What did you learn from the last video game you played, Sup Forums?
Which game was it?
What did you learn from the last video game you played, Sup Forums?
Which game was it?
>second front
That's what americans actually believe.
i learned how to reload a lot of guns
i have been playing Final Fantasy V for the past couple of weeks.
thanks to the game i have learned that i will be a khv forever. and its perfectly fine.
I played that new game Skyforge and I've learned, once and for all, that MMOs are definitely 100% shit.
Planet Cracking will be a viable industry in the future.
Dominions 4 taught me lots of worthless scraps of mythology.
Republicans were the bad guys all along.
>Uncharted 4
>People won't think that you are a murderous psychopath if you keep telling jokes and being a nice guy in between killing sprees.
what is a khv?
>there are people who think video games actually teach them about history
I learned that South American jails are corrupt shitholes
Kissless, hugless virgin.
Some can, if you don't know ANYTHING (as in, literally nothing) and don't give a shit about important details.
>lots of Americans landed on the beaches at Normandy
>they got shot at by Germans
I learned that every soldier in ww1 was west african. Except for turks of course
Thanks dice
That blizz's warcraft lore is slowly dying in front of me but I keep paying
them so they can keep killing it.
Joke all you want but Assassin's Creed can teach you some dank shit about ye olden times.
I don't think they're fucking up their lore. However, I'm not paying them at the same time.
The only thing that can save it is a fully fledged Old Gods expansion.
They got me interested in actual history though; Shadow Hearts made me learn about the Romanov family and the Great Gama.
I could have told you that.
Yakuza 0 taught me the Megadrive/genesis is a few years older than i cared to look up. I had no idea Sega was pumping out such good tech in 1988.
I didn't know it was that old, i guess i always assumed Sonic the Hedgehog was a launch game in 1991.
Spec Ops The Line
I learned that trying doing the right thing leads to giant mistakes and soul crushing insanity. I also learned that radio waves and wi-fi can't penetrate a thick cloud of sand.
To always check my six.
I learned that the german magnetic mine/anti tank grenade uses Van Der Waal forces to blow a big hunk out of a tank, as opposed to contemperory AT grenades of its era
pretty interesting stuff
Oh and I played Heroes and generals, at first the Hafthallodung wasn't well liked by GER players, but with a few inventive strategies it changed the course of the game even up till now
And how did you learn that from a fucking FFV?
I learned that i'm a rebooblican.
>the Great Gama.
Such epic nickname for bunch of useless insignificant squabbles.
I learned that there's a Super Mutant refuge nestled high in the ski lodge to the North West.
That you can kill a demon by shooting it until it dies.
Then raping it
what are you talking about, that's a nickname of a wrestler.
Flat is justice bud. Get out of here with that shit taste
I learned the importance of communication and teamwork.
That i should eliminate xeno scum no mater what.
You can laugh at me but I learned a lot about geography by playing eu4, hoi4 and medieval 2 total war
So you know nothing, great job OP!
>looking after two of my younger cousins
>something related to WWII comes up (can't remember how or what it was)
>they don't understand
>say that it is WWII
>"What is world war two? Is it a movie, a game...?"
>they were honour roll students about to enter highschool
>barely able to contain my shit
>express shock that they don't know about it and try to explain it too them
>"well we weren't taught it in school so it can be that important"
>they are in a school run by the catholic school board rather than the public school board
>hundreds of kids (maybe more) are growing up not learning about the biggest historical event in world history that has effected every aspect of life afterward
>try to give them a TL:DR version before they are picked up
>they come back a week or so later
>"We asked our teacher about it and she said it wasn't really important to learn now, and we'd learn about it in highschool"
I learned that Persona games are just elaborate Jojo reference.
Fuck. Why wouldn't they teach that? I mean, I would've thought ever prevailing (((them))) would make sure they know about the 6 gorrillon or other shit.
>i guess i always assumed Sonic the Hedgehog was a launch game in 1991.
Launch games are never good.
>growing up in the 90s in Serbia
>public school
>ever since grade 1 our teacher would constantly blab about the heroic defense of our people against the hell spawn Germans
>how miserable they made things here, how heroic and stoic we were
>would flip her shit every time someone in the class would draw a swastika on the chalkboard during a break (we kept doing it)
>I can still hear her prat on about how Germans bombed churches and shot up schools and how even little children took up arms to fight the evil nazis
>at least we all knew about WW2 and it's fronts in elementary school
I lean on the libertarian left, but holy shit her constant patriotic autism made me sympathize the Germans in child like defiance to her.
