This is your Lord of Calamity for tonight

This is your Lord of Calamity for tonight.

Is that any good? Looks kinda like a bad unity game.

It is a great Tales of game.

Pretty gud if you like japanese-style edge, the character development is better than most games though

Forgot to add that Magilou is best girl

how big of a difference titles actually make?

The entire party is great.
I love everyone of these ridiculous faggots.

It took me this game to realize that most of the time, when you let the player pick the dialogue it comes out dull as dish water. Simple exchanges of information with a quip thrown in for good measure.
Berseria has much more fulfilling and engaging dialogue, despite no interactive element.

Definitely agree, they're probably my favourite JRPG party of all time. I even loved the characters I thought I'd hate, Eleanor went from worst to top-3 over the course of the game.

I love how she's initially dismissive of the title, but then actually starts using it to sound cool.

The graphics aren't anything to write home about, but the mechanics are decent and run so deep that I don't think I've even gotten the hang of everything on my playthrough.

Plus the story is really good.


This game is fucking amazing and I'm not sure I'll be able to enjoy any other Tales game after this one. The combat syste, story, characters, graphics and mechanics are literally the best in the series BY FAR.

That being said, I'm having a ton of fun playing as Magilou lately, ever since I got that item that lets you charge a lvl1 spell, then press L2 and charge the next one and so on it's just fantastic to play as her, blasting out explode and final embrace is so much fun. It just disappoints me that she doesn't have more artes, for a mage she has a pretty lackluster selection of big exploding spells.

Eizen is my overall favourite though, great spells and cool physical attacks.

The other characters are ok, but velvet is just boring as fuck to play as, I haven't been using her in a while, she's also pretty retarded when AI controlled because she spams her claw and ends up with 1hp, then gets killed.

Played the card game with my sister using the Magic Carta cards, it was pretty fun.

Is this a Jojo reference?

Velvet is broken as fuck.
Especially against large groups of enemies. You can basically infinitely chain attacks together thanks to consuming claw and never run out of steam once.

Not that Magilou doesn't turn any fight against casters into a stroll in the park.

I still have huge trouble using Rokurou effectively, because frankly in the glorious free-for-all that are the fights in ToB it's pretty hard to tell sometimes when an enemy is geering up to attack you. And half of the time they get interrupted by another party member dropkicking in from the side.

Amazing game. Slightly better than Persona 5 if you ask me.

Characters are amazing. Story is engaging. Combat is fun. Can't wait to see where the series goes next now that Baba is out of the company.

Yeah I know Velvet is broken, in fact I just let her pop in when I need to spam some enemy that is annoying me, but for every other fight I just use Eizen, Magilou and Elentor. As for Rokuro, I just don't enjoy his fighting style that much either. If I have to find a flaw, there should have been more spells.

That being said, how the fuck do you get permanently more souls? I'm like 70 hours in and I still start all my normal battles with 3 souls. I got a bunch of acerites that will give me more souls if I wear equipment that has been enhanced 20 or 30 times but I can't get that high with any equipment, I'd have to enhance all of my shit to level 5 but there's no way that I know of to get the materials.

There must be something I'm missing here.

It might be, but Jojo didn't invent posing weirdly.

It's kinda weird. The first half of the game made me think I should be shipping Rokurou and Velvet. But the second half is all about Laphicet trying to get out of the adoptive son zone.

Next game will hopefully have better grafix now that PS3 is dead.
It looks like they're slowly learning from their mistakes, at least on the PC port side.
Maybe their next engine will be optimised for both PC and PS4.
A man can dream.

Upgrade your equipment.
+3 equals +1 starting soul, etc.

Magilou is my wife

Eleanor is great because she goes through so much development in such a short time.
Plus it's kinda fun how much time she spends getting blown the fuck out by Velvet and crew before she finally becomes a willing participant.

Also this.

The fuck? I have some +3 equipment but I'm pretty sure I never started any normal battle with 4 souls.

I think you need to have several pieces upgraded
Google it

The sum of the enhanced gear has to be +25.

Rokurou is for Eleanor anyway. And Phi punches out God for Berubetto.

