Playing video games

>playing video games

What's the point

Other urls found in this thread:

>Living a life

What's the point

Escaping real life. Or at least the illusion to escape it.

To relax. Not a way to escape being a lazy piece of shit with "depression" as an excuse.

Haha really isn't any if you think about it.

To take me closer to the grave.

Enjoying life and it's mirrors

Its a bit of fun

i love video games!!!


exactly why i stopped playing.

I seriously think I'm about to stop.
I only enjoy playing to fascinate myself with some idea of progression and fantastical wonderment with another world.

But the well has just... run dry.
It's kind of a bummer but maybe I can just I dunno do something else.

Make your own

This. This is a good idea.
Thank you kind user. You've just sparked something in me.

distraction from the pain of living

>he literally saved it from facebook
>he didn't even change the file name
>can find this newfags facebook now

So give me one reason you're not religious.


What's the point

>posting on Sup Forums

What's the point

i rubbed 2 neurons together.

this is some simple but effective bait.
Usually people like you sperg out at the thought of playing video games and throw all their anger on this Chinese infested forum.
But you pointed out a simple question that everyone can answer and make it clear for you why we play video games and why we like to play them.
As to answer your question:Video games is the same as watching TV or playing any other type of games (board games,sport games).
They are a way of entertainment.

So you gladly escape reality into a half assed fantastical setting but leave the philosophical aspect of real life behind?
What's your excuse to not read books and discover move than the fundamentals of our world?

Why is this frog still here

>white face blue background poster
you're just as had

obvious newfag or Sup Forumstard is obvious.

>Simpson poster

i read books just not the ones that were wrote thousands of years ago to scare misbehaving children and control the population.

>wow these guys are fucking rich doing nothing while i work my ass off for them b-but hey god will surely reward me for being a cuck.

>hes a green text shitposter

>what's the point in entertaining myself
Gee whiz.

because this looks like a riot

To pass the time when bored and you dont have time to go out.

Its like watching TV or reading a book its something called "entertainment" have a (you) OP.

Dying alone, fat, and suicidal

>being dumb intentionally
No, fuck every religious fag that's on these boards. Being a normalfag isn't worth a shit. Not that anything else is, but that's worse.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume what little experience of belief in God you have was forced upon you, possibly in catholic school.
Our Lord is a forgiving and loving one, Jesus was a symbol of that. The Old Testament God was the one who showed his wrath. The teachings of Christ are well documented within the first dozen pages of Matthew - he came to reject the 'an eye for an eye' mentality, to make us more humble.
Indeed, fear of God is required to live a healthy Christian life, but it is realised, rather than taught. Whoever preaches Hell rather than Heaven is a failed preacher.
John 15:16 "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you."

>if i focus on the game i will distract myself from the disappointment that is my real life

Because there's no empirical evidence of a god/spiritual entity/whatever the fuck. Also because my parents aren't religious either and so I was never indoctrinated with religious bullshit.

Also, I'm not going to argue this with some dumb shit over the Internet. There's my reason, now fuck off and die.

Mediocre nihilism, nothing more. What have you created, that you feel the authority to dismiss what others have?

God isnt real the bible isnt 200 years old hell isnt reAl and if it was you would be going there 100%+

so here's the thing faggot:
>is there a god?
nobody knows.simple as that.the problem with humans that they want an answer to everything even when there's side(religious people) says that god exists end of discussion,while the other side(atheists)say that god doesnt exist end of discussion.the problem with this way of thinking that none of them can prove that god exists or doesnt exists yet they spew bullshit out of their mouths not seeing that they are both retarded.there are things that humanity will never know but of course most humans are too weak-minded to accept such facts and pick a camp to support again, is there a god?nobody knows.

You learn nothing if you experience nothing. A shut-in and timeless lifestyle is the opposite of progress when real life, which you so seem to praise, never holds a moment for long.
>God isn't real
And how would you prove otherwise? Would you trust a science preacher on the television more than a devote pastor?
Would you trust a man who would have fortune and fame before him more than one who sees no use for more than bread, water, and shelter?
And how, might I ask, do you expect a proof of God to be conveyed, to be displayed? A red carpet, perhaps?
You are capable of making rational decisions yourself, no need to strictly and exclusively follow one single system of perception.

>You learn nothing if you experience nothing. A shut-in and timeless lifestyle is the opposite of progress when real life, which you so seem to praise, never holds a moment for long.
Speak for yourself.

your intelligence rivals with a hand full of dead moths,read what i wrote again.

Its fun

May I ask why you even decided to be a fucking faggot and brought this topic to this thread, much less one on Sup Forums? You're not convincing anyone, even though I'm sure you believe your efforts mean something (hint: they don't.)

Go to /lit// or /his/ if you want to have an actual discussion about this.

I honor the thousands of dead people during the inquisition and Renaissance - periods where religious devotion went from "believe to understand" to "understand to believe". A cliche, perhaps, yet I like how it sounds.
I would like to remind you one does not need to hold an opinion to understand it and religious fundamentalism is not as widespread in Europe as it is in non-canonical American churches.
I see no problem writing whatever I wish on an anonymous imageboard until I get banned.

Playing good, hard video games can help you improve your brain reaction times etc..

But you're not getting any advantage out of a CoD of course.

So your only point of living is having a good afterlife and being a 'slave' to god, if you're a christian.

