Only about 3 hours til release, ya keen on this lads?

only about 3 hours til release, ya keen on this lads?

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what is it

It's like 7 in the morning on the 17th what kind of shithole do you live in

Oh Yes! Most Certainly! Yet Another Fantastic Remake Of A Game I Used To Play On My Beloved NES And Now I Can Play On My Nintendo Switch On The Go! Thank You Nintendo For Making Me Feel Like A Kid Again!

What games does Wonderboy compare to?

HD remake of a very early master system game, its a metroidvania style platformer where you change forms (lion, hawk, fish, dragon ) to get new ability's and access new areas

ausfag land, get a vpn?

i still own the original on my MS but i'll probably pick it up on steam when it comes out

Love the artstyle update, I didn't know this was coming out so soon

This game was my childhood, this and Golvellius, better than anything on the NES. Can't wait.

Why are you bullshitting me?

on the switch

Oh, I didn't read the fine print. Go fuck yourselves console faggots, I don't even care.

cool little extra, wonder if they put in a few new secrets too.

Get a load of this newfag

I'm impressed with how accurate to the original it is.
>You can actually transfer saves from and to the master system version

>Look at us!!! Look how progressive we are!!!! A selectable female protagonist, isn't that CRAZY????

>I-I don't even care
>*Goes back to playing the 8 year late port of Bayonetta*

Good post pc-uck

No PC version?

The original password system is retained so you can use passwords that you had in the original game and continue, or get new passwords and use them in the old game.

I do wonder if WE5T 0N3 0000 000 still works and has all the hidden shortcut doors.

I will not be spoken to like this by console trash, leave this thread.

At least she's cute and it's optional
>The game will be able to emit new passwords that will work on the original 1989 and 1991 versions.
That's impressive

I'll enjoy the gay furry porn it'll make.

uum no sweetie. You PC little boys need to wait.

Blame Monster World IV for that.

Now I wonder if they'll have new codes like D0T3 MU0 0000 000 or L1Z4 RDC UB30 000

I don't remember Wonder Boy being very good. This is number 3 right, that I had on the Megadrive or something. I didn't even know it's getting a remake but really why? Was it beloved?

She's not that cute. It still feels like forced and pointless virtue signalling tho.

>virtue signalling
You don't even know what that means, do you?

I think there were 2 Wonder Boy 3 games. This is the SMS game remade.

>virtue signalling
Judging from the blog post, yeah.
>It is a small detail, but keeping in mind that an 8 year old girl could be playing the game today, we felt that it was the right thing to do.

But there will be a PC version eventually, right?

Also wb3 monster lair

so is there a way to exploit the Switch system clock to get this earlier?

The first Wonderboy was shit. Wonderboy II and III were amazing.

Retard. Also, read this:

>Being this triggered by the existance of a female character
Don't worry, she's not real, mommy won't take away your good boy points if you look at her.

Those were both me



inb4 "centrists" get triggered by this post

I'll rather be a communist than a filthy centralist.


Fucking June. Wish they'd fuck right off with this timed exclusivity bullshit already.

Castlevania 2 except well made and actually enjoyable.


>mommy won't take away your good boy points if you look at her.
Could your insults be any more contrived? Whose actual thoughts and fears do you think this is accurately mocking?

Consoles need something to keep them in business, aside from marketing to retards scared of pcs.

This is hands down the most embarrassingly awful console release I've ever seen. I'm 30 years old btw.

Only play as the hu-man form for 1-5 minutes in the game anyway. Doesn't look like they've done female versions of the other forms, so it's almost pointless.

>extra characters is somehow bad
mind boggling really. This is why fighting games now have 12 characters and a season pass.

Lol, no

Eshop is server side

Yours, you /r9k/ shitter. Who else shits their huggies when they remember girls exist?


literally used to play the arcade version of this in the 1980's at our local swimming baths with a nice cup of vending-machine Bovril

Was interested in it cause the art style made me think of french cartoons, though it being a remake of a Master System game it's probably gonna be pretty simple.

Monster World IV was fine, they also dropped the "Wonder Boy" name for that.
They didn't add a pointless character just for politics' sake.

The devs confirmed new secrets and a hard mode in a video.

Wonderboy 3 remake looks beautiful but it does seem to be literally the same game. I replayed it a couple of years ago and it's pretty short, not sure if I'd need to play it again even if it looks great.

Curious about the other wonder boy style game though

damn... i can't believe gamefreak crumbled under the pressure of sjw and added a playable cis female character...

Damn I forgot this was even coming out, now I can feel a little less bad about dropping 300 bucks on a Switch for one game. Me and my friend used to stay up all night playing this shit back when it came out.