>no kraken queen to whip pleasure into me

There's a bonus each 5 total '+' you have

Why does this game even have healing artes
They don't do shit
At least Resurrection and Life do something useful

You have to beat bosses and get the special things first though.



I think you need like a total of +25 to have 1 more initial starting soul.

It goes
Bonus Blast Max
Bonus HP Regen
Bonus Star Max
Bonus Start Star
And I think it goes up to +35

Finished this today, first tales of game I've played. Felt slightly unfulfilled. Did I do something wrong? Took me a bit under 100 hours with all the side quests. Is it worth a second play though on a harder difficulty?

You could have changed the difficulty at any given point in the game if it wasn't doing it for you user.

Nope, I'm pretty sure there's just one ending

Best tales game.

At long last a good tales but the ending seems lacking

But bestest girl is Eizen though

Little ways in, I'm enjoying Ber/ss/eria so far.

Shit got dark really quickly but it was nice seeing Velvet's life before she became an edgelord.

She's not edgy though.

>Have to sacrifice a dying child to save the world
>Have a plan to bring true peace to humanity
>Try to explain my actions by comparing us to birds who instinctively fly to people who instincitvely fight
>Get murdered by some edgy woman that calls herself the Lord of Calamity

Artorius did EVERYTHING wrong.

I know, I just couldn't think of anything else to call her.

Early game Berubetto goes though a slight edgy phase but mellows out of it pretty quickly.

Playing it right now and its really fun. Did it sell well enough for a sequel?

good story, ok graphics, meh gameplay, good acting, meh animation

Didn't realise till later on that there were about 4 difficulties above normal. Moderate is probably the way to go for first play though.

I played on Hard -> Intense -> Chaos on first playthrough
Everything was super easy except for anything past the final Shigure fight and optional bosses

You forgot
>child was dying anyways from incurable disease
>child volunteered for sacrifice

His actions weren't that bad.

Is she made for cuddling?

>Knowingly wants to transform humanity into robots
>Just because he's feeling angst
Naw he's edgier than Velvet

They were bad but not that bad. Just took things a little too far.

>Have a plan to bring true peace to humanity


I just want to say I liked Dyle. RPGs with monster characters is always good in my book.

Why I hate this game gameplay so much? am I doing something wrong?
>I just button smash until everything is dead
>I don't know what I'm doing but I'm wining
>leveling up doesn't feel like getting stronger
>I never have any material to upgrade equipment
>never use cooking since it's a pain to bring up the menu
>never use the other characters because I don't know how to play them and velvet is still stronger
>30 fucking hours in, the game is still showing tutorials about the characters combos which I don't remember 2 minutes later and never use
>dangerous encounters doesn't actually gives you more equipment xp than battling 1 by 1
>no incentive to fight monsters, you can just run past them
>you can cheat at any time if you lower the difficulty and beat an optional boss
>almost 40 hours in I still don't understand how to gain the blue soul things except when you stun somebody, on boss battles you don't have enough to make more than 2 combos and you're constantly losing them because of guarantee stuns from bosses

I simply don't get it, I've played every single action rpg out there and none have this artificial complexity and no one ever mentions it JUST

>>you can cheat at any time if you lower the difficulty and beat an optional boss
You were just complaing about it being too easy and then you talk about lowering the difficulty yourself on bosses to remove challenge. This problem is your fault.
>>almost 40 hours in I still don't understand how to gain the blue soul things except when you stun somebody, on boss battles you don't have enough to make more than 2 combos and you're constantly losing them because of guarantee stuns from bosses
You ignored cooking and could get more souls that way. You can also do it via equipment upgrades.

That shit was a communist, ant-hill hellscape, user.
In Artorious' perfect world, none of us would be able to shitpost here.
Most of us would be building fucking wells somewhere or ploughing fields or throwing ourselves into ponds to provide sustenance for fishes.

And that's not even getting into the fact that Innominat was just an asshole.

>Tfw Dyle has more personality and charm than most of Zesteria's cast

I wish he was a playable party member.

