Is there anything worse than stoner gamers?

Is there anything worse than stoner gamers?

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fuck off cunt

Drunk gamers, and people that play with their 3DS in public

Quentin please die

You seem mad. Lost a LoL match again? Hiw about you kys?

Why was quentin so obsessed with him?

Wasn't Quentin an underageb& when he posted?

I only play video games high. My reasoning is that if I'm wasting my time playing games then I might as well also be high as fuck

>MFW live in Northern California (Not bay area. Like, giant trees, marijuana growing operations guarded by dudes with machine guns, I don't even like weed

That being said, stoners are the absolute fucking best to play local multiplayer with because they have great taste, and just want to fucking have fun. Way better to play with than any other stereotype in the gaming community.

Which is funny, because playing with them online is the opposite. They become annoying as fuck, and don't really care.

Nothing. Drugs and alcohol are poison to the body and mind, I do not respect any other who go in a self destructive path.

Fuck off, playing games in public is acceptable. You're a grown ass man, think for youself.

Scrubbusters is one of the highest ranked raiding guilds and it's 95% stoners.

Fuck off Mohammed

anti-stoners are just as bad as those "look at me" stoners

I refuse to play long ass games like 4x or other turn based strategy games unless I'm high.

Quentin posts make me smile
Lot more entertaining than "latest youtube/twitter/tumblr drama that only teenagers and early 20-somethings care about".

No. Stoners are worse than vegans.

>plays video games k

nig im high right now

You are what you eat you swine

See, this is examples of worthless drug addicts.

You're pathetic if you consume drugs and/or alcohol for vidya

I smoke weed to help stop crippling anxiety attacks. I only play single player games and watch anime while high.

Based Quentin saving vidya from the degenerates.

Remove Kebab

what is being high like

And a stoner himself

depends on the bud can either make you feel tired or super energetic and postive

I've been smoking for almost 10 years now, i think i can give you a reasonable answer : it makes you retarded.

Smoking right now, this one's for my waifu.

It's like a warm hug.
It's like the first time you said "I love you"
It's like a sunshower on a 40 degree day

Until you run out. Then you can produce those feelings on your own. This is when the degenercy begins.

I went to the same high school as him and ya he was. Was a pretty big shock when his identity got revealed

>smoking weed
>being anxiety-free

choose one

Very immersive, music is great, ciggarettes are great, sex or even masturbation is great.

Single player video games are more immersive, easy throwaway casual multiplayer games like csgo are fun with buddies.

then why are you still smoking?

You end up on drugs from never having those feelings in the first place.

It makes me incredibly paranoid, jittery, and uncomfortable. Only once or twice in my life have I had a good high where I just felt relaxed, tired, and had my sense of humor softened up just right. I fucking hate weed now though. It just gives me coughing fits and makes me want to violently argue with people.

>sorry guys I was packing a bowl for a bit there
>lol brb gotta smoke that bowl I packed
>got my weed enhanced reactions now let's do this
>aw shit we lost, fucking hackers, I'm gonna go smoke

Yes; people who care what other people are doing in their free time.

makes escapism way better and easier, you get far more immersed into vidya, movie, music album, whatever you're doing. Food tastes much better and you feel lazy. There is this pleasant haze inside your head and pleasant light pressure in your eyes.

>t. A 3DS playing "adult"

Because i've been overthinking all my life and I want to escape while playing video games, weed helps me do that.

Autistic gamers

A pack of weed, a wii u and friends make one of the best evenings you can have.

Think the switch should double down on the local multiplayer, it is what every other console and pc is missing. Smash has 8 player support and although it is a shitfest it is fun as fuck

>tfw love vidya and love beer but can't enjoy both at the same time.


See pic

Do one for my waifu as well

What'cha gonna do about it?

That's quite impressive honestly, he managed to rile up so many people, quite a few of which were probably much older than he was, at such an age. He mastered the art of being a ruseman, falseflagger, and a little shit to a degree we might not see again

as compelling an argument as your strawman ms paint comic is, i'm still inclined to call you a faggot

Reading in public is acceptable but it's also the fastest way to get people to know you're an closed in pretentious retard or a pseudo-intellectual. The other 4 options are at least honest that they're bored and fucking around.

was quentin the most influential tripfag of Sup Forums?
what a legend

>feels like a balloon is sitting in your rib cage at the top of you diaphragm, you feel very light
>start taking notice of little details in things and sounds in the bachground
>train of thought can go on forever until you realize you're in a vastly different point from where you started
>colors seem brighter and pop more
>whatever the temperature you feel very comfortable in it
>tactile sensations more acute
>motor skills become more sloppy
>become very aware of your peripheral vision, like looking through a fish eye lens
>music sound and taste get turned up to 11

You're pathetic for taking life so serious

Can do.

