Claim your vidya mommy

Claim your vidya mommy.

I win


Cooking mama

You cant claim a mommy without saying what you want her to do to you

Mei all day everyday and twice on Sunday


I want to lay my head on her lap while she pets my head.

You can fuck off to /soc/ for erp


I want a hug from mama Gardevoir
Maybe some uninterrupted sleep and cuddling
She could even help me with these goddamn captchas where I'm clearly selecting all the boxes with vehicles but it still says it's invalid, I swear to god Google is doing this multiple times in a row just so they can flesh out their car bots more quickly jesus christ

she's my daughteru
are you my grandson?


if you ever get the skip option always skip till you get a gas station or store front

dont help aide whatever ai they're building. Skipping sometimes leads to a tick with zero effort.


Don't talk about my mom like that!

i claim FAT BAT TATS

Is areola slip the most patrician fetish?

I win fuck you all



your mom should have told you what legacy captcha is, you dumb brat.

ur all good man, ill just take the superior mommy

I can't hear you over the fulfillment of all my deep, dark fantasies

you win this round

is it okay if I stick my dick between your mom's inviting tits?

You bastard

>overwatch, undertail and bing bing wahoo
pleb taste

I bet you don't even have a mom, fag

what the fuck is "bing bing wahoo"


the wop in red hat

I want to train with her and go out for hot coca afterwards

you dingus


I want her to feed me her Chateau Cremia


>make these threads during the day, they get deleted instantly
>wait until the wee hours of the morning when the mods are asleep

There's a hint you dumbasses should be taking. Report and hide.

whatever you fucking say faggot

>telling me to report content I like
kys my senpai, nice bait tho


This one

for a fee

>pimping out your mom

you're a dirty son

less yapping more paying.

What would you want a vidya mom for?

There's a face I thought I'd never see again.

and you're okay with me thrusting into your mom after I pay?

>I just imagined a kid selling him mom to his friends in school. They pay up, then he brings them around the house and leaves them alone with her to seduce her.

There's a face I'm always happy to see.


Can someone give me a quick rundown on that mommy meme?

*his mom


Isn't it self explanatory? The 'joke' is that anons act like infants.

the cool way to say "mario" around these parts, kid.

>neighborhood boys bow to mommy
>in contact with your school
>possess psychic-like abilities
>control the house with an iron but fair fist
>married your dad but wants you to be the man of the house
>will bankroll your college tuition if you're a good boy
>supplies 99% of the milk you drink
>will always love you
>makes sure you're skilled at sex for when you get a gf
>mommy's massive tits make the best pillows

And here I thought I'd be too late.

I love her

Wow do you have a blog I can follow? I'd love to find out more about what you imagine and think.

think its bobobo

Mistral is the sweetest mom

People here are so low, instead of imagining characters you're attracted to as your wife, you're imagining them as your mom (your father's wife)

You guys have hot moms

>your father's wife

white boy detected

this rundown is too short

This Jesus Christ

It's a meme you dolt


guess i'll settle for lianshi

i love my mommy!

> loving a corpse

>"bing bing wahoo" became a legitimate way to call mario on Sup Forums
what the fuck


Bump, lmao


I love my mommy.