Atlus had finally the chance to make it big in the JRPG world...

Atlus had finally the chance to make it big in the JRPG world, especially after how mediocre FFXV turned out to be and they blew it by making the games exclusive to a dead platform and the dudebro machine. They were competing with just one other game this year for RPG of the year which is tales of berseria, yet they decided just to leave it to die on platforms without any audience for games like this.

Why is atlus so retarded?

It's sold 1.5 million copies already dummy.

A PC version would have added another 200k copies, at best (like Nier Automata)

>"lol no games!"
>gets game
>"Exlcusivity is cancer and there's no reason for it to exist, my computer is powerful enough to run it and developers are holding the game hostage for arbitrary reasons. Boycott Atlus!"

YOU'LL NEVER EVER SEE IT COMING hahaha pkeks haahahahaha

This isn't FF killer, shit is as bad as XV and treats the player like an idiot

Persona and XV are the worst overhyped shit i played this gen, to think people waited years for these

>treats the player like an idiot

Hi, casual scrub. How is your day today?

>casual scrub
>because he's against hand holding

Looks like it's not only atlus who's retarded.

Jrpgs sells 200k copies at best on pc
1 million pirate it

Do you have any evidence to back up your claim on piracy?

You nintendicksuckers truly are the most whiny and pathetic

>Game is bad for explaining the mechanics in it
When will this fucking meme end?


Xenoblade Chronicles got pirated by 1.5 million people on pc

I don't understand what you mean, since the two areas in which difficulty happens in Persona 5 are battle and time management, both things in which past the initial non-committal "Here's how you do things" you get absolutely zero guidance in.
The dungeons also get less obvious as the game goes on, so I don't really get what part of the game are you complaining about.

Unless you're playing on normal and your complaint is "wtf it's too easy, i hate atlus now???"

The way its told in P5 is ridiculous, it's a 5th game in the series and it's constantly telling you shit with its 18 hours tutorial, how are they expecting all of its players to be new to the franchise?

Every fucking game should be like souls in this regard where if you want to know the tutorials, look up the notes otherwise just do whatever

Stay mad

Literally no, battles are braindead easy regardless of difficulty and unlike smt games where if you fuck up and miss an attack there's no consequences to losing your next turn. And yeah those mosaic puzzles were so damn hard huh?

>and time management
How the fuck can you have an issue with time management? Beat the dungeon in a few days and you have the rest if the month to what you want, rinse and repeat.

Love how you try downplay the initial "this is how you play" period when it takes 20 hours to get past that point

I timed it. It takes exactly 6:30h till you're absolutely free to do whatever you want. You get some pointers and tutorials later as well, but they usually make up three boxes or, in the case of the first visit to mementos, take up a day in which you still do shit in mementos. In these first 6:30 hours, however, you still DO shit, even though it's very straightforward and railroaded. Still, between story segments and a few anime cutscenes, you get little action-adventure like mini-quests and a few chances to save. Seeing how the game is around 110 hours long, that's not too big a part of the experience.

Are you really this stupid? Having to look up information through other sources to play a product your purchased is fucking retarded. New players exist no matter how late a series is, don't want to read 10-15 seconds of text? Just skip it with a button.

Face it, it would have sold far better on PC.

The only people who own playstations are dudebros with no taste in games.

>battles are braindead easy regardless of difficulty
Kamoshida boss fight forced me to stop playing in hard tho. I was fucked by RNG every time I was close to snap his crown

Whatever you want to tell yourself, friend.

Got a petition? I'd give you a pity signature

>yet they decided just to leave it to die on platforms without any audience for games like this.
They released it in the platform with the biggest audience for games like these though.

>Are you really this stupid? Having to look up information through other sources to play a product your purchased is fucking retarded

Have you ever played souls? That is not how the tutorial is told ingame, it's told through small notes on the floor and they are very very short

Assmad PC mustard rice begfags are legitimately worse than any of the console warriors.


See you in 3 days user.

Name one japanese game that was originally a console game that sold better on PC. Just one.

Valkyria Chronicles, EDF 4.1, the nep remakes.

Can we just bring instruction manuals back?

Wrong on all counts.

Oh, guess facts don't matter when it hurts your feelings, huh?


Your delusions aren't facts.

You're the only one who is delusional here you retard.

the only other feasible platform for Persona 5 is the PSVITA

While a Vita version would have been successful in Japan, It wouldn't sell in NA and Europe

Unless you're insinuating that a JRPG would sell better on Xbox One and PC which would be the height of delusion

>the only other feasible platform for Persona 5 is the PSVITA
There will be a handheld version of P5 and there's currently only one handheld strong enough for it. It's the switch.

