The Black Goo Of Japanese Unoriginality

These are screenshots from THREE different games

Other urls found in this thread:

Japan has a history of doing something well once, and then repeating that for ever.
Innovation isn't really part of their culture.

More like The Reposted Thread of Shitposting

The repost of OP unoriginality. I have seen this thread THREE times before. How typically unironic of Sup Forums


But one of those is a movie.

i don't know any of those games
stop playing shit games?

You're a fag

why just point out japan?

every culture falls victim to the same cliche over and over again.

The Black Goo Of Japanese Unoriginality is a hornblende weapon rack. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. This object menaces with spikes of bismuth bronze. This object is adorned with rings of pinfire opals. On the item is an image of trillion cut gems in pecan wood. The trillion cut gems are laughing.

You may have a point here

Japan is more traditional than a lot of other cultures

One is daemon plague
One is oil
One is mold
You're still retarded

so glad the west is copying them with nu-prey huh OP
what a shit thread

in this case its just blood censorship

OP has his first babby's Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon-moment

i dont get this thread
its like posting a pic of fire from any 3 games

Too bad they even copied it from Lovecraft
Japs are good at inventing technologies, but their software running on it is bullshit
>its only bad when japan does it
These are SEVEN similar threads.

Condemned 2

The black goo of American unoriginality, sad!

So a liquid that suggest us rot, filth and stickyness is used to give people an unconforting sensation in 3 separate games it's now a symbol of unoriginality?

Yeah, keep pushing that bait.

why censor blood in an M rated game

Because Europ

Shut up, go censor a tit.

>all the triggered weebs ITT

Maybe you could list many examples of this unoriginality...?

Yeah Miyazaki uses black goo in all of his movies to represent evil and uncleanliness too

>The Black Goo Of Japanese Unoriginality
name three examples

But Japan still can't draw for shit and they still only draw the same one face.

Damn, you're probably right.

Shit... Yet another weeb game with black goo in it.

Better than the west who can't even draw 1 decent looking female face.

You know when people say stuff about weebs like FilthyFrank did i always thought they were exxagarsting but since that i saw a lots of times that so many autistic faggot get angry and start retarded rants when people say something about that doublenukrd shithole, damn

it's subconscious recreation of radiation burns. just like kaiju are subconscious recreation of the horrors of atomic energy.

hiroshima/nagasaki really fucked them up as a people, plus the usual island/archipelago insularity breeding high strangeness in a people.

West can draw plenty of great looking female faces, much better than the sutistic cartoony looking tojo shit you weeb faggot

They even parodied it in The Secret World. When you finally make it to Tokyo, there's black slime everywhere.

So why has no one done it yet?

Nah that's Japan, they are very strict with gore.

Because you have sutism weeb

You mean like this thread that gets reposted again and again?

Well shit.

much much less than china. even worse because le communism

They have, you just can't get off unless they have jaws that are sharp enough to carve a roast, a chin pointy enough to pierce the hull of a battleship, and bug eyes that would make the greys look human.

Name 1 game where stinky inbred japs made a good looking female protag

Protip: you cant

>West can draw plenty of great looking female faces
Prove it, manface lover.

2013 Lara is better than any animelooking jap weeb faggotry

So are you actually retarded, or are you so butthurt you're not even noticing you can't spell autism?

Weebs tend to have a skewed idea on what beauty is

its called typo you Autistic weeb faggot :)

That's a screencap from Condemned 2 though

Two nukes were not enough.

Isn't this a cultural thing? Like some old mythology they have?

Its fascinating how a "traditional" culture can get so degenerate that pukeporn and octopus sex is an everyday normal stuff and its pathetic how retards.on the west think that its a superior culture

wow thanks op i cant like jap games anymore i guess haha
you have convinced me, thank you so much

Daily reminder that if you play Japanese games you are the very definition of a cuckolded nu-male.

l e l

oh phew, i was worried i was gonna be a buzzwordman
time to go play mass effect andromeda and overwatch so i dont start balding or smth

Dump phone poster.

Wow what a clever and edgy thing to say.
I've never heard anyone say that before.


Advent Children

Dark Souls

I agree.

A lot of Japanese art throughout history is derivative to a large degree. Different artists all used the same style. There is also this peeve I have with the way they draw women's faces. Take for instance this piece. Notice how all the women have exactly the same face? Practically all artists drew women like this for centuries.