruined by a corporate merger
Why the FUCK would I give SE my money for finally releasing the game they ruined with their bullshit 11 years later, or at all.

And they're still doing it because you faggots have no standards or willpower.

Now, friendo

I wonder how tiny those busts are

bruh I played IZJS years ago on PC, what the fuck are you doing waiting for this retard bait.

I cant wait. I love this game. The last great FF.

No. FFXII was garbage. And if by some miracle I'd want to replay it, I'd do it without the retarded class restriction system.