What was the biggest lie in vidya history?
What was the biggest lie in vidya history?
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See that mountain? you can climb
you can see the facade in their eyes
it just works
The cake.
its scary that they actually belived they made something good and something to be proud of
even for early access indy crap its still lacking.
No mans sky could have easily been one of those crappy steam game that some people recommend on the basis that it tried something different.
Thats the thing when you work on a project like this with the same people for so long without getting any outside input, everyone else gives you confirmation you are doing good even if you arent
I bet it smells fucking awful in that room
That video games are fun.
he was talking about high hrothgar and YOU CAN climb it
so it wasn't a lie at all
That vidya isn't dead
Video games were.
the scent of judaism
>I don't like these people
>therefore they smell bad and don't wash eww
The only person who smells bad is you, you fat projecting shitlard.
Doritos Pope laid it on them pretty hard a few weeks before the game came out, flat out told them NMS would never fly for $60 and they needed to drop the price. Sean refused to listen, he legitimately believed in the pile of garbage he produced.
Nah, that would be the meme that reviewers are impartial.
charging less would have made it worse because more people would have bought it
it was unfixable
He also suggested they consider Early Access, which was ignored as well.
>Games used to be better
They were you baiting underage fuckstick.
Walking up a set of stairs isnt "climbing".
The fuck is this?
actually it is by definition, you climb stairs
That Bloodborne is meant to be hard.
I went in completely blind and managed to platinum it in 10 days.
Name two game franchises that were better 10-20 years ago than they are now.
Developers don't set prices
What is the point in posting this exact post in every thread, every day? I now it's autism, but surely there's another explanation.
I just can't believe anyone fell for this obvious fucking scam. You are a fucking DUMB.
There were great games 20 years ago and there were shit games 20 years ago. Spoilers: there are great games today, and there are shit games today.
No they weren't. People compare shitty games against old good games. There's just more shitty games now but not less good games.
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy
Silent Hill
They do when they are self-publishing. Which Hello Games did with NMS, Sony just paid for marketing in exchange for some limited PS4 exclusivity.
Speaking of No Man's Sky
>What autists with beards think they look like
>What they actually look like
"lol opening my mouth wide is much cooler than smiling like a normie"
Silent Hill
Silent Hill
>I beat the game twice in 7 minutes, and a third time 6 hours later.
Uh huh. Yeah. I'm sure you played through the entire game 3 times and got a platinum in 10 days.
I'm guessing you had a guide hold your little hand step by step throughout the entire thing. At which point: why even bother playing it? Why not watch a LP?
>Fire Emblem
>The Legend of Zelda
The back of the box for Daytona USA on Sega Saturn (PAL version) actually said the game was arcade perfect.
I don't think a bigger lie than that is even possible.
The Sims
The Settlers
Duke Nukem
Heroes of might and magic
Age of empires
Command and Conquer
Elder Scrolls, Fallout
This isn't autism, this is the nu-male.
Sorry to inform you, but the games didn't get worse, you just got older. All of you are blinded by nostalgia
All of them.
And you're a classic bastion of masculinity make, right?
How have you so easily forgotten
>"Mass Effect is too big to end with 'choose ending A, B, or C'"
>Literally ends that exact way
I honestly don't know why I expected an answer other than this.
Compared to these faggots I'm fucking rambo.
Capcom saying the will never make a another Super version of Street Fighter. They kinda bent the truth there.
there was no lie, a bunch of idiots just thought that concept would make a good game, despite Spore having already demonstrated it does not.
I guess the kids who were into this were too young to have played Spore.
It does look like they smell bad. The werewolf guy looks unkempt.
I didn't use a guide, dare I say a guide is barely necessary given you have spectres and notes showing and telling you what to do everything step of the way.
Rambo might have been 250lbs, but he was muscle.
I chuckled
>tfw never played Mass Effect
>tfw never fell for the Bioware meme
I never played NMS but what's wrong with the concept of it? Plenty of games do random generation well. Daggerfall, Civilization, Worms.
>Didn't get worse
Galaxy is going to celebrate its 10 year anniversary in a few months, care to tell me what the series has accomplished since then? Dark Moon and BiS were fun but unless Odyssey lives up to expectations the series is more or less dead to me.
