DaS2>DaS3>BB>DaS1>prostate cancer>DeS
The true patrician choice
The Dark Souls fanbase are the worst
My man
Even amongst the falseflagging, shitposting and off-topic threads, these threads are a special kind of awful.
Bloodborne = DAS3 > DAS 1 > Demon's Soul > DAS2 + DLC > utter garbage > DAS2
Put Das3 at just above des and you've got it right.
DaS > DeS > BB = DaS2 > DaS3
Cool is this the new flavor of the month meme?
Why are people so vocal about their hate for DS3 yet it gets put at the top or near top of most ranking posts?
>muh PvP
Just fucking stop.
BB > DS2 > DS3 > DS1 > DeS
DaS > BB > DeS >= DaS2 >= DaS3
The direct sequels aren't as good as the originals.
DaS2 is obviously a salvaged mess even if it has some interesting ideas and the most anyone can say to recommend DaS3 appears to be that is "the most polished souls game and has good bossfights", half of which is a non-statement and the other half of which is subjective and propped up with some questionable taste.
PvE: DaS>BB>>>>Shadow Tower>>>>>>>everything else
The Old Hunters>BB>DaS2>DaS3>DaS>everything else
prostate cancer better than a game?
i dont get it
I like how you didn't include DaS3 because that's the correct way to do it and that travesty should be forgotten.
Quintessence of Art
DaS2 = reddit
DaS, DaS3 = Sup Forums
BB = Sup Forums
DeS = ?
spotting assblasted pcbros is so fun in these threads, you can just tell they don't mean what they're posting
Only correct order
BB, DaS3 = GOAT tier
DaS, DaS2 = Ok tier
DeS = Fedora tier
Dis guy diggin it.
I admit level design of BB along with dungeons are superb and is best From ever made, but 3 has better bosses and weapons. Unfortunately BB armory sucks dick - only 1-3 decent weapons in the pile of useless trash. Which is reducing replayability of the game.
Literal cancer of Sup Forums with shit taste
>the autists who always drag BB into DS discussions
>BB has nothing to do with Souls series
>3 has BETTER weapons.
>1-3 decent weapons in useless trash ( bloodborne).
>only 1-3 decent weapons in the pile of useless trash
bloodborne > ds1 > demon's souls > ds3 > ds2
How do you rate them?
but its a sequel to demon's souls
You aren't supposed to actually post a picture of yourself when posting a reaction image, user
Daily reminder that DaS2 and 3 are mediocre as hell and both belong at the bottom of every list!
Neither does Demons souls
This is my opinion and I respect opinion of everyone else ITT as long as Dark Souls II is the worst one.
You're right, except DeS should be above DaS1.
Because it's a good game with a lot of good improvements, but still has a shitload of infuriatingly stupid changes. Also it runs like absolute trash, which is completely unacceptable after 2's port was flawless.
3 is also the least original and uninspired of the games, relying too heavily on trying to call back DS1 rather than telling its own story. It also loses points due to having way too many swamps in it, and most of its environments just feeling like we had seen them all before, and in some cases literally have.
you know I'm right
>any game having better weapons than BB
BB's weapons a best, this is fact. Opinion: BB is the best for invasions.
If we ignore blatant unreasonalbe DS2 hate and accept that DS3 is just a amalgamation of Bloodborne and DS1 we get:
PvP fag here, DeS gameplay needed more polish and DS3 is an unholy child which basicly forced Souls to end
This is good
BB has better pvp. DaS2 is always the same builds. Also, way too many 'muh honor'fags.
It's a good quality game that I couldn't give two shits about because what it does wrong repulses me more than what the other games do wrong.
I appreciate your tastes, though I would rate DeS on par w/DaS and BB.
Bloodborne PvP was a barely working completly unbalanced piece of steaming miyazaki shit. Only the glorious B-Team acknowledges PvPs existance.
Good game, not a good Souls game. It's a Bloodborne Souls hybrid that just doesn't work.
Always worked fine for me senpai
Did from's balancing ever do any good in dark souls?