So today I will tell my girlfriend of one year that I am into video games

So today I will tell my girlfriend of one year that I am into video games.

What retro ps1/ps2 games should I show her?
I'm thinking something singleplayer, platformers like Crash/Spyro or maybe something spoopy like RE.

How did you hide a primary interest of yours for a year? The relationship is doomed to failure.

buy and play the newest trending games you stupid fuck, shes gonna think you dont have money if you play shit from the 90s
also give her attention or weed and dont ingore her coz of the game, thats when shes gonna start hating whatever youre playing

Not primary interest. She asked me about vidya on our second date and said how its for losers... so I said im not that into it.

Too late to dump me over that now.

>She asked me about vidya on our second date and said how its for losers, Too late to dump me over that now.
nigger she'll leave you in a heartbeat

>not telling someone you play video games in fear of being dumped

Are you underage? what happens when she comes over and can visibly see all those video beams on the shelf?

>get told that video games are for losers
>next year have to tell her that you love video games and actually spend your time posting frog pictures on the video game section of a japanese cartoon forum
Well hopefully she'll look past it, OP

reddit thread starts with a redditfrog OP
how unsuprising

Unless she's too dumb to be worth dating, there's no way after a year she doesn't know you play video games. Also if you actually spent a year hiding what you do for fun from her, that relationship is going to crash and burn harder than the Hindenburg.

say that puss goodbye

on an unrelated note: captcha is being a real cunt lately

I hide my consoles every time she is over
I tell her my second screen on my pc is for video editing and learning to program

Doesn't everyone do this?

>he doesn't share his loli folder with his gf

>Lie to a girl for a year
>Expect her to still trust you
Well, good luck, OP. I hope you learn from this experience.

No, I have games in the shelf and they're not coming down just because a cunt is coming over

>>get told that video games are for losers
>>next year have to tell her that you love video games and actually spend your time posting frog pictures on the video game section of a japanese cartoon forum
she should dump you for bing a looser and not being able to tell her one of your interests then bring it up autisticly a year later by making such a big deal over it. for fuck sakes man grow some balls

user the question only applies to people who actually have women over.

either she thinks you're a faggot for lying or she is secretly into vidya. almost certainly the former. you're fucked senpai

>I hide my consoles every time she is over
dude seriously? She might have had some thoughts knowing you play video games but she'd have got over it

she's going to definitely have more of a reaction to finding out that you've been hiding all of this for a year

>living a lie

don't do this to yourself

Well OP, since she's breaking up with you, why not post her tits?

It's a good thing your mother visited yesterday then

So basically she doesn't know the whole story about you, but she will learn that you've successfully lied to her for a year and she'll never trust you again.

You have been together for a year and she doesn't know you like video games?

my mother is a SAINT

personally i wouldve left or defended my hobby at the point where shes pulling the loser card coz im normie as fuck bro and if i dont like your shitty taste i can always get another girl who´s not mentally a petty, toxic 12 year old teen girl

If she wasnt a girl you wouldnt listen to her shit for two seconds so just think if its really that much fun to be stuck with someone who´s dropping movies suck games suck music sucks level degeneracy.

So if the sex isnt good, drop her out within a month. This is like BLM activist marrying a neonazi coz of not liking racism so that she could be hearing racism every day of the week

I don't understand this sort of thing. One of the first thing me and my gf bonded over was Oblivion dialogue. I still call her Breton trash to this day

If you gotta change yourself to be with somebody then they aren't worth being with

That's because you tried this One Weird Trick called being in a relationship with someone compatible with you instead of lying about your hobbies

That's because you have shit taste and you found the most tryhard normie girl to match.

Pure on the streets, whore in the sheets :^)

das deep mang

This might the saddest thread I have seen in a long time


You lost the moment you started acting like a bitch.

I mean both of us like non casual shit too

That's not always true. Let's say you do something that's bad for yourself, like eating fast food every day. You meet a girl, and she talks about how she hates fast food because of how terrible it is. Changing your diet to be with her would be a good thing, as it would not only improve the relationship, but your health, as well.

>like dark souls LEL XD

>hey uh... remember how you said you hated video games on our first date
>well uh.. hmm... haha....
>uh... actually I love video games and have hidden them from you for a year
>d-do you want to p-play spyro?

yeah op´s some next level cuck lmao

Buggs bunny lost in time, there is no pussy that could possibly resist it

This is what fat women say.

Yo come back later or tomorrow and tell us how it went, genuinely curious

What the fuck are you doing user, do you think she will break up with you for playing games?

new vegas, metal gear, and dmc. I never actually played dark souls, should I?

I don't know why I'm responding to you

but if you eat fast food every day it's because you like to do so more thanyou care about your health, so by having a relationship with healthy girl you loose out on something you enjoy

You are the biggest fucking loser on Sup Forums right now, but it has nothing to do with whether you like video games. God you're pathetic.

>but if you eat fast food every day it's because you like to do so more thanyou care about your health

very naive reasoning

>new vegas, metal gear,
>non casual
if you said fallout 1 or 2 and not trash like metal gear you would of been ok.
as for dark souls its ok but not hard like everyone says. worth a play if you have a weekend spare with no other games to play, not worth setting aside time for it though.
you need to play the first fallout games though and then once you get the bug go play other games like baulders gate and planescape

I played Planescape actually and she played F1 actually, funny you mention that. I recently ordered Demon's Souls because I'm autistic and want to play them in release order, has it aged well?

What? Almost everyone games these days. Games make more money than movies or TV. People read books, watch TV then play some vidya,

"Into games" This has to be the most retarded post ever.

well fuck you too user

No. I like Demon Souls a lot, but it's aged terribly in comparison to the other games.

>rekindling relationship with ex
>haha look at all the funny memes I got from the internet
>user WTF ARE U A PEDO?!

We didn't get back together

>Demon's Souls
i havent played it since release so i wouldnt have a clue.
>I played Planescape actually and she played F1 actually
yeah nice sorry to doubt you, its just eveyrone played fallout and metal gear they arnt realy non casual games now days.

nbd we're on a mongolian cave painting forum

have a nice day user play some vidya

>very naive reasoning
very naive post

>So today I will tell my girlfriend of one year that I am into video games
but why?

because I think playing them with her could give us something new to do

Soon ex-girlfriend