You didn't elaborate on why those franchises were better then and i'm not elaborating on why you're wrong. fair trade.
You told people to give you example, they give you examples, and you essentially say "Nah those don't count because I say they don't. They don't conform with my opinions, so.".
Get fucking real. I know there are quite a lot of fucking invalids on this board who put forth the most asinine, retarded opinions and statements unto the threads around here, but that shit is on an entirely different level. Come the fuck on.
well, if you copy the safe file to a usb before the final boss fight you can get all 3 endings in one go
I've never seen anyone say they thought Galaxy 2 was inferior to Galaxy before, so that's kind of interesting
I'm not that guy or anything, I just thought I'd comment
Yeah? I want you to show me the scene where the spectre or note tells you how to clear 2 endings in 5 minutes.
If you respond with anything else, I'll know you're lying. BB isn't even the top 10 of my favorite games ever (nor is any of the Souls games), but I don't believe for a second that you ran through the game 3 times in a day.
Nothing is wrong with the concept, but that's all it has, which to be fair other than Sean lying about multiplayer, is all it was ever marketed as. When a game has to sell itself on something other than gameplay, you know something is up.
>the only woman in the picture is a dude.
that BOTW is 10/10 GOTY GOAT and not just another 8/10 with Zelda in the name
That bearded cunt has such a punchable face.
I didn't, I ran through it twice.
>"I can't believe we're getting away with this shit"
most of you are probably too young to remember what happened here, still hurts
They never announced it, so it does not qualify as a lie.
>I want you to show me the scene where the spectre or note tells you how to clear 2 endings in 5 minutes.
Congrats. Disengaging with you now.
>0 results
>2 unsatisfactory results
How many hours did you sink into the game? 10 days doesn't mean shit if you were playing 12 hours per day.
Galaxy 2 was fantastic, don't get me wrong, but since it uses a lot of concepts and ideas from the original I wouldn't really consider it an accomplishment or anything. It has the same flaws that makes a lot of modern Mario games so soulless and boring, but it also happens to be a worthy sequel to one of the best games of all time.
>Elder scrolls
Lmao get fucked. I've played Morrowing and Oblivion and they're so fucking outdated and flawed. The quests are nice, but the games didn't age so well.
I'll be the first to admit skyrim is still flawed as well plus the questslines being a little lackluster, but the gameplay improved immensely.
See that one specific mountain, yes that one right there, no not the one one next to it?
Yes well we've put a path up that mountain. One of the levels in our game is a mountain. Isn't that precious?
The guy obviously did it for trolling and posts that same exact image with a post that is what he typed or a variation of it., don't feed him any more replies.
simply amazing
can't wait to travel up that path once i purchase this game
Congratulations on discovering subjectivity.
I got the platinum in about 70 hours, but I was fucking about in the chalice dungeons for the first few days because it's the only thing I got any enjoyment from.
Have you ever been in a programming room at a company?
Let me give you a comparison. GameStop when there is a midnight release.
That's the thing I thought the very first time I came across the image. Didn't even know what the context was; I just saw that beardy socio and did a 360. Left the way I came.
Why the fuck would you platinum and game you hate?
Are you autistic or something? I don't even platinum games I like.
you fags should have known you cant trust a hipster.
>70 hours in 10 days
Yeah. Sure. You played a game you didn't like 7 hours per day, 10 days in a row. I don't even play games I LOVE that much. It took me over a month and a half to platinum my favorite game (NieR, the original), and you can believe it didn't take me 315 hours.
Because even our 12 year old selves were smart enough to know that that was blatant horseshit.
Reminder that Bloodbornefag said Destiny was a fun and very challenging game
8/10 is generous.
I don't think anyone expected how bad it'd be though. I don't think they expected the game to be even below the gameplay demos desu.
I mean shit nigga, fucking watch this: youtube.com
Well what's your point?
If the concept of my playing for 7 hours in a day is so much, how do you think I got the platinum in those days, by playing it more? That'd surely then make it more unbelievable to you?
I had a couple of weeks off before starting a new job so I had plenry of time free.