What is the least horrible game from nuBioWare (2011-today)
What is the least horrible game from nuBioWare (2011-today)
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Mass effect 2
Mass Effect 1>Mass Effect 3>Mass Effect 2> Mass Effect: Andromeda
The one where you play as the only person that can save your people. I think it had a cast of rather uninteresting but diverse characters, lackluster side quests, decisions that have no importance, a dialogue wheel and the ability to romance your party members with middle school pickup lines despite constant threat of death.
I dunno. I only played ME 3 in that timeframe, and it was so bad I stopped playing any games from EA. It was the final nail in the coffin for me.
Mass Effect 2 is way better than Mass Effect 1 though.
>implying sjw gate was good
Bioware was always "progressive" (translation: anti white culture) since bg2 where strong womyn, empowered minorities and homosexuals treated as normal was rampant.
Hell, in jade empire you could LITERALLY be a fag ruler IN ANCIENT CHINA!
I want all the nu-ggs to wake up and realize games were ALWAYS shitty agenda drenched tools and we must kill the industry for good of our children.
>3 better than 2
No way, fag.
Or just shoot things and don't be such an empty headed faggot that you can be influenced by a devs agenda.
Since 2011?
ME3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inquisition > Andromeda
ME3 had parts that were shit, but the last two were pure-strain shit.
>our children
Remove yourself and your retarded children from my video games.
I am not, but this kid generation is gullible and easily brainwashed by libshit agenda. I simply want to defend and wake them up so they can remain proud of their race and straight sexuality
But Miranda is my favorite character.
ME1 was pre 2011
>Hell, in jade empire you could LITERALLY be a fag ruler IN ANCIENT CHINA!
Aside from all bullshit, what's wrong with that?
It's treated as normal, when the ancient people would kill fags on sight, as we should have learned to continue.
He's trying to apply real world logic to a game that features elephant people. Don't bother.
>Homophobia is often present in those with latent homosexual tendencies.
Why are you so angry about what someone might do at home? They didn't invite you?
I don't care that fags exist, degenerates always will and as long as they don't recruit, keep it private and don't show it, I don't care. I care about them shoving an agenda to trick young boys and girls into their cult. It's literally brainwashing.
Something I suspect you've been exposed to. Do you even know how it works? They rape children and tell them it's normal to continue the cycle. That's why 99% gay men have molested kids, or want to, and 100% gays have in turn been abused in childhood
>it has humans
DA Inquisition and DA Origins.
From 2011 onwards, the only correct answer is Dragon Age Inquisition.
>when the ancient people would kill fags on sight
Sure bro.
>He believes Christian accounts on Romans and Greeks
They're notorious liars. Do you also think Romans fed "innocent" christcucks to lions?
>That's why 99% gay men have molested kids, or want to, and 100% gays have in turn been abused in childhood
I believe there is merit to an opinion like this, but with those numbers you get no credibility.
I'm on my phone so I don't have the infographs at hand. But you seem like an open minded guy so I'll do you a solid. Check out Sup Forums at 8 chan. They'll show you what's really going on unlike the memecucks at this Sup Forums who only cares about pushing a meme agenda
user, are you retarded? We have drawn and written shit made by regular people showing how much they didn't care about buttfucking. Actually, no one cared about buttfucking except the jews, christians and muslims. Samurais had boytoy lovers (Oda Nobunaga had grade A boypussy Ranmaru Mori who grew up to be a great general), Viking fags where mocked but in the end they buried gay warriors with their male partners as husband and wife.
Those are some nice revisionist stories. The Bible taught you that?
Note how vikings killed Christians and thus were labeled as monsters, or how japs crucified them. And suddenly they're gays because christcucks can't handle banter
Bromans knew what was up.
And that's no different from anons saying they love cocks to bait people, when they really don't. Anonymity let's you troll like this.
Being alpha and fucking beta guys is no homo.
you're reaching 'giving your bro a blowjob while he's driving as a prank' degrees of denial
dont talk bible and bioshit in same thread kthx
fucking wikipedia nerd who watched Vikings season 1 before going online to talk out of your ass
If It was common, then how come post roman "art" jewish archaeologists only found a few written lines?
A few written lines?
I know you're trolling and it's pretty fun, but fucking other men was so common that Caesar is refferred as being "A husband to every beautiful woman and a wife to every beautiful man".
There was also an emperor famous for dressing as a woman and going to the bad part of town to get "raped", he later posted a reward for any alchemist that could turn him into a real woman.
What? Ancient china and japan emperors had fucking harems of young boipussy, and dont even start on greeks or mid-late romans.
The only kill fag on sight meme was only showed on northen europe and slavlands
DAO >>>>>>>>>>> Mass Effect 2 > Mass Effect 1 >>>>> DAI = DAOA >>>>> ME3 >>>>> DA2
>people actually believe this
>There was also an emperor famous for dressing as a woman and going to the bad part of town to get "raped", he later posted a reward for any alchemist that could turn him into a real woman.
>sjw thinks this is normal and healthy behaviour
So if it was accepted, how come he had to dress up? And caesar? Bullshit, his political butthurt liberal rivals said it to ruin his reputation. Like they did with Cathrine of Russia
Not arguing against your point, but that is the weakest fucking excuse ever.
>It's fiction
>Logic doesn't apply whatsoever
Anyone with half a brain cell does
He wanted to dress up, because he wanted to be a woman. Buttfucking between men was also a-ok, Caesar didn't dress up. Heliogabalus, the transvestite, was later removed because he was going too far with it.
>people will get ass blasted over this
I miss MDK2
Well, looks like user had a revelation since he didn't reply.
Traps are not gay.