Please stop being shit at this game. It's honestly not that hard to do.
Please stop being shit at this game. It's honestly not that hard to do
Maybe you should take your own advice.
Stop playing a shit game then.
Just played a round where everybody sucked so hard that my wife could carry the team single-handedly. :^)
But my tracking and flicks are shit, thank god for all the projectile characters
this is the best I can do right now
hoping to slowly make the climb to GM
>get a mercy on team
>never hides when she has ult and always dies with ult
How do people fail at playing the easiest hero in the game? You literally just have to hide when you have ult, Ana can easily keep up with the missing heals when mercy is hiding.
Because fags keep screaming for healing and run towards you showing the enemy where you are hiding and kill you
T. Mercy main
stop treating a casual game designed for kids like a competitive game
Please stop playing this shit game. It's honestly not that hard to do.
epic troll you worthless pathetic autist
>Team dies in a massive area because our DPS is a Genji and Tracer both of whom are constantly trying to flank instead of staying with the team
>Manage to get a 3 res off
>Get wiped again
>Team blames me for the lack of heals while I waited for them to die
you can't stop me and you can't stop me picking Hanzo
You know the game is garbage when flankers are punished for doing their job
Im trying senpai but everyone is shit.
We had a 7 game winning streak and called it for tonight.
+28 silver vs golds
-19 silver vs golds
-20 silver vs golds
+31 silver vs golds
-20 silver vs golds
+35 gold vs golds
-40 gold vs golds
-18 gold vs golds
-22 gold vs golds
+28 gold vs plats (2 wins in a row)
+27 gold vs plats
+29 gold vs plats (2 wins in a row)
-19 gold vs plats
-30 gold vs plats
-16 gold vs plats (1 unranked hanzo on my team with 7m of exp)
+29 gold vs plats (3 man stack)
+25 gold vs plats (2 wins in a row) [4 man stack]
+20 gold vs plats (3 wins in a row) [4 man stack]
-19 vs golds
+25 vs golds
+18 vs plats
+21 vs plats
+28 vs plats
+25 vs plats (4 wins in a row) [6 man stack]
+24 vs plats (5 wins in a row) [6 man stack]
+16 vs plats (6 wins in a row) [4 man stack]
+26 vs plats (7 wins in a row) [4 man stack]
Better than them screaming for healing in the middle of a heavy firefight where if you guardian angel over you'll be targeted and killed within seconds.
Always meet your healer halfway.
Flankers should still be in the same general area as the rest of the team. The number of times I've been pushing the payload on the first bend in Kings Row and our fuckhead Genji is running around in the Omnic City area is ridiculous.
>He doesn't main Pharah
>He doesn't shoot the other Pharah out of the sky then talk shit in chat
>He doesn't force the enemy team to get S76 and McCree and constantly look up in fear
>He doesn't randomly get kills firing rockets across the map for 120 damage per direct hit
Diamond who peaked Master here (forgot about decay). Just pick Pharah or Zarya. Pharah is really easy and will quickly get you to diamond. I've been fucking around on a friend's account since she doesn't play anymore. She was low gold S3 so even though I won all 10 placement matches I placed low gold on her account. I've won every game since then except for one with a duo throwing. My winrate is 94% or something around there and I'm almost at play. I love that Blizzard almost killed win streaks. I get to shit on low ranks a lot longer.
It does bother me deeply that on the last game I got 3 penta stuns with my rein and im FUCKING GOLD vs diamonds and one person was a gold portrait frame and I looked at this stats and his season high was 4000 and I won 7 FUCKING GAMES IN A ROW and I get basically +4 bonus even though im playing people one or two divisions higher than man.
Makes perfect sense.
Why is Orisa so shit lads?
>it's a genji, hanzo and widowmaker on both teams in quick play episode
I play Roadhog, he is a ton of fun
>people still play this
>people still play WoW
>people still play hearthstone
Same tier as LoL players, which is absolutely pathetic.
Yea, he's straight up completely broken. I play him because I get teams of retards and even for me it's actually possible to carry those retards with Roadhog. Then I call them retards, they say I don't actually do anything, then I switch to widow and we lose. Good times. But yea, Blizzard is shit, Roadhog is an easy win character. I don't know how a company can be this incompetent at balancing their shit game and be in business for this long.