>What have you created, that you feel the authority to dismiss what others have?
Depression and inferiority complexes. Can't think about someone else without thinking unconsciously that I'm superior. It's slowly killing me inside. But that doesn't disprove that religions are the biggest crap. Something I've to give them is that they created morality.

Now about video games. They're better than everything else in life. I also like to mod games. It's just that it feels like I'm doing something productive, even though I'm making nonworthy progress only for my entertainment.


What's the point of anything, user?

I couldn't explain you my point of living if I tried.
I am just as clueless as my downstairs neighbour whom I hear beating his children several times a week.
You needn't quote the word 'slave', the Orthodox church itself uses it on different occasions. Though to be a slave to God is a simple and hope-filled path. Serving is but believing and creating, with God's blessing.
I am in the wrong in this thread, preaching longer than my pastor at Mass. I am leaving.

t. saulcuck

Atheists can say for sure that none of the gods humans think exist exist, at least in so far as any human can say anything for sure. Maybe there exists some other deity out there, who created the universe or whatever, or one of the literally billions of gods we think exist happens to actually exist in spite of no evidence to them doing so, but if that just happens to be the case really have no reason to think it's the case as things stand right now.

Now, you might say that a mere 99,99...% chance of no gods existing isn't good enough, but to that I say you're full of shit. You accept things on far shakier ground than that on a daily basis. You just don't want to say that the atheists are right because they're such smug assholes about it.

>inferiority complexes. Can't think about someone else without thinking unconsciously that I'm superior.
I'm slowly realizing I have this. How the fuck do I be /normal/? I've become so irritable and hopelessly pedantic.

There isn't a point. You either have fun with it, or you don't.

If you find that you're no longer enjoying games, you should probably step back from them for awhile.

i feel only pity for such feeble-minded creatures.
ignorance is bliss i guess.

It is simple really, your insecurities follow your shortcomings.
Pick up a trade as a hobby - electronics, crafting, engineering, et cetera. Do something masculine with your hands. Be the creator, not the consumer, and don't you dare tell me you can't.

Why a trade in particular? I'd rather breed moths or draw.

You have a choice in life. Either there is no meaning to anything, and you can free yourself from all responsibility, or everything is meaningful, and everything you do matters.

Even better, make breeding moths and drawing a business for yourself. Every second someone spends being idle, that is not doing any mathematically measurable work or progress, is wasted.

I don't really play much any more. They're just something fun to do when I have some time to kill.

>browsing Sup Forums

What's the point

I slipped out of the church cycle as I grew older. I would like to have the meaningful backbone of a religious destiny in my life, but I can't see myself fully believing in any spiritual doctrine without a nagging seed of doubt in the back of my mind.

I absolutely know what you mean, as I am in the same state of belief. Again, you don't choose God - he chooses you.
There will be a time and place in your life where you will need a type of help you will come to call 'special'. It did for me.
>seed of doubt
That only means you are not a robot, rather - an intelligent being. Keep it, as doubt is the fundamental dogma of philosophy.
Do not be afraid to reach out, even for a pure placebo effect - you can only gain.

God created you that way. Its your own personal trial to chase away that doubt.

Even if you never manage you must still spend the rest of your life trying if you seek purpose in your life

That is His gift

In what way? Sleeping? Consuming entertainment?
>mathematically measurable work or progress
Does getting to G-rank in Monster Hunter count?

They're a fun pastime, not unlike reading a book or watching a movie.

i dont even bother to finish games anymore
i just pirate a game, play for a couple hours to see how its like and then maaaaaaaaybeee i play a second time

Mental and physical fatigue is, in pure number crunching terms, a hindrance to biological beings.
Would we be more productive without laying in bed - yes. Can we ignore sleeping - no.
Despite this, many prominent figures such as presidents and scientists have created a close approximation of a continuous working machine by only taking power naps throughout the day or by sleeping just several hours.
>Monster Hunter
The cycle of productivity doesn't come out right - you give extra effort for...?
Points are purely contextual and imaginary. Draw the line at the end of a tough gaming session and tell me you aren't tired and in need of a nap. You could've just taken one.

>you give extra effort for...?
For personal enjoyment and a sense of progression, what else?

Look at the Deist currents in the US founding fathers, they took inspiration from old philosophical schools like Stoicism and blended it with a severe realist Protestant view of religion based on action and "public participation" like you might see with Confucianism's perception of a happy man being an honest one who participates in society and the world. It really is a fascinating little period in religion and I feel like it has value today even more so than when it was happening in the past.

I agree - progression, but only the sense of it. And how come you aren't tired from work?

>And how come you aren't tired from work?
I don't work.

Why not?
inb4 "I don't like any one action enough"

even if a god did exist it wouldn't make life any less meaningless

True, you'd be the same lazy piece of shit.

I'm a college student living off his parents' dime. As for why, mostly laziness.

This is actually pretty cool, thanks

Not bad, contemporary adolescent self-realization is at an all-time low. The fact you're in college speaks good for you.
I wish you all the best.

A better question is why would I believe in a god that is trying to make my life miserable on purpose?

My assumption is He just wants you to look at life differently, see purpose, instead of waving it away with words as "Life's a bitch".
If you're not religious, find a war veteran and talk to him. Ask him at what point he understood the safety of civilian life is an illusion.

Trying to solve the problems of life us what gives us meaning