>Reading in public is acceptable but it's also the fastest way to get people to know you're an closed in pretentious retard or a pseudo-intellectual

Let me guess, you're american right?
fucking holy shit...

anti sjws ARE now far more loud and annoying that SJW people, especially now with the rise of alt-right faggotry. No mistake about that.

>not reading outside now that spring has sprung
get a load of this faggot.

>I don't enjoy reading therefore everyone else who reads doesn't really like it either and is only doing so for appearances

Maybe they just aren't like you, fucknuts.

Never play with a stoner again.

Whatever happened to Quentin?

wasn't he a cuckold in the literal sense?

>Not taking life seriously
Now we know who's the worthless, pathetic NEET.

Take a look at the pic again buddy

They're a little annoying, but atleast they have a good point.


I like reading, but the amount of mouth-breathing retards and wannabe intellectual teens reading either the latest top seller from The Times' list or "an old classic for the truly culturually enlightened..." outweighs the amount of people reading on their phone or kindle or some shit by ten to one.

No one really actually wanted to talk to him and just meme'd at him or tried to bully him so he got tired of it and left


>all these newshits that weren't actually even around for quentin but post his garbage because LE WACKY IRONIC SHIT POSTING XD

Of course you dont take life seriously since there isnt anything going with your life.

Honestly just sounds like being autistic except replace motor control with social skills
I fucking hate all the hypersensitivity to stimulus i get and it pisses me off when i mention something i noticed like a bug on the wall or a stick breaking outside and i get looks like im crazy

This post is even worst than the previous one.

Anti-SJW doesn't mean you're from Sup Forums

In my experience, like being sleep deprived. Fuck paying for that shit.

Was his takedown planned?

Again, maybe they actually like those books. Or maybe they are giving them a shot to find out if they like them or not. Maybe instead of being a stupid piece of shit that assumes that everybody is exactly like you, you could try to wrap your head around the idea that different people have different tastes.

And since when the fuck is reading only acceptable on a device?

That's not necessarily true, logical fallacy man.

Not really, I mean they're irritating but at least most respect freedom of expression. SJWs m.o is still shutting the person up with whom they disagree with.


Weird, I've always noticed stuff like that but keep it to myself. It's never annoyed me, just makes me think of how wonderful everything going on around me is.

Wow, it's almost like there's a whole spectrum people can fit into and strawman mspaint comics don't mean shit.

Gamers who try to shoot up schools.
And that is why Quentin isnt around.

>playing mmo's

fake gamers all of you

Is this DaSilva from Sims 4?

Depends on why you want to smoke it. I just want to enjoy, so mostly I just got slow-mo and laughing like retard till I sleep. I once accidentally went into paranoid state, goddammit I want to stab myself with knife that time

He's in jail

No it means calling someone anti-sjw like it's a bad thing is like calling someone anti-homicide like it's a bad thing

>But what if they're different!!!!
How many times have I seen this goddamn argument? Do you actually realize how many people are vapid as fuck and only reading things for
>the right to say so
>entry level meaning that the author basically states in bold text at the end of a chapter to talk about how DEEP and emotional it was
There's so many people who you could see reading some overrated shit heap like Old Man and the Sea who are just trying to feel smart and feel good about themselves. You can cry all you want about me exaggerating but you're calling the kettle black, user.

It falls under the same category as dicking around on your phone when it comes to the topic of the image, on initial reaction you wouldn't see someone reading, you'd see someone playing on their phone.

>that guy is reading a book that looks too smart for me. Oh shit, is he smarter than me?
>n-no! H'es just pretending! Y-yeah, that's it.

Should have gone with your first instinct.

>hurrr i get my info from ED and pretend to know what i'm talking about
No he isn't you retard


stop posting from jail quentin

>retarded analogy
Sup Forums I told you to fuck off.

I think people who drink or smoke are absolutely pathetic.

The idea that you can't handle life, and need to fuck with your brain state in order to enjoy yourself, is just the most embarrassing thing I can possibly think of.

>How many times have I seen this goddamn argument?

Ever thought that there's a reason why you keep seeing the same thing over and over again?

>Do you actually realize how many people are vapid as fuck and only reading things for

How could I not realize how so people are vapid when I'm talking to you? But guess what, not everybody is as shallow and uninteresting as you.

>who are just trying to feel smart and feel good about themselves

Holy shit you're psychic! Tell us your secr-oh no, wait. You're just a stupid sack of shit that thinks he's knows what everybody else is thinking.

>you're calling the kettle black

How does that even make sense in this context?

>on initial reaction you wouldn't see someone reading, you'd see someone playing on their phone.

Only a dumbfuck like you would think there's something to be ashamed of when seen reading a book and so would try to hide it.

>says this on Sup Forums

I miss Quentin.