>Tfw no Tales game with style and effort like Persona 5

Some of you faggots better start posting some best girl Magilou right fucking now.

What the hell would you even call Velvet's style?

Punk-Rock Domina?

My name is not important

I would but her true name is too long to remember.

Just met the girl, I gotta say she's very eccentric.

I always dressed her in the pirate outfit and cowboy hat.

She gets better lategame

Mazhigigika Miludin do Din Nolurun Dou

Shit tier story about religion being evil
Characters are even worse than persona 5 ones

>I will get no pity or compassion from her
Why even live

It's not about religion, you knob.
It's about human emotion. Just because the Abbey acts as the game's villain, doesn't mean that there's some kind of fedora stance here.

>RPGs with monster characters
>no monster character in the party

I take what I can get.

I've put all my equipment and such into focus instead of attack and now combat is super fun.

>no incentive to fight monsters, you can just run past them
>you can cheat at any time if you lower the difficulty and beat an optional boss
You're doing something very fucking wrong if you're simply skipping battles only because you can and that you can make the game piss easy because it's too hard for you and then say you hate the gameplay. It's by no means a perfect game but you actually sound like a little bitch.

You mean Magi(you)

I did that too with Velvet. Instead of oneshotting shit I now just combo to infinity. Anyone know about those related arte things where if you press the mystic arte button during the casting cooldown of artes you perform another arte instead? I keep accidentally mystic arting instead.

Are those the ones with the yellow name with an arrow? Is that what those are? Couldn't figure it out.
Games more fun when you combo. Spamming heaven's claw or whatever it's called constantly then one shotting a big group with a 15x break finisher.

It's just not happening.
I play almost every Tales game and I keep expecting them to improve and mature in some way, but they never do. They just shuffle the stale character archetypes around.

Yeah the yellow names. I really wanted to figure it out but I don't know what the fuck a casting cooldown is or when it happens.

So instead of mindlessly pressing buttons for 2 minutes I should mindlessly press buttons for 10 minutes? it's like playing a musou game but with 1~8 enemies

I just read about the difficulty in this game and it's literally difficulty by numbers, the AI is the same. So in conclusion there's no point on playing this game on harder mode, but it's a good anime.

Tfw berubetto will never scold you...


I love tales games, especially berseria. If only these games had a higher production value...

>almost 40 hours in I still don't understand how to gain the blue soul things except when you stun somebody, on boss battles you don't have enough to make more than 2 combos and you're constantly losing them because of guarantee stuns from bosses

Stun chance is dependent on how many souls you/the boss/enemy currently have. The higher the souls, the higher chance of getting stunned, the lower the souls, the chance to get stunned is lower.

I could be wrong but I think having low souls also increases the chance to stun as well.

I had to figure out how stuns fucking work because I play as the best character YOUR WIDE OPEN! BURN!. DIE OR BE KILLED


y-you too


I want to impregnate Velvet while holding hands

Change to his hat hairstyle then give him the black sunglasses. Enjoy.

He have the Best ending having the milf and loli

How long is this game? I've played 77 hours and I'm at the part after you fight Melchior in that alternate dimension and then end up on that island. I'm getting endgame vibes now but there's still so much shit that's unresolved.

You still got the volcano dungeon to go through, then you're at endgame where the final dungeon is available, but every sidequests opens up.

Hey user, whatchu thinkin' about?

>Velvet is sealed forever
>Elanore died of old age
>Magilou died after breaking her oath and telling Velvet's story to the royal family
>Laphicet was corrupted by Malevolence
>Rokurou disappeared
>Eizen turned into a dragon and was killed

It's suffering knowing their backstory

What should domesticated prickleboars be called?

No, I hated the combat too. The real problem is
>Throw walls of text at you giving a detailed explanation of the combat system when you are still trying to figure out what a "soul" or "break gauge" is.
>You can just button mash trash and win so it's all useless to you until you actually need it

Fuck that ninja turtle for stealing my 5 elixir



I assume between the last dungeon and the sidequests it will be fully explained what the fuck is up with Magilou and Rokurou, right? Especially Roku, I feel like I don't know shit about him, also where's his hometown?