When playing as a three or four person premade, who should we pick to have more impact on the game? Usually we run Zenyatta/Mercy/Rein/Soldier, sometimes swapping Soldier for Ana, Zen for D.Va and Rein for Hog/Winston.
>play CTF
>enjoy the game a lot more than QP and rank
Quick-play is only good for warming up for comp. Only chumps care about winning.
How is Orisa now? I'm really enjoying her.
It's really stupid to care about winning or losing or 'rank' in this game in particular, it's just a horribly balanced game not meant to be competitive. The best you can really do is have fun shitting on people with Roadhog and watch Widowmaker highlight intros where she flaunts her thick thighs in between matches
>Ranked in comp at high Diamond and made it to Master by spamming Zarya, Lucio and Ana
>As well as actually putting effort into keeping my team alive and taking the objective
>Now spending my days dicking around in QP as Genji
Life is good.
My favorite part was receiving a free golden weapon in S1, after playing just 10 placement matches.
>be 71 in Season 1
>3600 in Season 3
>2182 in Season 4
Solo queue makes me want to kill myself
Whoever you're best at. Pharah, God76, and Zarya are strong heroes right now, but don't make someone with shit aim pick God76 just because he does a ton of damage. Don't make a retard with bad tracking and low awareness pick Zarya.
I really don't see how the fuck they can call it "skill rating" when it's based off of your fucking TEAM performance
At least in CS:GO when you solo you can still keep your rank even if you lose repeatedly because it can see you're not as shit as the rest of your team - but in Overwatch "nup you lost 5 matches in a row because our matchmaking is retarded, say goodbye to 1000 SR"
and CS:GO is shit for many other reasons
>get close to 4k mmr playing dps classes
>notice i can't reliably track enemes in cqc fights because of shitty 60 hz monitor
>can't be bothered to shell out 250 euros just to get into big boy mmr in a game that i hate playing about 50% of the time
i guess i'll just quit
I solo queued only for all seasons and am completely stuck at mediocrity and it's getting boring.
I won 9/10 of my placement matches, got silvers/golds in all of them, and somehow came out at 2400. I play competently in groups with diamonds all the time and we win fine, why am I stuck in gold?
Literally doesnt matter what you get in placements it just drops you 300sr below whatever you ended the previous season on.
Overwatch's matchmaking simply doesn't work properly
>friend solo queues hard on day 1 of season 4, gets 3200
>I can't play for a bit, eventually do my placements (6 wins 4 losses)
>get 2400
>friend and I are both confused since I'm noticeably better than him at the game
>Whoever you're best at.
Well, characters are listed are probably our strongest picks (personally I'm really confident in my D.Va and Zen play), but we are stuck in 2700-2900 range without much improvement.
Will try to learn Pharah or Soldier probably because playing premade with tank/support mains feels like relying on other people too much.
When are they going to fix mei mcree roadhog and genji and competitve attack defend maps.
>guy is over level 70 on widow
>literally asking basic questions in crossteam chat about how headshots work
>refuses to switch off widow despite being basically a free ult charge for the enemy team
>beg him to switch and he hits me with "how else am I supposed to learn widow"
>Confident in my D.Va
You need to be a damn good D.Va to be worth the pick. A lot of D.Va players think they're doing well because they get gold medals. The problem is that D.Va just tickles people so she's bound to get golds. Gold elims? Assists. Gold damage? Peppered people and fed healers ult charge.
A Zarya with golds on the other hand means she's probably doing well. Gold elims? Could still be assists. Gold damage? She keeps her energy up which means she's bubbling right and saving teammates. If I could pick 4 heroes to usually have with me I'd take Ana, Zen, God76, Zarya. The other two shitters better go Rein/Hog/Winston and Pharah/Genji/3rd tank.
QP basically is practice mode though.
The guy literally thought headshots depended on distance and tried to get closer to pop them off.
As annoying as it sounds a good Genji/Tracer can carry your team. They take a lot of time to make a meaningful impact on your team but when you put enough time in (the only real way to improve) you'll be the cornerstone of your team.
Everyone that plays this game is a faggot.
So tonight all I did was pick Widowmaker. Attack and defense. Turns out, people get immediately butthurt. "Welp! 5 VS 6 boys!" "SWITCH!" "Mercy, don't heal the Widow. Stand in front of her to block her shots."
