Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines

>Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines
>Become race traitor
>Get worst possible ending thrown into the bottom of the sea, tied to a sarcophagus, unable to die due to being a vampire, living out existence in eternal isolation and pain.
What did they mean by this?

Is Troika Games, dare I say it... our kindred?

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You would just go into torpor after a while.

would they not die from lack of blood eventually anyway?

still pretty fucked

That Nosferatu is breaking the masquerade.

They'd fall into Torpor a few nights in.

>mfw there are kine-tier idiots that race-traitor'd and got their just deserts.

Daily reminder that the only acceptable ending is the Camarilla one.

Every other choice is degenerate.


Loner ending is the best ending

>playing as malkavian
>figured i'd go for the chink ending
>see this thread
fuck you too buddy

wouldnt the sarcophagus just implode on its way to the bottom? or the chains would rust? sounds like poor planning on these vampires part.

>there will NEVER be a sequel to this

there will be a game made by the same people and set in the same universe



Troika is dead, so I doubt that.

ok, it is produced by the same people

>And in between all of that you have all of the other tribes who have their own ideas about how to deal with humanity and what we’ve done wrong.

>The Black Furies are a matriarchal clan who don’t want to help the humans until they sort out their gender rights.
gender rights, matriarchal (benefit of a doubt: maybe it's ironic and so maybe a bit clever)

>The Get of Fenris who just laugh at all of those social aims and say it’s about survival of the fittest, and they should go into all-out war to see if humans can survive.
edge clan

>You will play the werewolf.

>Also interviewer shoehorns [sucker] punching nazis and tries to steer interviewer into sperg-out pro-rage statements, but...

>You will play the werewolf. You will play the monster.
> but the basic questions are: “When will you rage? When will you use violence? When will you have had enough?”
>But there’s an important follow-up, which is, “what is the price of changing the world through violence?” Those two questions go hand in hand.

>Part of the IP is for the werewolves themselves to question whether it’s at least partly their fault that the world is as it is, because they’ve used violence to solve problems in the past.

>This is the time to get pissed! But also to think about the consequences of getting pissed.

>Think about whether to fucking act right now or to find compromise.

hmm... hoping, but cautious.

One thing is certain, the interviewer is a total kine.

And made by Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky

They were Troika, with Jason D. Anderson

What? They're at Obsidian. Obsidian is working on Pillars of Eternity 2.

Enjoy getting fucked up by the Sabbath, shovelhead.

There are no loners in the World of Darkness, only those who don't know who's controlling them.

>shills those terrible mobile "games"
>talks about Onyx Path in a positive light
Literally DOA, and I highly doubt that many from Troika will be back (if any at all).

But those two are working on a *SIDE PROJECT*

Also they say VTMB is topical and current, but other than the time-setting, was it really?

I don't recall that many topical things like mentions of 9/11 (it's early 2000's right?) or any other big event - only superficial reference-type jokes.

The strength came from its uniqueness, vampire nightlife setting, and ambience, not being "deep" (how educated are most game devs on geopolitics, really?).

>Chink ending
Stake yourself.

>edge clan
It's World of Darkness, complaining about edge would be a pointless exercise

>stake yourself
He'll get something worse.

>how educated are most game devs on geopolitics, really?
Well, I would say that Tim Cain is, and Josh Sawyer, too.

Weren't there jabs at Bush and early 2000s jingoism on radio ads?

Yeah, the only politics in VtM:B were vampire politics. It didn't really have that many shoutouts to pop culture circa 2004, either.

I could jerk off to that picture so many times

There actually might, but Activision holds the rights to Bloodlines so direct sequel is unlikely. Paradox has the rights to WoD in general, though.

Onyx Path Publishing has fuck all to do with any of this, though. They're just working on books.

I don't know if they are: one has a computer science degree, the other history.
I'd have to take your word for it.
Most devs are not though, and you can see that through superficial, hamfisted messages in their wanna-be-profound games.
They usually just reiterate the stuff you'd hear from reddit or youtube pop-education channels, not really university-tier stuff.

>Ken Levine


Everything you read in there is kinda useless outside of the fact "we're making a werewolf game" because Cyanide signed the deal couple of weeks before the reveal and interviews. They literally HAVE nothing to talk about as the game hasn't even been designed yet.

This. I hate it when developers list 1984 as their biggest role model.
It seems like it's the only book they have ever read, except sci-fi and fantasy crap.

Sounds like they'll be using the terrible CoD timeline instead of WoD. And I was just pointing out that having a positive opinion of Onyx Path is a bad sign.

>In April 2016, Boyarsky joined Obsidian Entertainment.[3] Although the game Boyarsky is working on remains unannounced, Feargus Urquhart has confirmed that him and Tim Cain are working together. Urquhart also stated that the duo are not working on current Obsidian projects such as Tyranny (video game), Pillars of Eternity nor Armored Warfare (video game). Boyarsky has described the project as his “dream game”.
Though, it's never said that they are working on a WoD game.