Problem is we werent there
I learned that primarily wanting to say something about the medium you work in, instead of telling a cohesive story, doesn't mean you can't give give your audience an insightful journey.
It was The Witness.
>Libertarian left
>I believe in your liberty and rights except where I disagree with you
i hope you posted that pic ironically, because you made me cringe
To never. NEVER. EVER. rely on team mates to get anything done. Don't ever think they have your back, because they don't.
I believe you're a figment of my own powerful will projeting itself into computer code just to annoy me
it's kind of like that in poland as well, with the current government it must be even worse
it's ridiculous, people genuinely regard the warsaw uprising (which saw the destruction of the capital and killed 200,000+ innocents) as an act of heroism, people also look upon the literal piece of shit bandits who killed innocents under the guise of fighting the communist government as heroes
patriotism is cancer
My internet connection sucks fucking ass for using my PlayStation.
Dark Souls 3
>The Warsaw Uprising is now not an act of heroism.
Colour me surprised.
Here in the UK we probably were taught about WWII around the same age in Secondary School.
I learned that wolves hunt in packs
its not from the game itself.
its from the feeling you get when you play it when you know that at your age a normal man is traveling with his wife+2 kids. (im 28)
it never was
>patriotism is cancer
a man after my own heart. The level of superficial patriotic pride and ancestor worship here is maddening. Even my own friends can't travel abroad without annoying the locals with tales about the serbian people.
>but holy shit her constant patriotic autism made me sympathize the Germans in child like defiance to her.
What about albanians and horvats? Do you sympathize with them too?:^)
Until you run into a Marker
Why is defying a regime which is slaughtering your own people not heroic?
So you're just full of it
That there are lots of gamers who've literally never read a book or watched a movie and will find your generic zombie story compelling if there's a cute girl in it who talks a lot. And this will make up for 16 hours without any substantial gameplay.
I've only played Black Flag and Syndicate but the stuff around actual historical figures was my favorite
Biggest bro coming through.
>it's ridiculous, people genuinely regard the warsaw uprising (which saw the destruction of the capital and killed 200,000+ innocents) as an act of heroism,
I find it more funny that poles blame russians for not supporting it.
considering I treat individuals based on personal merit now, I don't see them different based on where they had the fortune or misfortune of being born. An albanian or croatian nationalist is equally retarded in my eyes as any serb nationalist. Being of a certain nationality isn't a skill, it isn't something you achieved, it's just random chance.
Wait you never played FFV before that?
>I also learned that radio waves and wi-fi can't penetrate a thick cloud of sand
It seemed to me that Dubai sank entirely under the sand, implausible as it seems it would at least explain that.
In Italy we follow world history by stages, in elementary we see the ancient civilizations
In Middle School we follow late classical era then medieval, renassince up to enlightement, industrial revolution to modern day.
The only times we spoke about WW2 outside the last year of history was during the Holocaust Remembrance day, then when we did WW2 it was a short 4-5 lessons kind of thing our teachers were pretty unbiased and sticked to the books.
Meanwhile in highschool in the last years that's when the teachers start showing more and more of their political stance even though that should be illegal, especialy about muh partisans good bois fight da evil, the US couldn't have won so fast if they weren't there
Now I'm in Uni, and I don't study history, even though I like it because I want to have a job when I get out of Uni
>Chetniks are bad
That life is cheap.
What game?
Super Mario 64 might beg to differ, but it's still enjoying a pretty decent reputation and doesn't need to beg randos on the Internet for anything.
Poles blame everyone for not supporting them but the French, you actually didn't when it mattered.
I'm no physicist, but it also seemed improbable to me that dunes can get as high as they do in that game.
horrendous people. You know you're bad when the communist guerrillas are the lesser evil.
the actual patriots were the people who accepted reality and tried to make the best of a shitty situation, rolled up their sleeves and tried to rebuild the country, they're the kind of people who would get called traitors of the nation by the pop right, also
>defying a totalitarian regime by hiding in the woods, stealing and superfluously killing/raping innocents who just want to get by
żołnierze wyklęci, bandyci jebnięci
>Chetniks were bad
Finished Uncharted 4 yesterday, learned about famous pirates like Thomas Tew and Avery who was actually able to sack a bunch of ships and disappear with the treasure after retiring
I learned about morphogenetic field.
