Is this the end of steam? This is potentially the largest threat they've faced, I'm actually worried

Is this the end of steam? This is potentially the largest threat they've faced, I'm actually worried.

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Nobody's going to break Steam except for Steam.

Because op didn't say.

This is wegame. A clone of steam made by Tencent, the largest publisher in China and owner of league of legends. They already have a userbase multiple times the size of steam and now they're going to release their own 'steam' client globally. Which is called WeChat, shown in op.

Nah, they'll probably just coexist. WeChat or QQ didn't kill Twitter. Sina Weibo(or VK for Russia) didn't kill Facebook. Alibaba didn't kill Amazon.

China (and Russia for that matter) isolate themselves off and just copy whatever the West is doing and make their own versions. Steam already failed to penetrate China because of protectionist policies.
What will happen is that WeGame will just eat up however millions of Chinese gamers exist (who are honestly shit-tier casual retards who play mobile games and F2P PC games) and then fail to expand into the greater globe.

looks interesting.
i hate valvecucks, so i hope this does well

To provide context, this pattern happens for basically every piece of social media, digital marketplace, or other means of communication.

Russia uses its own shit, China uses its own shit, a handful of minor random outliers do other crazy things, and then literally the entire globe shares internet space with the Americans. Steam is no different.

It's fucking China. They're just making their own system like they always do. It will only marginally affect Steam's sales, if at all.

No one except for Chinese will be using it because they don't speak chinese or live in China, so no.

If you believe that, you probably believe GOG Galaxy was going to save gaming, too.

This, Steam will die by Steam. It's its own poison.

The only possibility of that happening is if they can provide games for a cheaper price

And they likely can't


Not at all


You know all those fictional companies that are a combination of Apple, Pharmaceuticals, and Entertainment?

Well that's Tencent's game. They'll use China's loyalty to buy western companies to absorb.

>Going into a chinese controlled economic system.

a void where copyright doesn't exist

sounds fun, I can totally see game developers jumping in

>buying games


There's also a problem with the name.

"WeGame" sounds very simular to "WeebGame", which is in common enough use now to be recoginized and put people off/get them made fun of xbone style.

>"WeGame" sounds very simular to "WeebGame", which is in common enough use now to be recoginized and put people off/get them made fun of xbone style.

You are so fucking retarded it hurts.

Your view of the world is so narrow, and so filtered through this shithole that you really don't have a fucking clue as to anything beyond establishments that sell hot pockets, do you?

not an argument

Good. Steam monopoly is pure cancer. Maybe Valve will actually make some videogames for a change instead of selling hats and making billions off other people and DRM.

When, if ever, was the last time you used a Chinese made digital platform including social, media, storefront, game, or otherwise? China makes things for the Chinese because of extreme consumer laws and the citizens being extremely distrustful of foreign companies.
You will not be using this WeChat or Wegame thing

I don't even know what that is but I'm gonna wager it and say it's not.

No, it was a statement.

You're an idiot with an infantile understanding of the world and business.

not an argument

We're all forgetting to ask the bigger questions.. is it DRM?

any bets on who'll run out of steam first?

>Is this the end of steam?
>This is potentially the largest threat they've faced,
>I'm actually worried.
Why do you feel the need to write like a worthless pathetic autist from reddit?

I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or not. If you agree that it's just going to be a China-only thing, do you seriously think they'll be worried about a possible ENGLISH insult?

you can already get cheap steam games from amazon, fucking gamestop, etc. etc. steam's true ((monopoly)) is social interaction and playing to people's compulsion to have everything in one place and that's what steam won over. people have all their friends, groups, forums, games, trading, all in a one stop shop. if someone wants to beat it they have out service it.

Why would people use some chinese platform they have prejudices against instead of sticking to their already established steam libraries

Why are chinks so shit at design? Every piece of software they come up with is some ungodly mix of gaudy cartoonish shit and futuristic neon fuckery.
Absolutely disgusting.

So publishers and everyone who been releasing games on steam also all the people that been using steam for yeard are going to run to the chinks? If you wanted a (You) you could have just said it.

I don't agree with china-only. It's being rolled out as a global thing.

Don't blame others for your lack of reading comprehension.

It was never said to be "being used by normies everywhere". It was stated to be "common enough to be recoginized", which it is.

I bet you think only Sup Forums is saying cuck still, don't you.

Why would I want to install software from china and especially from tencent?

>Africa West of America
>No Asia

>implying chinks don't fall for the same thing

>But the Chinese think it sounds awkward, and isn't easily understood.