I wasn't even trolling in game, I just happened to pick one of the 20-something characters that is off limits because meta bullshit. So despite me doing fine and racking up kills/distracting half the enemy team most matches, MY team was so fucking busy crying that I was costing them the game that they would either give up instantly or be so defeated that we'd just lose.
Fuck you faggots. She's hot. She's good. She's in the game. If I pick McCree and got no kills all game you wouldn't have a problem.
Let me guess user, you always lose because of your 'team' right?
>more people playing
>the competitive system has become more fair
>people have got better while you have not
Is this really a difficult concept to grasp?
>lol just carry five other people flawlessly in every game you play bro it's not hard
Did you have silver/gold elims?
Anyone who isnt at least diamond is shit
Its easy to carry your team to at least diamond
Is tghere a quick way to level up? I need a middle ground. If I play with my buddy it's too hard, but I'm about level 15 or something, so just trounce who I'm playing with. I've played like 6 rounds every other month since I got it.
Why are you getting mad at qp? That's exactly what qp was made for, learn and practice. I personally only play mcree or widow to hone my aim and I got a lot better thanks to that (I almost exclusively play reinh or Lucio so I can't aim for shit)
Being in a group gives 20% bonus XP. Don't leave the lobby you're in (being kicked to skirmish to find another lobby is fine) and you get more XP bonuses for consecutive matches. I recommend Mystery Heroes. Go in there and group other noobs for XP then just stay there and make sure you're always in a group.
Basically just play in groups, if you play with a decent team request to stay together for the 20% exp boost. Use your time at lower levels to get a solid understanding of the basics of every hero, or at least pile a ton of time into one hero from each category so you cover all bases. You won't be ready for competitive by 25 I don't think, so use this time to learn characters and maps.
You realize people hate her because she is useless to the team right?
Even Mcree can atleast soak up some bullets for the healer meanwhile your widow either has perfect or shit aim and never even touches the point.
Never lol.
>healer doesn't heal
>mercy uses ulti as soon as she gets it, regardless if situation calls for it
>DPS does ?????
>poor rein tries too keep his shield up but DPS is nowhere to be found to thin out the enemy
>literally dying and just jumping in one by one and dying one by one, repeat this the whole game
>hanzo (all though to be fair, he can sometimes be good)
>''hey can you pick another tank, we could use 2''
>''oh yea, no, I'm McCree main''
>Lucio just runs around walls with his speed boost, doesn't do objective or anything, just runs around
>''don't worry guys, I'll take soldier to counter their Pharah''
>proceeds to focus Rein
>Ana boosts Mercy
>ultis are randomly used whenever, situation is not important at all
>What's that? We got the objective you say? Let's move away from it!
>*leaves the game*
>*leaves the game 2*
You're right, user, why am I so bad at this game holy shit?!?
>Like melee but know it isnt a competitive fighting game
Not hard.
This, it's mind boggling how people complain about solo queue so much.
If you're not good enough to consistantly carry games you don't deserve higher MMR.
Hello user, I can gather 6 people together with ONE button so I can proceed to fuck them with my left click, amazing right?
Tldr: play zarya and carry, she's designed for that.
/owg/ needs purging hard, shitty little ratnest where tumblr fags have made space.
there is only one common factor in the games you play: YOU
if you improve, you will win more games.
Every now and then you will lose and it wont be your "fault", but that doesnt mean you should stop learning, every loss means you probally did something wrong.
if you dont want to improve, but want to rise through the ranks, dont bother.
That's right user.
You NEVER get carried.
Your contribution is ALWAYS the highest.
When you win you DESERVE it.
Wow, you can do this every 2 minutes or so and you also need someone else to combo with you! Nice solo, faggot!
>Not even level 100 and sitting in diamond
>people who are level 500 stuck in gold
I would kill myself
Holy fuck you're stupid. I really hope you're just trolling me, otherwise you really shouldn't be allowed in public.
>get 5 gold including healing despite having two healers
>if we win a solid 50% of the time it was from me clutching harder than holy fuck
>if we lose it was because I couldn't carry the weight of my fat fucking retard team the same percentage
>rarely actually meet an enemy team who outskills me outright, usually die from a combination of attrition and poor support
>game widely is regarded to have the stupidest playerbase in existence but if anyone directly complains about it it's always their fault
Well most people think flanking means being 10 miles from your team for some reason.