>Silent Storm
>Mechs were used in WW2
super bad
>Someone comes into your house and kills your family.
>Welp. Better make the best of this. No point in bothering.
I don't like this idea.
Furthermore, I haven't heard many negative opinions of the Polish resist, nor have I read any personally. Most of the accounts have painted them in a positive light. Do you have any sources I look at to support your arguments?
Everyone was bad, why go out of your way to vilify one group of another when they all did awful stuff?
No one walked out of Yugoslavia innocent.
Resistances tend to get a far better reputation than they actually deserve.
because chetniks are rehabilitated now, and the old communists are vilified, the tables have been turned, old villains are now heroes, so why bother beating a dead horse?
>lots of Americans landed on the beaches at Normandy
>they got shot at by Germans
So in other words the same thing you learn at school?
I have learned that making junctions is a fucking nightmare and capitalism is the only option
Because we can agree that the Ustase were objectively the worst.
Sure. I can agree with that to some extent. But to go from 'their reputation is exaggerated' to 'they just raped and murdered people' is a stretch. That's why I'd like to look at some sources which reaffirm this.
You're less likely to learn about specific battles and campaigns, though.
I didn't even know there was a North Africa campaign until I read about it online in my freshman year.
It would be easy to say it was a problem of their parents (who got divorced a year or so later) for both expecting the school to teach everything, and enrolling them in a catholic school because of the meme about them somehow being better. However this must be a very common occurrence for the teacher to give that kind of a reaction, so I suspect the reason is due to two factors interacting: stories and education.
Even before I was old enough to go to school I was told stories of grandparents and cousins experiences of the wars because my parents had been told just how important the was was. When I did go to school, for the early grades they only skimmed the subject of the wars just before remembrance day because they expected us to already have some knowledge about them. As the grades progressed they would actually start to teach about it (I think grade 3) and tie it into national and global history (though it would still be taught ahead of remembrance day).
I think there was kind of an expectation among the baby boom generation that their children would be taught about the wars outside of school. As such it was something that was not so important to cover in the curriculum until later since only the real complex stuff would be covered later anyway.
Now as those who have experienced the wars are almost all dead, and the baby boom generation is retiring or dying, I think that the the social learning of the wars is also dying out. So the generation that are now teachers have no direct ties to the wars, and are building off of a curriculum which had an expectation of learning outside of the class room which just isn't happening.
In short I think the problem is many of the children of the baby boom generation are not passing on stories which form a base of knowledge of the wars which has come to be expected as common knowledge.
This also relates to a lack of media featuring the World wars as a setting or even topic.
In life, there are three rules.
>Don't make yourself a problem for others.
>Don't fuck yourself up in pursuit of fun.
>Don't disrespect your ancestors.
The first is because your neighbors could easily band together and put a rock in your skull. The second is because you can easily put a rock through your skull while you're cracked out on Jaeger and whatever cheap shit you're stupid friend brought to your equally stupid social gathering. The third is because your ancestors managed to avoid fucking up on these three very simple rules in life until they passed on their genes to you.
Please. Please don't mistake the veneration of fire that you people passed on to you for the worship of ashes. That would be a violation of all three rules.
you could, but ustashe were from Croatia, not Serbia, and it's easy to point fingers at nationalist from another country and call them evil or bad.
ancestor worship is so strong that people don't want to progress and adapt to new things as they almost see it as offending the old ways, offending their grandfathers. The way their grandfathers lived is the way everyone should keep living forever. At least that's the vibe I get from a lot of people. I am aware that I stand on the shoulders of people before me.
Is this The Last of Us reference?
Such a shame about the man himself, though.
The issue is that no resistance is one homogeneous group, it was a mixture of various groups of various ideologies doing what actions they saw fit.
When Hitler has to reign people in, its usually a good sign that they might be slightly bad. They are Croatia but in the '40s they were all part of Yugoslavia.
Ancestor worship mattered when living conditions were worse and we had actual wars.
The moon is full of Jews.
ayy lmaooooooo