Found this in the woods Sup Forums. Should I plug it in or could it be haunted?

Found this in the woods Sup Forums. Should I plug it in or could it be haunted?

Other urls found in this thread:

probably haunted


Plug it in, faggot.


what did they mean by that?

Clean it up and turn it on, I bet it still works

Free NES is worth possibly being killed by a vengeful creepypasta.

You should be more wary of some bugs making a nest inside of it, and scattering around inside your home if you bring it there.

sell that shit and get a master system bro


>Should I plug it in or could it be haunted?
Yes to both

I wanna see where this thread goes...

inb4 OP doesnt deliver

That is an original Nintendo DS 001 system

it could be worth upwards of $10,000

you're fucked if you brought it home op

It's definitely haunted, so go ahead and plug it in.

Do it user. You might get a ghost blowjob.

Its probably haunted by a grill, so go for it.

enjoy your spiders OP

SOMEONE make a creepypasta about Duck Hunt.

look inside the cartridge slot.
maybe there is something hidden inside.
you need to open the case anyway to clean it of moisture and dirt.
maybe you will find more clues of what this is all about.

>Reddit filename
Really gets the ol thinker buzzing.

>buy vaccuum packing bag
>put nes in and suck air out
>leave it like that for a few days

bam, nes now full of dead suffocated bugs

I completely forgot about video game creepypasta

You should plug it in, and it is obviously haunted.

last shit was ben drowned heh

This is probably related.

>implying they haven't scattered around the house already
>implying you don't have a spider crawling on your pant leg right now

Plug it in and post results obviously


im not wearing pants ;)

Guys, I'm in my room, about to go plug it in but the tv turned on, my dog freaked out, and this image was on the screen. What does it mean?

Why the fuck do you have that chair?

That you're fucking with us.

>having your tv stand as a fucking drawer

what the fuck are you doing?

if youre gonna halfass some dumb shit at least be quick about it so I can move on


Whoa a ghost set your camera to flash

I see a grinning man on the screen.

What game?

oh sorry I meant it already crawled into your asshole and laid eggs

We're a bit poor so I share a room with my 4 year old bro hence the two twin beds

Anyway, I'll try plugging it in now

it means you are faggot

you are now mpreg with ghost baby

but im wearing a buttplug user....

I know that porch.
Couple living there back in the 90s used to argue all the time because the male would play so much vidya.
They both disappeared and the place is now empty.

>wow i got le spook'd xXD

I gotcha, I'm a poorfag.
Just get out of there before he hits puberty.

>plugging the now hatching spiders into your ass
that's not good, they're going to find another more difficult way out

do it fast faggot, got other things to do

Just static after plugging it in. Am I doing it wrong?

>We're a bit poor
>owns an hdtv and a ps3

what did he mean by this?

Oh god i hope the crawl out of his dick hole thatd be hot af

Be careful when you open it

im not opening that shit nigga

Thats some feminine hands

r u a girl (male)?

>haha static is sooper scarrrrrry, right goys? :3

How does this even happen? Did those ticks live for entire generations on this fox?



OP again. I thought I heard some rattling inside the console. Should I open it? How do I do it?

It's just a bunch of harmless ticks you wuss

You're fucked OP

open it and check for spider eggs first

well duh, guess you need a GAME?

NES-001 models are factory sealed since bugs getting into electronics were a huge issue in the 80s. Best bet is to crack it open with a hammer.

The 17 pin connector is fucked, was it 17 pin connector?
Anyway, get a cheap chinese one for a dollar and replace it.
You did clean the thing out properly before firing it up?

this nigga is retarded, you need to put in a game in dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he's op, so that's a given

Just lay a treat outside the console. We're hungry


What kind of ass lets this happen to their dog?

Are those animals dead?

thats a jackal dumbass

Most the time these kind of pictures are of strays in 3rd world countries.

Okay. I still hear sounds inside it. I'm going to go leave it in my shed

do it faggot

No, just open it. Trust me it'll be epic lol




Did you check to see if there's an N64 inside?


What the fuck does this mean?

so OP is just posting pictures off Reddit or vice versa? Dang that stucks, after all Reddit has like what over 7x more users than Sup Forums

already detected here

it means shes a girl (male)

>Did you check to see if there's an N64 inside?

I think dogs/wolves get fucked by ticks because of bacteria and shit so those two probably died to some serious disease ticks deliver


holy fuck op is this meant to be scary because all you're doing being an attention seeker and wasting people's time