God, this is why you should *never* read up on the people who are developing the games you're looking forward to.

>a game I used to love turned into cancerous flash furrshit

This hurts more than you can imagine.

I'd say the trailer is kind of misleading in that way. You see her running around areas Hu-Man doesn't even get to without using a code.

t. baiting retard that can't understand the point of the discussion.

>buzzwords and le feels man

Damn you Sup Forums as fuck

You need to reel in your reactions. I get that there's a glut of idiots on the internet that say stupid shit like "MY DAUGHTER NOW THINKS THAT WOMEN CAN'T CLIMB MOUNTAINS BECAUSE BRETAH OF THE WILD DOESN'T HAVE A GENDER SLIDER", but you don't need to conflate their stupidity with reality.

A little girl might want to play as a girl. Just as 95% of Sup Forums wants to play as a girl. There's nothing wrong meeting those desires from a marketing perspective, nor is there anything wrong wanting to make a game that appeals to more people.

Could you be any more of an insufferable faggot?

Koshiro is doing the soundtrack so it better be good.

Because it's true. I ain't supporting some numale developer who turned a great game into this trash. Furries like you need to kill yourselfs.

The studio that made Wonder Boy went under a while ago.

It's the same game with an art change you autist.

The artwork looks like dobson shit.

Just press a button and it changes all the graphics into the game you loved.

Little bitch faggots who hate everything for no good reason (Sup Forums memes isn't a good reason) need to kill themselves, because life is clearly not working out for you.

You don't really play as the human characters though. Anybody playing this and going "I want to play as the girl" is in for a shock.

I'm not saying that this is wrong or outrageous. I'm just saying that this feels like pointless, eye-roll worthy virtue signalling rather than everything else. Because that's exactly what it is. That's all, it's just a comment.

it's like Shantae but less shitty?

What is wrong with any of this? The most offensive thing I've read is probably

I'm not the guy you're responding to, nor do I agree with his overreaction, but it is a fact that they're doing this for ideological reasons, not to diversify the gameplay experience or to appeal to a broader audience. They've said so themselves.

I don't see this as an issue in its consequences, however, since the game doesn't look propagandistic in any way, and I actually enjoy being able to choose between different characters.

t. baiting retard that can't understand the point of the addition.

Just change it then. You can even change the music.

And the fact that you're reacting so violently tells nothing but the fact that you can't handle that females exist in the first place. If you really thought it was pointless you wouldn't have gotten so angry about it in the first place.

The game looks really good, but Wonder Boy didn't needed a remake.

Bad games need. Or dated games.

Then I might as well play my master system without giving money to numale fags. Sell your garbage someplace else and go fuck your dog or whatever you furries do.

>life is clearly not working out for you
Says the furry. Oh, the ironing.

Then wouldn't the original game be just as furry, making you a life-long furfag?

Kill yourself either way, fur/regular faggot

>Dot Emu is making the game
Oh boy, enjoy your endless crash and bugs everywhere with no patch to be seen for months.
Then a patch will come out and break even more stuff
Enjoy paying for trash made by trash

Your Master System version has less secrets, no hard mode, and no widescreen option.

>Writing a tamely ironic shitpost that mocks cringey politicized developers is a violent reaction

Just hang yourself mate.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, tame or not. Just like ironically shitting your pants still means mommy needs to change you, autist.

The fact that you even posted that picture invalidates any idea you might have of embarrassing, champ.

The guy making it is responsible for dumping SMS roms for 20 years and made an emulator so it's his life long dream

t. retarded shitposter

>What is wrong with any of this?
Yeah, I know people have grown rather numb to certain flavors of ideology to such a degree that they can't even fathom why others might roll their eyes, so maybe I can explain my perspective on this by changing a few words:

>As it turns out, games are mostly made by people! We strive to secure a future for the white race in the workplace and have a robot blender called Marvin, for the lack of more Aryan humans. Are you a racially pure human or a mulatto bastard? We might like to hear from you!

Maybe this will illustrate why I think ideological babble is such cringy shit that has no place in a company's official self-description.

I'm glad you were finally able to admit it. That's the first step towards controlling your spergouts.

The original doesn't look like your cancerous flash furshit, numale-kun.

At least it's from Westone and not some furry numales.

no u r

It's time for indie developers to stop developing for themselves.

You talk in nothing but memes, you need to go.

It instead looks like 90's furshit, which is just as bad. Deal with it closet case.

Relax, they're only acting as publisher.
Lizardcube is the developer of this title.

Ah, good to know then. My hopes are restored.