Not saying there aren't. Ken's involved in some of my favorite games, so I want to take your word for it,
(SS2, Thief, even SWAT 4)

there have been and are no plans for anything nwod aka cofd. it's werewolf the apocalypse aka owod.

Maybe it's the next Arcanum game? I don't know, did they work on those?

There's more, and newer stuff, but I can't find it in my bookmarks.

>Also they say VTMB is topical and current, but other than the time-setting, was it really?

It's not. Problem with Masquerade in general is that it's rooted in the '90s.

Arcanum was made my Troika, and these guys are Troika.

Don't know shit about the Mage game, but the guy who wrote the Vampire one literally got the job just because he's best-buddies with Ericsson. Nepotism to the max.

>we finally get a Mage game
>its some shitty "narrative fiction" that doesn't even qualify as a VN

Also, unintentional hilarity
>subtitled Refuge
>game is set in Sweden

What's stopping you user?


I'm absolutely looking forward to that Werewolf game. You don't play werewolf for the same stuff you play vampire for, but it's all about your pack, territory and defending it.

Some of the news segments on TV are about anti-EU protests and riots
Yeah. One of the sins you can confess to that goth bartender is that you voted for Dubya
There was also a Richard Nixon joke on the news.

>Not topical

How did Troika dew it?

That's part of the reason V20 just turns me off. How can you have a gothic-punk game when both those subcultures are beyond dead?

source engine

I'm probably gonna feel retarded for asking this, but AWP?

The Bush joke is an out-of-the way snarky joke.
I don't know/remember the EU tv stuff.

There are references in the game, but it doesn't revolve around then-topical events (I think).

it's a counter-strike joke
awp is a sniper rifle which can one-shot you no matter where it hits (except foot)

That's why I like it. It's cheesy, but it's Matrix cheesy.
same with Cyberpunk, or even Fallout.

Maybe you can say class warfare? Was that a thing in the early 2000s?

The kine/kindred thing sounds like it would've been topical in 2011.

Counter strike reference

Oh, that's be why. Never touched counter strike except to have it's resources in G-Mod.

all they really did with v20 was remove the gehenna ending and adjust the rules. their new art has also been hit or miss.

You should.
1.6 and CSS were actually good games, and I hate online stuff.

Another game with which to shame BioWare.

Maybe it's just nostalgia goggles or the fact that I'm not a teenager any more but the writing in V20 just doesn't resonate with me

this game is kino


Arcanum sequel was actually going to be done in the style of Bloodlines. You can look it up online. They were going to explore the premise of hollow Earth or something.

You got webms of Pisha talking maybe?

a gondola could be hidden in here somewhere

Yeah, I know. But I think it would end up badly.

V20 was written by Onyx Path. All the 20th anniversary shit is. And they changed a lot. Not overall, but you can see shit really getting fucked sideways. Like, the once tight friendship between the Salubri and Tzimisce? Not even a single fucking mention of it in the Lore of the Bloodlines.

Can someone explain Grout's church to me? Was the entire thing some hallucination?
It was night time when I entered his house, and it was night when I left his house.
But in his temple/church thing there's a hole in the roof, and sunlight is shining through. You even get damaged when you walk into it

That doesn't exist outside of the fan patch.

Like user said I'm fairly sure they re-wrote fluff. I KNOW they did for clans and they did it again for v20 Dark Ages Vampire. Compare and contrast tone and style, for example.

That makes sense.
The entire church section seemed really out of place. It was more in line with the Ocean Side Hotel

Huh, how'd you extract the pages from Dark Ages 20? Whenever I try to copypaste the shit into MSPaint, all I get is black/blank pages.

I didn't make that, but you can virtually print pages from files with something like Universal Document Converter or alike.

What the fuck was her problem?

Fight the man, man


camarilla invaders please get the fuck back to the east coast, you're not wanted here ok?

>art goes from shadow assassin to fat matriarch

truly, sjw strikes again

She's best girl.

Oh I have that already, it just tends to print shit in ridiculously oversized resolution.

Nines is a retard, too. Only good Anarch characters are Jack and Skelter.

install gnu/linux

>art goes from shadow assassin to average Italian woman
You need to grow up, son. Not everything needs to be BADASS.

If you look at the the rest of the 20th anniversary stuff, especially Vampire, there seems to be oddly enough more female character art, than male.

And do what with it?

Also, if you got the other Clans with that style, post the Ravnos/Malkavian ones.

>tfw you will never have a vampire family

Best clan

Imagine if some government official walked into your apartment, conducted a thorough search of everything you have and then decided to outlaw you for having degenerate shit in your apartment/on your hard drive. That is how the anarchs feels about the camarilla walking into LA. They used to be the free living dead, now they are being subjected to rules by force. I'm not debating they used to have a shitty system, but how can you exactly blame them for being outraged after they get random people cracking down on them out of the fucking blue?

It's like I'm encountering her for the first time all over again.

i agree

No, but, really, it's not about WHAT they say, it's HOW they say it.