I guess pcfags will NEVER SEE IT COMMING

How about an option to say I've played the other games and don't need handholding

Battle in P5 is easy by Persona standards. Did you play P3? The floor bosses in Tartarus (not the story ones) always gave you a major difficulty spike where you had to really think about buffs/debuffs and also whether or not to use your limited healing items. You don't get any of that in P5.

I legitimately had no problems with P3 and I played through it twice on Hard.

I'm not saying it was a problem, I'm saying it was a welcome challenge which isn't present in either 4 or 5.

>lol no games
>lol dudebro machine
>ps4 exclusive list gets posted
>lol weebshit

I'll never understand this.

You don't need to understand shitposters

It's almost as if there are more than 2 people...

Maybe because they didn't actually sell it on PC you mong

>and they blew it by making the games exclusive to a dead platform

But FFXV isn't on PC

> yet they decided just to leave it to die on platforms without any audience for games like this.
>no audience for japanese games where japanese games sells the most

Why PC shit eaters are so mentally challenged?

source: my butthole

No way, you PCbros would've pirated this masterpiece. P5 belongs to us Sonybros.

>mfw PCfags will never EVER get Persona 5

It's already running on emulators.

it's unplayable at absymal framerate and crashes

They can't get DeS, a seven year old game, to 30fps

Within 2 weeks after release. Give it a month or two and it will run better than the PS4 version.

How old a game is doesn't matter for emulation. PS3 emulation had a breakthrough this year so it will go smooth from here on out.

I admire your optimism, user.

>it will run better than the PS4 version.

I'm talking about existing things, not your imaginary dimension land.

>anime reaction images
Is there a faster way to say "I don't have any arguments so I'm going to post something that is supposed to upset you"?

>it will run better than PS4 because my cringe ass want it

You are funny guy


Now I understand the reaction image. Nobody takes you serious when you type stuff out. You should stick with them, some at least look good.

Oh look another child trying to start a "war" about gaming machines. How original. If you want a game just buy the machine that plays it.....or ask your mom for one.

Except they confirmed it isn't happening

>(western) PR manager who left the company said stupid shit on twitter because he snapped

He's as far from P5 developement and decision making as you are.

I'm not even the same guy. Instead sticking to his reaction image you could prove us wrong and finally post source of your hot news.

>source: my hairy ass

Persona 5 is single player though so that reply makes no sense at all as a group of people wouldn't sit round you as you play a 50 plus hour JRPG.


>Face it, it would have sold far better on PC.
Bullshit. You would've fucking pirated it.

You literally lost 2 sony exclusives to the switch this week.

>t would have sold far better on PC.

You haven't played a single player game with a group of friends and swapped turns before?

Every time i boot up P5 my roommates come and watch.

>it would have sold far better on PC.

>PC fanboys
>having friends

Can somebody edit this gif so at the bottom it reads "DEAL WITH IT"?

>playing Persona
>have to go take a dump
>realize I have to stop having fun cause this is not a Switch game
Fuck you, Atlus.




>not taking the controller with you and shitting with the door open so you can still see your TV and play the game
It's not that fucking hard.

No because friends tend to be retarded and they would get us killed. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you man?

Remoteplay it on your vita :^)

Anybody else think Sony fans don't deserve video games? Not that I wanted this weeb shit of course, but this entire fanbase is obnoxious and filled with spoiled children. They're not even people.

You can't see any tvs from my fucking bathroom.



persona has always been on a Sony console other than q and never on pc why would alienate their fans for another system.
Are pcbros this stupid?


>and never on pc
>Are pcbros this stupid?
You played yourself like a retard.

You obviously don't like the game why do you care?

>Not that I wanted this weeb shit of course
Keep telling yourself that.

You dont even know what that means faggot. Cant think of reply so you google an image.

*slowfuckingclap* Have a gold star for effort.

I could also seamlessly go to bed while playing the game if it wasn't a fucking PS game. The Switch is a game changer, I can't go back to static consoles after it.

never knew that,
still the newer ones 3 and 4 pretty much introduced people to the series, 1 and also 2 don't really count they are the worst in the series SMT easily triumphs them.

>using shitting while playing as a legit excuse for a switch.
You can't make this up

the fuck?


The vita is a portable user, what are you talking about?

That's what remoteplay is for.

It means that you're a complete autist if that's what you truly believe.