Also there are times to flank and times to fight with your team, say for example teamfights
I saw a gold-portrait while I was climbing out of silver and they couldn't play for shit. Literally stood still to shoot at enemies with Zenyatta then switched to Genji halfway through even though we already had 3 DPS on defense.
>tfw solo que heal into diamond from plat
>tfw 6 hanzo mains in a row put me back down to gold
>Try healing gold shitters
>impossible to secure kills
>Now have to play better dps and tank with my alts
>still 60% win rate
>Work up to plat
How can people play this game for so long and still not get it? Or do I just really deserve diamond?
Flankers/fucking monkey focus you, your team doesn't protect you, you are always the first-second to die.
People die far apart from each other, or in intervals of 10 seconds.
t. Mercy main.
But it's true.
If YOU get better you will win more games.
How do you think actual good players can get to high MMRs on multiple accounts?
It's just because they always get lucky with their teams right?
Because the game encourages casuals to play it and if there's one fact of life it's that casuals are what they are for a reason and never learn or get better.
They're normalfags who are on par with non-intelligent animals like jellyfish or female comedians.
>mercy uses ulti as soon as she gets it, regardless if situation calls for it
Right now the SR system demand her to use it all the time to get 25-30 sr for each win, or look at only getting 17 sr per win. The system rewards shitty playing, but that mercy probably already has given up and is just hoping to luck out
>get put in a fucking awful team
>get demolished in a couple minutes
every fucking time, this happens all the time now
what is it with this matchmaking system?
Because they play in groups with people who know what they're doing just like everyone else. It's literally what /owg/ will tell you to do and what every single GM will tell you to do if you want to reliably climb.
I dare you to go fucking play legendary uprising right now with random pubbies and then come back and say it was your fault you lost and not some stupid slackjawed dipshit who chose Junkshit or Roadhog
I love the fixed 50/50 win/loss ratio in competitive~
Thanks for making it easy for me, guys!
I mean the closer you are the bigger the head the easier the shot is to make. His logic isn't flawed yours is retarded kys.
Or just not be shit. Even if you 'reliably climb' (Which doesn't happen in groups because you'll hit a brick wall eventually) you won't be much good in solo-q. Learn solo-queue first, work on the comms and you'll be able to climb just fine.
Ster did it all alone
He's a "pro player" though
Go do it right now. If you're here arguing you're already proving my point.
Don't have the level to carry an entire team user
I just gave you a person who did it, you can look it up
>Because they play in groups with people who know what they're doing just like everyone else
This legitimaely is not true.
There's plenty of streamer GMs / high 3ks who exclusively solo queue.
EXACTLY the same shit happens in Dota 2 which is a vastly more complex game, people get to high MMRs solo on multiple accounts by being good at the game.
Jesus Christ online competitive games make people fucking delusional about how actually good they are at the game. I KNOW IT HURTS TO JUST BE AVERAGE, BUT NIGGA IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO PROPERLY PUT EFFORT INTO IMPROVING IT'S WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO BE.
GM+ on multiple accounts. One of which is solo-q only. Maybe the circlejerk over at /owg/ with a couple GM players in it thinks otherwise, but it's not. If you wanna climb and not earn it, play in groups with people who are better than you.
Don't blame solo-q for your failure to climb.
If you want to rank up, honestly just go for a losing streak. The dumbass system will then place you in matches where you are guaranteed to win and you'll boost past your previous rank high.
I haven't played since S2 ended. Is the game better or worse now? Is Reinhardt still good? Who else is?
definitely more balanced in terms of usable team compositions.
Rein still necessary tank. Ana is more balanced. S76 is pretty good. Lucio takes skill now. Mei is currently broken and unplayable.
Everything else is close to how it was before.
Why do Arabs always play as Genji, Hanzo and Widowmaker?
wrong with a 30% winrate
What happened to Mei?
>playing Overwatch
Her spray and ultimate don't slow since the patch hit.
It's extremely worrying that it's not fixed after a whole week and that they haven't even bothered to at least deactivate her. Do they even give a shit about the game ?
It's Overwatch, I don't need to git gud, I just need to mash Q.
I'm just at a shit rank because the game is rigged to keep down veteran FPS pros like me.
>Have been doing uprising over and over again on Legendary
>People still get staggered after the first Orisa
I just want my spray.