>One Weibo user griped that it's hard to pronounce two similar-sounding syllables one after the other.

>"It's terrible; please send this feedback to your boss," said one user. "What a low-standard name," said another.

>Weibo users are also saying that the Aibiying sounded a lot like a company selling sex toys, because "bi" is a homonym for a crude slang term for vagina, and "ying" sounds like the Chinese word for lust.

Steam will become completely dead in China and will also likely be blocked to make way for Tencent.

Wtf how does a Marvel movie have anything to do with this?

hahahahahah, their games don't even want to glance at sea region at all

They only see asia for economy. Entertainment industry ? zero fuck

Fuck chinks.

Chink hate thread?

>chink shit

no fucking thanks

Cool. Will it have Half-Life 3?

itll need games that aren't just smartphone apps
knowning tencent and china, theyll make it as obnoxious as possible to publish on their platform

>chink software
>chink anything
>the end of steam?

valve dick riders will never leave the teat of gaben

>Chinese steam
No thanks. Will be stolen games paradise

I can't wait to play all those great, original games like 10 flavors of LoL, Not-TF2 and Not-Overwatch.

>chink shit

Real excited for that Chinese originality.

What are they even gonna sell on this platform

Hey! But this is our chance to play chink Pokemon and extra chink KOF (not to be confused with the actual chink KOF). Right?


Not the end but will put Gaben in enough pressure to actually step up and try something new instead of making more hats
He has been trying to make dota 2 more popular years after years to compete with LOL, and now this happen

When you guys talk about black people it seems like a joke for the most part, but when the chinese come up I see tons of legitimate vitriol.
The fuck did they ever do to you? There are Chinese gamers that hate their government and just want to enjoy a steam substitute. Is that so unreasonable?

Chinks are lazy cunts who have never produced anything.

Come up with your own ideas for once, faggots.

>There are Chinese gamers

And they're plebs who play mobile games and F2P PC shit. When they do play anything of value, they pirate it.

Why am I supposed to respect them again?

That's the main market of every country, Sup Forums

Holy fuck.
China really is the cheap bootleg version of Japan.

Chinks are subhuman scum.

>accusing people you don't like of being Sup Forums

Not my fault you're ignorant of the data.

Part 1, China. 45% of their market is mobile.

Part 2, worldwide 2016. Note how mobile is only 27% worldwide. Chinese are almost twice as likely to be mobileshitters.

Part 3, USA. Only 29% mobile, which is 2% higher than the global value. Overall, typical market.

most people are still going to have all of their games on steam
why would they switch to this chink version?

Part 4, China in 2015, gross revenue. Note how MMOs (mostly F2P) represent ~55% of revenue and mobile is maybe 20-25%. That's a 70% cancer rate.

Part 5, global mobile.

A lot of this is Japan's fault but China's growth (here ) will remain the driving factor in the Asian mobile game cancer market.

This is cool stuff, thanks for posting it

And finally part 6, UK market. Mobile is even lower here, a pathetic 19% of the market.

So don't pull this shit about "bawww mobileshit is the standard across all countries!" It's not. China and Japan are cancer mode in this regard. In the long run China will do more damage to gaming since they have much more people than Japan.

Don't forget the card and itemjewing thanks to the glorious steam community market.

They don't even try to hide the fact that the only way to get a high steamlevel is by buying their shit through the communitymarket.

No wonder the chinese userbase gets constantly shafted with missing chinese text/audio/whatever in games.

If the only thing they got for marketing is a picture with chingchong symbols on it I highly doubt it'll have much of an effect on the international market, but what else do you expect from the "people" that copy every successful invention on earth.

Oh boy, I can't wait to play:
Medium-Life 3
Squad Castle 2
Left 2 Die

And let's not forget the 3rd party games:

Obscure Spirits
Last Imagination XV
Road of Exile
Risein 4

And many more!

I already got GoG and TPB, it's all I need

>China makes chinese ripoff of X
>Holy shit is this the end of X guise
Every single time with you fags

They have such a hold on the market its insane

Too many chinadickriders among us here on Sup Forums, there were a slew of them too on Sup Forums talking about how their football team will take over the world once they've done that CRISPr gene editing thing

This is why leafs should be banned.

>Obscure Spirits
Can't be any worse than 2, bring it.

What is it?

Ah ok
>same as steam
>but with less games
>100% more chinese censorship
>500% higher risk of having your card info stolen

So nobody will use this outside china and is not a competitor at all, got it.